
Chapter 27 The Enemy, The Reaper's Roar

Chapter 27 The Enemy, The Reaper's Roar ([-])
The sudden news made Xu Bo completely stiff in place. Unable to calm down for a long time, he silently raised his head and looked at the roof again. What is there?
In Xu Bo's view, this rescue was full of weirdness and was a conspiracy. If it was all true, it would be too unjust for his comrades to die.

"There are two hypotheses now. If Dr. Li is really dead, this mission is to cover up some kind of ulterior secret. That is to say, there is something on the roof that the mastermind wants."

Yang Xiaochuan seemed to think of something, took the notepad from Xu Bo's hand, and put it in his backpack.Looking at Xu Bo who was almost absent-minded in front of him, he said again:
"The second assumption is that the high-level officials in Penghu City didn't know about this at all. Someone used the news of Dr. Li to ask you to come to the rescue. The purpose is not clear. But I don't think this assumption is tenable. Even if you were deceived at the time, later It will still be debunked... Unless Penghu City has something that the manipulators need, this assumption will not be valid..."

Xu Bo frowned after listening to Yang Xiaochuan's analysis. He seemed to understand something. The current evidence was not sufficient. He felt that he needed to find out the truth, the life and death of his relatives, his comrades-in-arms and relatives. , are all in his hands, and he can't just give up so easily.

"Brother Xiaochuan, I don't want to trouble you. I must go up to the top of this building. The mission is over, and you have already helped me a lot!"

Xu Bo did not refute Yang Xiaochuan's analysis. Combined with his knowledge of the floating town of Penghu City in the past three years, the island is indeed a bit unusual recently.

He didn't want Yang Xiaochuan to wade into this muddy water.

"When you went up, I remembered something. I have been to this TV tower." Yang Xiaochuan said.

"You...been here?" Xu Bo looked puzzled, he knew that Yang Xiaochuan was not simple, he was a strong survivor, but he did not expect his background to be so complicated.

"That's right, I have been here before, and there are many people who came with me. I can remember that I was here, and I got separated from them..." Yang Xiaochuan tried his best to recall, with a look of fear.

"Do you remember what happened before? Is there any other important information?!" Xu Bo asked.

"No, but I can be sure that this TV tower is definitely not simple, and this may be the beginning of my amnesia!" Yang Xiaochuan couldn't remember too much, and the memory was too trivial, so he didn't dare to go too deep. What should I do if I faint again?
"Then I won't delay. I have sent a signal to the headquarters just now. The satellite communication on the watch has not found the source of the signal. It may take a while to get in touch. I am going to go to the roof now. Brother Xiaochuan, you want to Come?" Xu Bo still decided to go.

"Okay! Help people to the end, send the Buddha to the West, it's all here. For you and me, there are reasons to go up. But..." Yang Xiaochuan always had a bad feeling.

Although both of them have doubts about this matter, they have no choice until now.

Xu Bo had no choice, and Yang Xiaochuan also wanted to go deeper and see what kind of memories this TV tower could bring him.

If Xu Bo doesn't go up, then he has another plan.

Walking carefully along the steps, both of them felt uncomfortable, the smell was so suffocating that people couldn't open their eyes.

The smell of corpses vomits in the corridor, there is no ventilation, and it will be damp and moldy when you return to Nantian...

After the two reached the 6th floor, they had to take a breath in front of the broken windows on the current floor...

"It's really disgusting... This place is simply a purgatory on earth..." Xu Bo complained, observing the movement around him vigilantly.

"It's almost the same outside, but the smell is gone in the square and it's not so big. We can have today because we are buried in our own hands."

Yang Xiaochuan looked at the moss-covered wall. The lush wall-climbing vines had grown halfway, and various fungi bloomed in the shade. The vegetation grew wildly without interference.

"In the past few years, I often think that if we really have no hope of regaining the inland, then we can spend the rest of our lives on the floating town. In the face of this virus, human beings are too fragile. No matter how many sacrifices we have made before , no matter how much effort, without a vaccine, human beings will never be able to defeat it, and they will be eaten away by it bit by bit..."

After Xu Bo finished speaking, he took out a photo of his daughter and glanced at it.The little girl was wearing a white dress, with a happy smile showing two dimples.

"The sanctuary in Fucho is only temporary, and there is no way for human beings to completely get rid of the connection with the inland. Even if you want to live in peace and stability, the zombie virus is mutating. You also know the mutated creature of the flying dragon lizard. It But mutants that can fly... If there is one, there will be two, or more. You seal yourself up, they won't. According to the law of the survival instinct of species, when they expand their territory, you can't escape What's more, as long as the creatures infected by the virus are likely to mutate, have you ever thought about the huge ocean..."

Xu Bo broke out in a cold sweat when he was shocked by what Yang Xiaochuan said.

"During the period of my amnesia, the memory fragments in my mind will remind me from time to time that there are things more terrifying than zombies waiting for me. And the existence of these things may be traced back to ancient times... This is different from my previous experience Regarding, some of the details I have found are not complete. Although I don’t know how I survived before, or I was a member of a certain human group, or I was working for a floating town like you... But I There has always been a voice in my heart telling me the way to go, find the truth, defeat the zombies, retake the inland, rebuild my homeland, and restore civilization!"

Yang Xiaochuan would not feel that what he said was just nonsense. In the course of human history, everything is explored from the unknown, and the current human beings are just confused.

Because the fire of civilization is still there, science and technology, and industrial manufacturing are all existing.Unite, survive first, fly into space, will it be more difficult to defeat the virus?
Xu Bo felt that although Yang Xiaochuan was naive, thinking about an endgame pessimistically was tantamount to giving up the game.

Sometimes, being optimistic is not necessarily a bad thing, especially in such a hopeless situation.

Just as the two were hiding and chatting carefully, a familiar roar sounded in the sky not far away.

Xu Bo was taken aback for a moment, but soon recognized that they were two medium-sized aerial heavy-lift transport helicopters.Mainly used for transporting supplies.

There are two long steel ropes hanging under the fuselage, linking a huge black iron box.

When they passed overhead, they hovered over the square in front of the TV tower.

"Crack!——" The rope broke, the giant fell to the ground, and the heavy muffled sound smashed a hole in the ground.The gravel splashed, but the smoke and dust did not fall.The two helicopters turned around and left without stopping.

Xu Bo was confused by the operation in front of him.He turned his head to look at Yang Xiaochuan, which frightened him a lot.

Yang Xiaochuan's face was pale, his whole body was trembling involuntarily, the fear in his eyes can be seen by a normal person, the things in this iron box are definitely not a big gift bag.


Roaring from inside to outside, Yang Xiaochuan's memory has never flowed into his mind so smoothly.No one is more familiar with the roar in front of him than him.

If it is said to come from hell, Yang Xiaochuan believes that it comes from the evil prehistoric.

"Quick!... Run away!" Yang Xiaochuan stammered, struggling to squeeze out two words.

(End of this chapter)

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