
Chapter 29 The old enemy, the secret that must be erased

Chapter 29 The Enemy, the Secret That Must Be Erased ([-])
Xu Bo's eyes widened. He didn't expect such a big man to have such a fast speed.When he reacted, it was too late to dodge.

Run in big strides, take off, and raise your blood claws to attack you head-on.
The moment the blood claw was about to hit the ground, he was already prepared in his heart.With one foot forward and one foot behind, he squatted and raised the electromagnetic pulse gun above his head. The muscles on his back swelled, and the veins on his neck and dark skin visible to the naked eye protruded!

"Boom!——" One monster and one person collided with each other. Although the voice was small, there was a dull sonic boom!The electromagnetic pulse gun was cut and bent and deformed!The force was terrifying.

The ground cracks and dents due to the strong downforce.Xu Bo blocked his front door with the body of the electromagnetic pulse gun horizontally.His facial expression has been distorted, his hands are shaking and he is in a stalemate.

His blood was surging, his whole body was tensed to the limit of his body, and that blow was like a heavy weight.His blood vessels burst directly, and fresh blood flowed out of his nasal cavity!

The monster didn't give him a chance to breathe, and then raised his arm and swung it sideways!

At this time, Xu Bo's head was a little dizzy, and if he struck again, he would die on the spot.

Seeing this, Yang Xiaochuan raised his automatic rifle, "Tutu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-"

He knew that Xu Bo would die with one blow, but he was still determined to hit the monster's head if he wanted to!

Breathe calmly and help Yang Xiaochuan hit the monster's head with precision.

This is the maximum damage he can do so far, and it is also based on the discovery of Xu Bo's previous damage.

The automatic rifle in Yang Xiaochuan’s hand dates back to 1995 in China. The automatic rifle that has experienced more than 120 years of baptism, of course, has its proud performance: penetrating power, stability, and smooth loading. Yang Xiaochuan has always I never forgot the feel.

After all, the monster is made of flesh and blood, and the bullets fired from the stable point are extremely accurate. The blood claws that are about to swing their arms and stab at Xu Bo are pulled back abruptly!He firmly defended his head against machine gun fire.

Xu Bo couldn't hold on any longer and fell headlong to the ground.Blood flowed down the nose and mouth, life and death unknown.

Yang Xiaochuan didn't stop the firepower, and moved while fighting.The gunshots exploded on the 15th floor!The monster was suppressed by the window in the corridor, and took a few steps back a little bit.

Since the monster faced Yang Xiaochuan with his back to the light, the bullet hit the blood arm, and he was spit out by the mutated cells in the arm without seeing it at all.

The wound that was bombarded by Xu Bo has also recovered!

The moment Yang Xiaochuan reloaded the bomb!

The black shadow stabilized his figure and let out a deafening roar again, quickened his pace, charged with his body, flipped tables, chairs and benches with his bloody arms along the way, and rushed towards him like a strong humanoid bull.

Yang Xiaochuan didn't hesitate, and quickly moved to the side.Before he could stabilize his figure, he saw a table flying over!
He turned forward directly with his body, got up one by one, and pointed the muzzle at his head. At this time, he was very close to the monster.No one would have thought that Yang Xiaochuan would close the distance when he needed to escape!
The gunshots came back again, the monster was caught off guard by Yang Xiaochuan's sneak attack, and when it was protecting its head, it staggered and fell backwards.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yang Xiaochuan quickly moved to the right, finding the head and outputting wildly!Because he knew that if he gave it a chance to breathe, he and Xu Bo would definitely die.

The monster's head was almost opened by Yang Xiaochuan, and the black blood gradually spread around the body!When he finished firing a clip, he took out the grenade and threw it directly next to the monster's head.

Taking advantage of the situation, he retracted his gun and rushed behind the table beside him.

"Bang!—" At the same time as the grenade exploded, the air was filled with the smell of burning flesh.

Without looking back, Yang Xiaochuan threw the rifle behind him and came to Xu Bo's side.He had long been unconscious. At this time, at the entrance of the corridor and other exits on the level floor, dense black shadows moved from all directions.

Behind him, the muscle cells of the knocked down monster were rapidly dividing and recovering.He knew that this thing was not dead yet!
But now, how should he escape with Xu Bo?

He is not in the mood to go back and make up for the knife at all.

Yang Xiaochuan was extremely anxious, leaving Xu Bo to escape alone, naturally there is no problem, but this is a brother who died after all, even if he said before that he would give up some people when necessary, but now it is really a last resort! ?
what to do?What to do? !

Yang Xiaochuan, who is highly concentrated, thinks for every second, and he will lose one second of escape time. This is a big taboo when fighting zombies!
Indecision can only be a dead end!
Looking around, the monster's body moved slightly.The desk that fell to the ground not far away attracted Yang Xiaochuan's attention!

correct!Block Xu Bo's body with a table! !
Just do it, he no longer cared about the rationality and success rate of this idea... dragged Xu Bo's body between the two desks, curled up Xu Bo's body as far as possible, and leaned one of the desks On the back of another desk.

Form a triangular space, and block the connecting part of the head and feet with a table, so that Xu Bo will not have the risk of being eaten by zombies.

Even if he doesn't come to save him later, he can find a way to save himself after waking up!

The self-healed monster in the distance was writhing in place, and its arms and blood claws visible to the naked eye had recovered. Yang Xiaochuan grabbed the automatic rifle, turned around and fled towards the corridor outside!

He struggled to glance at Xu Bo's position, and could only silently ask for blessings for each other in his heart.

The monster stood up slowly, and the awakened zombies slowly gathered towards the battle position...

The explosive roar shook the whole building, and angry snorts shot out from the newly repaired head.

The monster stood still, listening carefully to the distant gunshots in the corridor, and rushed after the gunshots vigorously, flying corpses wherever it went!
crash!Clash again!Almost every level is jumping down!

The whole building was shaking violently, and Yang Xiaochuan's speed of going downstairs obviously couldn't keep up with the monster's pursuit.

He was like a prey, groping and crawling in the corridor to shoot and kill the zombies blocking the way in front of him.

Slipped and fell down the slippery corridor countless times, stood up again, kicked with his feet, swung with the butt of a gun... But he never let go of any action or method that could quickly escape the corridor!

Until the strong light appeared in front of the eyes, the familiar zombies in the hall on the first floor rushed out towards the entrance before blocking the intersection!
When the monster chased to the third floor, it heard Yang Xiaochuan shooting in the square, its sharp claws pierced the glass in front of it, roared at Yang Xiaochuan, and then jumped!It fell heavily on the ground, grabbed a corpse beside him and threw it over!
Yang Xiaochuan looked back, his face paled in shock, and he carefully dodged the flying black shadow. The moment he landed, the body was smashed to pieces!
It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the target of this monster was himself from beginning to end.That shows that Penghu City must have a secret with me that must be erased!
(End of this chapter)

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