
Chapter 26 Enemy, Zhang Yi inspired

Chapter 26 Old Enemy, Memory Inspired ([-])

"Brother, before reading this page, I want to tell you something." Yang Xiaochuan looked at Xu Bo with a solemn expression.

"Brother! What's the matter~ You... you are so mysterious." Xu Bo was a little puzzled.

"Before carrying out the task, what was the content of the task you received?" Yang Xiaochuan continued to ask.

"Task content?"

"Yes! Official, mission log!"

After confirming with Yang Xiaochuan, Xu Bo called up the mission log of the holographic image on his watch.

"Operation code name - Dawn of Dawn.

Action Team: Saker.

Action content: Meet with Dr. Li in the occupied area of ​​YZ City, and bring back the virus vaccine and related materials.The handover is based on the signal gun. It is necessary to confirm whether Dr. Li is safe and whether he is waiting for rescue on the tarmac of the TV tower.If the handover rescue target encounters misfortune, be sure to bring back the vaccine and related materials in the office on the top floor.

Task completion: bringing back vaccines and materials is considered as task completion.

Action site: YZ City TV Tower.

Task time: Send back the task progress and task status before 18:[-] on the third day after departure.

Mission changes: If there are sacrifices or crashes during the operation, the survivors of the Falcon team can continue to complete the mission and send back the current mission progress before 18:[-] on the third day.It can be regarded as the completion of the task, and the related personnel of the team will continue to enjoy the living qualifications in Penghu City.The welfare level of personnel associated with the sacrificial task executor is downgraded to C level.The success or failure of the mission is based on the vaccine and related materials. If the mission failed, the team's related personnel were expelled from Fucho on the second day and placed in the nearest inland shelter.

Good luck with the mission! "

Yang Xiaochuan remained calm after watching it.

"It's better to switch the power supply of your equipment to power-saving mode. As for whether we want to go up, you can make sure after reading the records on this page."

Yang Xiaochuan said solemnly, without any intention of joking.

This expression is the scariest, seeing him go upstairs to meet with Dr. Li and others, and then report to rescue and bring back the mission items.But the notebook that popped up out of nowhere made him suspicious, so he stopped there.
When Xu Bo read the following content again, his hands trembled slightly.

"Today is the 7th day of being trapped. The infected have broken through the first floor. Some have touched the 10th floor. They are the same as what I saw on the first day. They are bloodthirsty, flesh-eating, and dehumanized. Even if they are shot In the middle, we can still climb up again! There is no way, we can only reinforce the 15th floor."

"Yesterday, teammates shot and killed the infected with guns. The sound resounded throughout the building. The infected downstairs came like a tide. Stretched out their broken arms and opened their bloody mouths, they rushed towards the 15th floor."

"Everyone was terrified. We have never seen any disease that can make people so mad! We thought it was rabies. It turned out not. Among the survivors was Dr. Li who worked in a suburban pharmaceutical company. He told us that this was a kind of rabies. Viruses can be transmitted by bites, and the fatality rate is 100%"

"Of course, only one person out of hundreds of millions will develop antibodies to this virus. She is carrying a nuclear-powered mobile medical sample box in her hand. She said it will be handed over to the government, and the contents inside are very important."

"The captain specially arranged for me and another comrade-in-arms to protect her safety, but they couldn't call for help. Hey, the emotions of the survivors became more and more unstable. Although the infected people were blocked from rushing wildly, the cafeteria reserve The food is not enough for hundreds of people to feed for a few days. Today, the captain said that the communication of the military headquarters has been interrupted, and everyone is not in a good mood. We can only stand by! I hope tomorrow will be better "

After Xu Bo finished reading this page, he turned to the next page:
"Today is the 8th day of being trapped. The cafeteria has basically run out of food. The captain arranged for the team to maintain order. Several men began to negotiate with the captain. The captain just asked them to wait patiently. They seemed to have no patience and shouted to go out. .I really don’t know how these people want to go out? Can they still live after they go out? Let’s not write, the captain sent me to watch today, and I will change shifts in a while.”

"Today is the 9th day of being trapped. The men who negotiated with the captain became restless and yelled at us. They said that we did not do enough to rescue them. We had weapons in our hands and did not suppress the infected. They hid here and wanted to kill them alive." Starved to death, I really want to beat this guy up. The eyes grow to the buttocks? Which eye sees that we have something to eat? Rescue is not effective? In the following situation, a company will give away the head, right This kind of person is really speechless"

Xu Bo was very calm after reading the previous content, but when he read the last paragraph, his hands trembled uncontrollably, and the handwriting was quite scribbled. If he didn't read carefully, he couldn't understand the content at all.When Xu Bo finished reading this passage again, he firmly grasped the page of the notebook and deformed it.
"It's all dead! I was hammered by this monster and broke my ribs. I was dragged into a cabinet by Dr. Li and hid. The monster crushed Dr. Li's head and I decided to go out and fight it! All relatives Bye now!."

The content in the notebook came to an abrupt end, and Xu Bo froze in place and couldn't believe his eyes.

"Dr. Li died two years ago?"

It hit him like a bolt from the blue, and he searched for it several times in a daze, wondering if there were any other records of this soldier, but he found nothing.

Looking at Yang Xiaochuan with a dignified face and not speaking, Xu Bo felt that all this should be arranged by others!He couldn't believe that Dr. Li was dead!

"No, Dr. Li must not be dead, he is still alive! He must be alive and waiting for us on the roof!" Xu Bo was emotional, and loudly questioned the contents of the notebook to Yang Xiaochuan.

"When you went up, I was standing right under the window on the top floor, and found a large piece of glass shards next to the corpse, but there were no floor-to-ceiling windows on the wall near this side, so the corpse could only have fallen from a high altitude. He The equipment on his body is quite special, and it doesn't look like an ordinary combat team at first glance. Look." Yang Xiaochuan pointed to the vague armbands on his clothes.

"It's the special operations team of the Mole Squad in Central China before the end of the world. We meet every year during the special training. Their results are very good! They have won several championships, and they are best at explosion-proof rescue. They mainly focus on training tasks. It's a terrorist attack in the city." Xu Bo took his notebook, picked up the broken pen on the corpse's chest, and slowly recalled everything before.

"If Dr. Li is dead, who sent us the distress signal? When we were about to reach the TV tower, who fired the signal flare before we encountered the dragon lizard? If everything in the notebook is true, then Doesn’t all of this make sense?!”

Xu Bo was completely devastated. Which one is true and which one is false?
(End of this chapter)

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