
Chapter 30 Memory Awakening

Chapter 30 Memory Awakening (the final chapter of Volume [-], a new update)
Only then did Yang Xiaochuan see the monster's appearance clearly.

One scarlet eye, fangs that cannot be covered by a split lip. About 2 meters tall, wearing a black coat.
Metal accessories with sharp horns, giant figure.
Countless torrents of memories are like arrows of light, constantly piercing through his heart. The familiar fetters of life and death in his mind are no longer because he can't name his name after waking up, and has nowhere to rest in the years.

[Virus HOP-9 series, humanoid biochemical weapon.]

【Mr. Yang, these are Antarctic biochemical experiments, about samples from the entire HOPE series of viruses.】

【Xiaochuan, you have to go to Xi'an with me.】

【Youngest, let me ask you, how old are you this year? 】

【Uncle, I don’t want to escape this time】

He knows that everything is the best arrangement, and all encounters are logical.

He no longer wants to run away anymore, because every time he runs away, he always loses a lot of things.

Even if the city is besieged by zombies behind him, the BOSS in front of him is the enemy.

The expression on Yang Xiaochuan's brow suddenly suddenly changed. He touched the scimitar behind him, and the other one was in the hands of his beloved.

"Old man, you have been with me for three years, you are really young!" Yang Xiaochuan said with a smile.

A wave of black corpses rushed from all directions, and behind him, humanoid biochemical weapons approached bit by bit.

It seemed that this time he was really doomed.

Yang Xiaochuan smiled wryly, and looked at the top floor of the TV tower. He walked down from the top floor at the beginning.I finally understand why there are so many zombies gathered in the cafeteria, maybe there is a definite number for all of this.

He did find a biochemical virus vaccine in the office on the top floor that can continue for human beings, but there are too many dangers and obstacles from various forces.He had no choice but to search for the root cause of the virus alone, but unexpectedly, he fell from a high altitude during the battle with biological and chemical weapons.
The situation no longer allows him to continue to think, the people and things he encountered, the final situation and the ending of the task, he has experienced too much
Because he is from Qingshan City, where the nightmare started,
Then kill it!
He picked up the gun and poured out the bullets without reservation. The first thing he aimed at was the humanoid biochemical weapon in front of him!

"Come on! Big man!" Yang Xiaochuan roared and decided to fight for life and death!
Humanoid biochemical weapons are by no means ordinary mutants, but all biochemical weapons that are defined as large mutants have a certain IQ in their attack methods. Whether it is strength, resilience or weakness, they are all strengthened or hidden by their creators!
In their view, this is a killing machine. Whether it is the clinical traits shown in the early stage of the experiment, or the [-]/[-]th of the surviving human subjects, as long as they are animals, corroded by viruses or boarded, the experimental results obtained will be destroyed. agree.

When the virus fully adapts to the new container or living environment, the first reaction to recovery is to kill, and all strange life forms may be potential threats to survival or reproduction in their eyes.

And the biochemical weapons that can be controlled and used in the true sense are also obtained through trial and error in countless living experiments.

The sad thing is that even if they survive the beginning, they still cannot escape the fate of being used.

Yang Xiaochuan remembered what his former partner said:

"These people are so pitiful, they were dragged into virus experiments without knowing it!"

At that time, Yang Xiaochuan was already on the plane to the European Institute of Bioatomic Energy. A German girl was blowing bubble gum and participating in a search operation with survivors gathered from all over the world.

Within three years, the number of human beings has been greatly reduced, and the number of people living in the interior is less than one million. Yang Xiaochuan only knew about these population statistics when he arrived in Space Battlestar. It has to be said that at any time, even if they gave up life and death, they never forgot all human beings
The suddenly flying sandbags interrupted Yang Xiaochuan's thoughts. He dodged while shooting, and the sandbags directly knocked over the zombies not far behind him.

Obviously, his several dodges angered the humanoid biological weapon in front of him.

The biochemical weapon seemed to be performing a mission, speeding up, jumping up suddenly, and using the same move as against Xu Bo, no matter who it was, mortals with naked eyes could not resist this blow head-on!
The black shadow slammed down heavily, and Yang Xiaochuan naturally knew that he couldn't go head-to-head. He had suffered a lot these years.He timed the landing and rolled over to the side, then moved like flying a kite while aiming at the head of the biological weapon and shooting.

He knows better than anyone else that it is useless to deal with the HOPE-9 series of humanoid biochemical weapons. Do not get close unless you have to run out of ammunition.
But when he thought of this question, he was somewhat struggling in his heart, yes, the ammunition will always run out.What's more, the current him is beating the boss while cutting down the zombies close to him. This kind of extreme pulling is really not something ordinary survivors dare to do!

When the zombies surrounded him, and there was really not much space left for him, he turned his head and started to break out of the siege while fighting in the direction of the zombies.In these years, zombies were nothing to him, or to him who recovered his memory now.

You may think, can restoring the memory unlock the seal of God of War?

No, no, in his eyes, restoring memory is equivalent to restoring the experience of killing zombies.Do you know whether to chop off the zombie's neck or the zombie's head, should it cut off the zombie's thigh, or what is the distance between the knee joints to keep the human corpses?Which zombies are in a state that you can pass by without using your hands at all?
All these things were obtained by fighting non-stop for three years.Even if he doesn't have any physical advantages, he can't have strong muscles like Xu Bo.But the survival skills he learned and comprehended in the last days are definitely not what soldiers who live in panic on the floating town can possess.

In a zombie battlefield where there are no powerful hot weapons and heavy artillery firepower, relying only on firearms, the ending can only be destroyed by the tide of corpses.

Therefore, when dealing with humanoid biochemical weapons, it is necessary to find out the weak points, concentrate them in one place, and output crazily without tiresome effort.Those movements of posing, jumping and slashing vigorously are not movies here, not games.

He has only one life.

Maybe he would have done this before.Now, the most important thing is to solve the battle quickly and get out quickly.

After the last magazine was fired, the humanoid biochemical weapon recovered from its stiffness on the spot.Yang Xiaochuan threw away his automatic rifle and drew out his scimitar to break out of the encirclement in the opposite direction!
The current state of the corpse tide is in the stage of gathering. Fortunately, the density is not high. As long as he breaks through a little more distance, he can completely get rid of this block, so he can't fight for a long time. If he continues, he will lose his strength.
Before Yang Xiaochuan could react, he glanced at the state of the humanoid biochemical weapon.

The ground was trembling, and there was a roar in the air!

The humanoid biochemical weapon raised its head to the sky and howled!The roaring coercion formed a kind of air wave, which instantly knocked the nearby zombies to the ground.

Yang Xiaochuan's internal organs were tightened by the shock, and his eardrums even roared a little.

This was the last thing he wanted to see. He didn't expect such a conservative style of play to let it go berserk!

The humanoid biochemical weapon turned around and ran, leaping in the direction Yang Xiaochuan was escaping from.Yang Xiaochuan felt a black shadow falling from the sky, and it roared straight down.

They landed almost face to face, the broken sand and gravel raised dust, and the scarlet one eye stared fiercely at Yang Xiaochuan.

It grabbed Yang Xiaochuan's body and threw it viciously in the direction of the TV tower.

Yang Xiaochuan only felt that his body was weightless, and was thrown out by a huge force. He fell heavily through the floor-to-ceiling glass on the 14th floor and hit the wall inside the floor.

The only thing he could react was to protect his head tightly, and use his body to bear most of the injuries.

But no matter how he weighed more than 150 kilograms, he was thrown from a height of 14 floors, and that direction was exactly where Xu Bo was.

Yang Xiaochuan's hands and feet were broken, and his internal organs were severely traumatized. Blood was spitting out of his mouth, dripping from the corner of his mouth.

His consciousness gradually weakened, and he knew that his life was not long, as if he had hallucinations.

I saw my best friend who was lost after the end of the world. Countless figures appeared in front of my eyes
Everything could really be over like this.
He is almost deaf, and his ears are buzzing all the time, but in his dim consciousness, someone has been calling him:

"Xiao Chuan! Xiao Chuan! It's me! Bai Yi!"

In a trance, I saw my lover. If it weren't for the end of the world, they would not meet each other. If they could start over, they would rather give up this love.There will be no pain, no regrets.
But this end of the world is long gone.
Yang Xiaochuan's eyes darkened and he passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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