
Chapter 28 Enemy, confront again!

Chapter 28 Enemy, confront again! (three)

The pounding sound of the giant hammering made an ear-splitting and stirring sound in the square, and every beating was breathtaking and frightening.Xu Bo didn't know what was inside, but his intuition told him that the survival rate must be very low today.

The two of them went downstairs quickly, ignoring the disgust in the corridor before.No matter what blood and viscera you stepped on, what blood and mucus stained your pants
The countdown to the sound of beating was like a reminder for them.Not daring to delay for a moment, he rushed downstairs desperately.


The side walls of the iron box were smashed with various bumps, and the giant iron wall was blown out.

When they ran to the entrance of the second floor, the iron wall had been opened.Heavy footsteps came step by step, and the corridor shook slightly.The backs of the two were completely soaked, and a huge breath of fear struck from the darkness at the stairs on the first floor
"Can't go down! Go up!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Yang Xiaochuan rushed upstairs first.But I didn't run two floors, and I had too much equipment on my body, so I couldn't run at all!The knees of both legs seemed to be filled with lead, heavy and painful.

They realize that this is not going to work.

"Throw away the backpack! Leave the automatic rifle for me to cover! You use the electromagnetic pulse cannon for a fatal blow!"

The actions of the two were very standard, without the slightest hesitation or excess.


The roar came again in the corridor, and the glass that was originally shattered was directly shaken off.All kinds of chaotic voices appeared in the corridor.There were no awakened zombies on each floor, and all of them were revived at this time.

Until the two of them returned to the sixth floor, the zombies on the flat floor appeared in the field of vision.Ruthless beheading, all the way up.They don't seem to remember how many times this was on the verge of death.No matter how many zombies there are, they are not scary. As I said before, if you encounter a large virus variant, your death is approaching.

Xu Bo was a little unwilling, and filled with resentment.His family, the family of his comrades-in-arms, and the emergence of this large-scale mutated biochemical weapon. Betrayal and betrayal are already a fact.

He didn't even have to think about who did it.From the moment he sent the signal source to the headquarters, the hunting plan had already begun.Now, he is a prey, a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Rush to the top of the building! Otherwise, we have no chance. There are too many zombies awakened upstairs and downstairs! We can't deal with large mutants and zombie groups at the same time." Yang Xiaochuan panted heavily, his legs and feet began to feel weak.

"Brother Xiaochuan! You can't go on like this! The notebook said that the corridor on the 15th floor was blocked by them!" Xu Bo said anxiously, even if he kept moving forward, there would still be a dead end.

There is no need for Xu Bo to remind him of this, Yang Xiaochuan also knows, if they don't run up and face this monster directly, what chance do they have of winning?
Judging from the power of that biochemical mutant, it has already crushed them in several dimensions.The winning rate of direct confrontation is almost zero.

Running away to the upper level now is just a tactic to slow down and think about countermeasures.

"Run to the 15th floor! Make a closure there!"

The idea of ​​going to the 15th floor is that even if there are endless zombies and the biochemical mutant monsters that are chasing now, at least they are only dealing with one direction. Even if they are cornered, they can not be attacked.

When the two reached the 10th floor, they were fighting side by side, and their physical exertion had reached their limit.It is almost impossible to continue upward and maintain sufficient physical fitness.Taking advantage of the fact that the large biochemical mutant was still in the lower corridor, they made a decisive decision to go into battle lightly.Only weapons and ammunition were left, and the rest were all thrown in the corridor on the 10th floor.

There is no regret or reluctance, as long as they can defeat this biochemical mutant, then they will be able to survive, and it is only a matter of time before they get back the materials they discarded before.

Is there any chance of getting it back?Neither of them may have thought about it.

Until I was exhausted and saw the number "15" in the corridor, it seemed that the end of my life was coming.

The legs and feet of the densely packed tables and chairs are aligned, and the rusty dark red metal products have not been moved for many years.On the other side blocked by these tables and chairs, a group of corpses have been waiting for a long time.

There are more than 100 evil spirits trapped above the head, and there are demons chasing souls downstairs.

This building has become a purgatory.No matter whether it is up or down, there is no life to be seen.

"What should I do!? There is no road ahead!" Xu Bo was sweating profusely, and he had already lost his mind.

Yang Xiaochuan looked at the zombies behind him who were blocked by tables and chairs, and on the 14th floor, the zombies in the entire hall had already emerged in an endless stream.

Where is there any time for him to think, he can only fight back step by step.

They fought a bloody road to the 14th floor flat in front of them.The remains of the zombies piled up at the entrance of the corridor.Except for those zombies who were trapped in the area and couldn't struggle out, the two almost cleared out all the zombies on the floor that could walk in front of them.

Yang Xiaochuan didn't use a pistol, and the black blood accumulated on the machete dripped towards the tip of the knife.Not a single part of his body was clean, and he had forgotten the smell of fresh air.

At this time, he was a corpse man with corpse blood and flesh dregs all over his body.

Until the figure they had been waiting for for a long time appeared in front of them, Yang Xiaochuan, who was expressionless, threw a grenade from a distance.


The huge thunder echoed in the corridor, shattering the glass around the explosion point, and the smoke and dust fell to the ground. The black figure blocked the main damage of the explosion with one arm, and responded with an angry roar, grabbing the ground. The corpse smashed towards Xu Bo who was holding an electromagnetic pulse gun in front of him.

Before the corpse flew in front of him, a wave ring shot out again.The huge energy distorts the space, wherever the wave ring goes, the corpses explode and the blood mist dissipates.And the arm of the monster in front of him was directly smashed to reveal a section.

Black blood flowed continuously down the wound.The damage of the electromagnetic pulse gun is really not blown out!
When Xu Bo gathered energy again and was about to deal a second wave of damage.The monster dodged into the corridor, and the shock wave brushed past it.

Xu Bo couldn't believe his eyes, he was directly hit by the wave ring energy but he didn't die on the spot!He gritted his teeth in hatred, while the electromagnetic pulse gun went to the cooling time.

"Brother Xiaochuan! The electromagnetic pulse cannon can't kill you in one hit! And this guy is definitely smart! The second cannon dodges!"

Xu Bo shouted to Yang Xiaochuan who was laying ambushes, he could see the scene in front of him clearly.

This evil product that should not have appeared was actually copied by today's human beings.No matter what the purpose of resurrecting him is, to Yang Xiaochuan, this is a biochemical weapon!A war killer!
Before Yang Xiaochuan could react from the words, the slight tremor reappeared.

"Be careful!" His voice fell.

The black shadow rushed out from the corridor, the monster changed its arm to block in front of it, sprinted vigorously, took a big stride and leaped vigorously, pulled its arm backward, and slammed heavily towards Xu Bo's face!
(End of this chapter)

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