
Chapter 39 Supermarket Escape

Chapter 39 Supermarket Escape ([-])

The three rushed towards the back door, the sound of "Welcome" at the front door, mixed with the sound of things falling from the display racks, gradually approached, and terrifying roars followed behind them.

Wu Hanming took the explosion-proof shield and rushed out the moment he opened the door. He looked back and saw that the way back was already full of walking corpses. The tide of corpses in an alley was submerged.Seeing the three of them, the walking corpse changed direction and rushed towards them.

Not daring to stop, he ran towards the bridge without looking back.The rear siren has not stopped.Just when they were about to run to the exit under the bridge, a large number of walking corpses appeared one after another in front of them.The bridge is also inexplicably full of walking corpses.It's really a front and back attack, there is no way to retreat
"What, what to do! Front, front, and back!" Wu Hanming looked at the uncle and Yang Xiaochuan in a panic, trembling all over.

Yang Xiaochuan looked at the row of houses, the other side was the front door, and the side he was on was the back door.

Without thinking about it, he tried to open the nearest doors one by one, but when he opened a few doors, they were all locked very tightly.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the fear and despair of facing death were written on everyone's face.

Each of them was drenched, and most of their physical strength had been exhausted from running.Especially Wu Hanming.Being obese himself, he bent over on the spot and supported his knees, panting heavily.

Yang Xiaochuan didn't give up, and was still trying to open the door further away, the farther the door was, the closer he was to the walking corpse.

"Brother Xiaochuan, come back quickly! It's too dangerous over there!" Before he finished speaking, a walking corpse 2 meters away from Yang Xiaochuan rushed towards him. His facial features opened his bloody mouth and came towards him.

Is he dying?Recalling Zhang Liang's words before leaving, recalling all kinds of things with Wang Meng, his parents whose life and death are uncertain, he can't die in this place, he wants to live, find his family, and find Wang Meng!

He dodged sideways and dodged.Looking back, the uncle and Wu Hanming had already exchanged fire with the walking corpse.

Slashing, piercing. Wu Hanming and the uncle cooperated, one blocked and the other attacked.

Aiming at the head and neck of the walking dead.The two were covered in blood, and it was difficult to tell which side was a human and which side was a walking corpse without looking carefully.But behind the uncle and Wu Hanming, facing the tide of walking corpses, only Yang Xiaochuan was dealing with it. So far, he has not attacked any of the walking corpses.

Yang Xiaochuan was a little hesitant. Are these walking corpses who regard themselves as food really not human anymore?
Is there really no trace of humanity?
"Brother Xiaochuan, come here quickly! We have to find a way to escape quickly, or we will all die here!" Wu Hanming shouted.

"Jump into the river! Quick!" Yang Xiaochuan kicked down every walking corpse that was close to him, but those who fell would stand up again.Compassion and pity are the dream monsters in Yang Xiaochuan's heart, he still can't get rid of the blade of chaos with both hands tightly.

The three jumped to the river on the other side without hesitation.The walking corpses crowded the entire path, standing on the bank and no longer moving forward, roaring at the three people in the river, as if a duck with its mouth full just flew away.

After the heavy rain last night, the river flowed heavily, and three people were struggling in the water.Originally, a lot of physical strength had been consumed on the way to escape, but now they are in the water again, and everyone is exhausted.

Yang Xiaochuan was holding the bulging backpack, and the uncle also took off the backpack, relying on the large volume inside the bag, and the buoyancy is also great.Wu Hanming and the uncle were panting heavily while holding the backpack.It is anti-fouling and waterproof and can also be used as a buoyancy bag. Yang Xiaochuan thinks that Liangzi is a conscientious businessman.

In fact, the tactical vests worn by three people also have the buoyancy function when falling into the water.They went down the current, and the direction of the water flow was exactly the opposite direction from the original path.

Passing the bridge, the high-rise buildings on both sides of the bank, the new green tree-lined road, wandering corpses, occasional survivors calling for help, inadvertent explosions, smoke from car collisions, and burning houses. The whole city entered the tragic situation of doomsday.

I don't know how long it took them to float. After the building faded into the distance, they swam out of the water to an empty embankment on the shore, panting heavily, and were rescued again.

Wu Hanming took off his glasses, stretched out his 3-month-old pregnant belly, opened his backpack, and gave everyone a bottle of water.They have not had a drop of water for a whole day and night, and they may not even be able to walk without food and drink.

Just as they are exhausted now, they still have to think about how to go back, as if they have just escaped from hell, and they have to find a way to turn back, and they cannot escape their fate.

Wu Hanming took out his mobile phone from his pocket and soaked it in the river for a long time, not daring to open it.He took out the two cigarettes he had in his pocket earlier, and was secretly happy, at least the packaging was tight and no water got in.I tore a bag and divided it among the three men. On the shore, the melancholy of the three men also dispersed along with the rising smoke.

They were too tired, and they had never felt the tranquility of this world, at least Wu Hanming did not.

He remembered that after each class, he had to find a corner to smoke a cigarette for a while. It was already the 22nd century, and human beings still had to be busy in order to survive.The meaning of life may be the care of the family, the long river of history is endless
Hehe, he smirked secretly in his heart, the current human history may end in this century.During this period, the beauty and expectations that people yearn for will be shattered.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yang Xiaochuan raised his head to look at the gloomy sky. Occasionally, a few birdsong made them nervous.It had been more than half a day since they came out, and he kept the agreement between the uncle and Zhang Liang in his heart. He had to return to the store before dark, otherwise Zhang Liang and the others might fall into a very unstable situation.Most importantly, he still had a lot of questions that he didn't ask Zhang Liang. What clues did he find on that cruise ship?
He turned around and looked at the uncle and said, "Uncle, Angkor, we have to find a way to go back quickly, otherwise Zhang Liang and the others don't know if something will happen. People can't last long without food or drink for two days. If they go out, they will definitely die!"

"Brother Xiaochuan is right. I observed that our location should be the flood discharge channel in the Eastern District. The end of this river is the Zhoujiang River, and the Zhoujiang River finally flows into the South China Sea. We don't know what the outside world is like now. If If you can stay on the water for a long time and avoid crowded places, you should be safe, and you can find a way to eat and drink in the future." Wu Hanming snuffed out the cigarette butts and straightened his wet clothes.

Yang Xiaochuan didn't think so far, he suddenly found two people who had never faced each other before, one was calm in dealing with things, and the other was accurate in analyzing and predicting things.

Although something went wrong due to negligence in this search for food, and the three of them almost died, but if you let yourself choose to make a decision about this kind of thing, it is estimated that the chance of surviving is not high.

He could feel that he was repeatedly struggling with this tragic situation and the question of whether his humanity was lost. If it continued, he would probably have become a walking corpse, or he would have been eaten up.
After thinking about it, he was still trembling in his heart. Slowly, the wind picked up.
"We have to find a car. If we can't go back before dark, we have to find a way to hide. This place is not safe. Do you smell it, this smell?" The uncle looked at the two and pointed into the distance, as if reminding me of something.

"The smell of blood!" Yang Xiaochuan frowned, looking at the place the uncle was pointing at - Dongjiao Hospital of Qingshan City.

(End of this chapter)

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