lend me your genes

Chapter 72 Abandonment

Chapter 72 Abandonment
Li Yiqi, who was surrounded by students from Lanshui Middle School, looked at the two of them and left, opening a can of Coke.

Since you can't persuade me to go in, forget it.

"When did you learn rock climbing? It shocked them all."

"Brother Qi, it's really good to hide it!"

"Brother Qi is so upbeat!"

A group of classmates surrounded Li Yiqi, patted him on the shoulder, rubbed his head, or pushed him with their elbows, laughing and joking, Li Yiqi didn't bother to pay attention to them, and raised his hand to drink Coke.

Someone slapped him on the back suddenly, and this slap almost choked Li Yiqi.

Li Yiqi glanced back at the person behind her, and found that it was Ma Jun. This guy took advantage of the big guys pushing and shoving, but he also came to pat the two brothers, fishing in troubled waters.He wasn't angry, but thought it was a little funny, and asked lightly.

"Take the opportunity to take revenge?"

After being discovered, Ma Jun became angry with embarrassment, his face flushed slightly.

"Aren't you naive, Ma Jun, you're still thinking about the cafeteria, and you actually took the opportunity to take revenge?" Some students said.

"Fuck off!"

A group of young men are fighting and fighting, they are all half-adolescent, no matter how deep the enmity is, they can't remember it for a long time.Ma Jun's gritted hatred for Li Yiqi a month ago has now faded into wanting to beat her up.But he couldn't beat it again and again, so he could only make people choke.

"Coach, how do we choose oarsmen?"

"It's also a good arm strength, you all come over and test one by one, don't surround yourself."

The other students went to test their arm strength, Li Yiqi stepped back to watch them drinking Coke, and when she saw Guan Xin in the crowd, she nodded to her unexpectedly.

Seeing Li Yiqi, Guan Xin was still wondering whether to come over to say hello, after all, he had already encountered a setback last time.Seeing that Li Yiqi took the initiative to nod and greet her, she was a little happy and walked over immediately.

"Are you representing the team to win the championship this year?"

"If there are no accidents, it should be."

"Okay, then I will definitely come to the scene to cheer for you!"

"Thank you."

Li Yiqi finished her coke and wanted to throw the can away, but she couldn't find a trash can. There was only a huge trash can like a courier locker next to it, with a display screen on it.

After living in isolation for a month, the biggest change after returning was that the trash cans in Ning City were gone.

He doesn't feel like throwing garbage anymore.

Seeing this, Guan Xin said, "Just throw it in."

Li Yiqi squeezed the coke can and threw it into the opening of the garbage bin. A second after the coke can was thrown in, two lines of words popped up on the electronic display of the garbage bin.

【Recyclable Garbage Cans】

【Yi Mao】

Then there was a huge payment code, beckoning him to scan it.

"Is there any money left?"

Li Yiqi accidentally picked up her phone and scanned the QR code, and she did receive a dime.

Guan Xin smiled and said, "Isn't it convenient? In the future, I finally don't have to sort the garbage by myself. I can just throw it in with my hands free. This kind of smart garbage cabinet will help us separate the garbage, and the garbage with recycling value can be exchanged for money."

Li Yiqi nodded.

He also thought the trash cabinet was nice.

But he suddenly thought of Luo Ze again, and thought of the old man carrying waste products he saw on the bridge, and felt that this thing was not good.With the popularization of this kind of intelligent sorting garbage bins, it may become very difficult for people who make a living by picking up waste products.



"I'm sorry, all the waste cardboard in our store has been thrown away, so there's not much left for you."

"it's okay no problem."

"Hey, there are no unwanted boxes in our store, do you want to go to the next door and ask?"

"Okay, excuse me."

The old man apologized to the other party and returned to the tricycle.

At this time in the past, the tricycle should be full of waste cardboard and plastic bottles, but now the tricycle is empty, only a palm-thick stack of waste cardboard, these waste cardboards were deliberately left for him by others to see him as pitiful .

Since the trash cans in the streets and alleys have become this kind of comprehensive trash cabinet, he can no longer pick up plastic bottles in the trash can, and everyone likes to throw the unwanted plastic bottle express boxes directly into the trash cabinet for money.

The old man was silent for a while, patted the back seat of the tricycle, and said to the black dog, "Hei Zi, come up."

The black dog was very smart and jumped into the car immediately.

The old man was riding a tricycle with a black dog on the bicycle lane.All around, shared electric vehicles pass by like fish, which are lighter and more flexible than bulky tricycles.

As dusk fell and the lights came on, the lights on the road were collectively turned on under traffic control, and the surrounding buildings and billboards were also lit up, and the huge 3D projection advertisement became clearer.

The cool wind pours on the body.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

The old man riding a tricycle coughed suddenly.

The black dog whimpered nervously in the back seat of the tricycle, wishing to go around to see how the old man was doing.

"...It's okay, it's just the cold wind blowing in."

The old man stopped the car.

Compared with the cough, the pain in the stomach is really uncomfortable.The old man's limbs were thin and thin, but his stomach was slightly enlarged. That stomach was not a beer belly, but swelling caused by ascites.

The old man's name is Li Chunlong. He used to be an old accountant. Later, with the development of software bookkeeping, a large number of accountants were laid off, and he became one of the laid-off employees.

After that, he ran sales, delivered food, and was a little rich. Later, he got liver disease and his wife ran away, so he stayed with his old father and lived with him.Ten years ago, his old father passed away, and he had no idea of ​​struggle, so he lived on food and savings.

After adopting Hei Zai, he cheered up and wanted to make a good money.

But because of liver disease, he couldn't get a health certificate, so he couldn't deliver food. Because of liver disease, he was weak and couldn't do physical work, so he had to pick up waste products for a living.

Now that the hepatitis has turned into cirrhosis of the liver, he will not live well for a few years.

But he still wants to live, just to accompany Hei Zai.

After the pain relieved, the old man got on the tricycle again, pedaled hard with his two thin legs, and carried a few waste products and a black dog to the waste recycling station.

After the owner of the waste recycling station gave the money to the old man, he asked the old man in embarrassment: "Do you have any other ways to make a living in the future?"

The old man was taken aback: "...what's wrong?"

"We are going to close this place and build a large comprehensive recycling station. In the future, the waste will be transported from the garbage bin, so there is no way to collect your waste."

"Oh, that's right." The old man echoed.

"Do you want to help? I still have some money, or..."

"no, I'm fine!"

The old man waved his hands again and again, rejected the other party's mercy, and left in a daze.


The black dog couldn't understand human conversations, but he could sense that the old man was in a bad mood, and looked up at him worriedly.

As a Weinheim dog, it is thin, and its hair is not as shiny as other dogs. It even has a little moss on its back, but because the old man has no money, he has never looked at it.

Li Chunlong was silent for a long time, and patted its head with rough hands to comfort it.

"it's okay no problem."

He rode a tricycle, drove the black dog out of the waste recycling station, and came to a machine cafeteria.

There is no chef in this machine cafeteria, and only huge robotic arms are cooking. Because the technology content is relatively high and it focuses on future concepts, the price is not cheap.The old man used to look at it from a distance and didn't dare to go in. Today is the first time he went in.

Ordering here is also controlled through the display screen, and you can order with the robotic arm yourself.

Looking at the dazzling display screen, the old man is still educated, and he doesn’t need the help of the young people to teach him how to order. He quickly ordered a braised pork rice by himself. Pack.

The huge mechanical arm with blue light quickly started cooking.

After a while, a piece of fragrant braised pork rice was handed over by the robotic arm.

The old man took the packaged braised pork rice and returned to the side of the tricycle.

The black dog had been tied to the side of the tricycle, and immediately wagged its tail happily when the old man came back.

The old man opened the stewed pork rice and put it on the tricycle. Without moving a mouthful, he let the dog eat it with a hoarse voice: "Hey boy, eat it."

He rode the tricycle again.

The black dog on the tricycle devoured the stewed pork rice. The old man continued to step on the tricycle with his two thin legs, and came to the Lingjiang Bridge in one breath.

The Lingjiang River is misty, the wind is cold and strong, and the high-rise buildings on the banks of the river are brightly lit.The wide river seems to be able to accommodate everything, including those who have been abandoned by the times.

After the old man parked the tricycle, he strode to the edge of the railing and stepped down without stopping.

There was no trace of the old man on the bridge.

The black dog on the tricycle who was still licking the food box was stunned. After a second of silence, he jumped down. However, the Lingjiang Bridge has railings. Beside the bridge, the screams were anxious and shrill.

The takeaway boy on the road opposite the bridge saw the old man jumping into the river, so he quickly detoured to this road on his electric scooter and called the police.

"Someone jumped into the river, hurry up!"

"On the Lingjiang Bridge!"

Lingjiang spent a chaotic night, and the rescue continued until late at night.


After that, there were more stray dogs on the bridge.

When the dog catchers came, it ran away, and when the dog catchers left, it came back again, and continued to return to the Lingjiang Bridge. Others fed it and refused to eat, so it lay on the edge of the railing, with its head stuck in the railing , staring intently at the river.

Some people want to raise it, but they can't coax it home. If you force it to be picked up, it will bark its teeth and growl viciously, as if it is going to bite someone.

The takeaway boy who called the police often passed by this bridge, and every time he saw the black dog, he sighed: "Why are you still here?"

the next day.

Day three.

By the fourth day, the black dog was gone.

The takeaway boy was happy to see that it was gone. He thought it was adopted by someone.

(End of this chapter)

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