
Chapter 40 Corpse Tide

Chapter 40 Corpse Tide
Wu Hanming just breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the lifeless hospital, he couldn't be happier anymore.He wanted to smoke another cigarette, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.The river embankment where they are located is the first dam away from the city, and there is an open park between the dam and the hospital.

On the main road of the park, a few smart wheelchairs were overturned by the side of the road, and there were still some stumps and internal organs on one side of the blood that hadn't dried yet.Flies and maggots danced and squirmed in the hot and humid blood, and the buzzing sound was endless.

Most of the walking corpses are in the city.But now it is not safe anywhere, especially densely populated places.Even the suburbs with low population density still cannot escape this disaster.

Wu Hanming's scalp tingles when he thinks about it, the world is miserable, how can he be safe?He has no peace of mind. He has experienced life and death in the supermarket, and he never wants to go back to the city. If it weren't for the unknown death of his wife and children, or the unfulfilled promise with Zhang Liang, he would have already collapsed. Now I just hold on to it, and it will be as long as I can live.

Seeing these tragic scenes, the three of them held their noses and stopped thinking about it, and walked straight to the motorway on the main road.

Along the way, mentality problems have manifested to varying degrees for the three of them.On the contrary, it was the uncle, who had always remained expressionless.He felt too cold to the two of them, so Yang Xiaochuan and Wu Hanming never took the initiative to strike up a conversation with the uncle without any special problems.

The uncle will say a word at the end every time, and every word may determine their life or death.Gradually, Yang Xiaochuan will suddenly develop a sense of solidity, like an iron triangle. He doesn't know how long the three of them can live, so they keep giving themselves goals and directions to pursue.

Passing through a forest and approaching the motorway, the three of them sat under a tree, observing the cars on the road to see which car was relatively intact.

Except for some crashes that were seriously damaged, and some emitting green smoke, few cars on this street were suitable.

"I think the cars on the road are not good enough. We may have to look at the hospital again. After all, there should be a lot of cars in the hospital parking lot." After the uncle finished speaking, he looked at Yang Xiaochuan and Wu Hanming, and felt that this decision was made by three people. Discuss.

After all, after he escaped from the supermarket, he was still in shock. He didn't dare to take any more risks. Besides, it was a hospital, so he could only go in without returning.

"If we don't go to the hospital, we will definitely not be able to find a car. Now I have to say two things. First, if we can find a car, given the current weather, we will just drive back to the store. There is no possibility of an hour. No way, it may be that the road is blocked, or the car is broken down, etc. Second, if we can't find a car, then at night, it is difficult for us to survive until dawn tomorrow. These walking corpses are erratic. Spending the night outside is tantamount to suicide." Wu Hanming said very carefully, although it was only two days, the excessive tension and worries made this man who was almost 1 years old more and more haggard.

Yang Xiaochuan and the uncle observed the situation, and felt that what Wu Hanming said was reasonable. There must always be a PlanA and a PlanB in a plan.Not everything can go smoothly along the way, there are too many unknowns waiting for them, so if you want to survive, you must be cautious, you must have a plan, one more choice and one more way of life, there are no good conditions waiting for you in the last days .What awaits you is always fear. If you cannot face death, then death must be the result.

"Angkor, what do you think?" Yang Xiaochuan kept staring at the hospital and asked intently.

"Judging from the surrounding environment, there must have been a lot of walking corpses here before, and there must be a lot of them, but..." Wu Hanming hesitated to speak, he didn't know if his analysis was right, if he was wrong, he would take action according to his own analysis , that will pay the price of group destruction.

Although he was only disgusted when facing the walking corpses now, but now that the walking corpses had all disappeared, his heart was not just disgusting, he understood the fear of the unknown.

"Let's go to the hospital, but don't enter the hospital building. Keep your voice down as much as possible. One person is on guard, and two people are looking for a car. It is best to find an ambulance. Remember, the general emergency room will be set up on the left side of the hospital gate, and The ambulance will also stop and stand by in this direction, so that the dispatch will not meet other vehicles and delay the departure time."

The uncle looked at the two of them as he spoke, calmed down a little, and said seriously:

"I'm not worried about finding a car. You have to understand now. The emergency room may be more serious than we imagined! Brother Wu's explosion-proof shield is also lost now. Self-defense may be troublesome, so I'm mainly responsible for guarding. Brother Xiaochuan and I are in charge of finding the car. We don’t touch the neatly placed cars unless we have to. It takes a long time to make a loud noise when the ignition is broken. I believe there will be cars that are too late to close the door during the riots. We can If you can go back before dark, you can only try your luck! Also, once you encounter a walking corpse, you must not be soft!" After the uncle finished speaking, Yang Xiaochuan and Wu Hanming nodded, as if eating Rest assured, the most important thing now is to calm down.

They walked along the woods to the entrance of the hospital. The uncle looked at the bright hospital hall. Except for the occasional flickering of the lights, there was no movement at all inside. They didn't even hear the sound of the walking dead.It was too quiet, and Wu Hanming felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"I'll go to the emergency room. You two will wait for me here first. Brother Xiaochuan will go to the other side later to have a look. Don't go too far. If you encounter a walking corpse, turn back immediately. If there is a situation, shout out loudly and then Run for your life." The uncle said and put two cans and a bottle of water in his pocket.

"Brother! What are you talking about? It's not appropriate for us to abandon you or you to abandon us? Besides, the situation should not have reached such a bad time! Isn't it even more hopeless to go our separate ways now! "Wu Hanming pulled the uncle's arm excitedly.

"I don't think it's safe here. What I said is to prepare the three of us for emergencies. If this kind of life has been endless, then every time we go out to search for supplies in the future, we will face such a choice. Don't I feel hopeless, and now I am much luckier than the dead." The uncle patted Wu Hanming on the shoulder, and it was the first time the three of them had such farewell words.

Until several years later, Yang Xiaochuan still clearly wrote this sentence in the book, with lingering words: Don’t feel hopeless, now you are much luckier than the dead.
The uncle slowly slipped into the hospital gate, leaned against the wall, and walked towards the emergency room little by little. He only held the thorn in his hand, and any walking corpse that came within one meter of him would be pierced mercilessly. their heads.But just as he felt, it was too quiet. What was the reason?
Just approaching the door of the emergency hall, the glass door of the electronic sensor opened gently for him.Fortunately, there was no loud noise, the uncle hissed and let go of the thorn that was lying across his chest.

He approached the motorway at the corner along the green belt beside the wall, poked his head out secretly, and two white ambulances appeared in front of him, but the condition was a bit bad. It fell to the ground on its side, still emitting thick black smoke.

Just as he got closer to find out, the sight in front of him made his legs go weak.On the other side of the downed two cars, the electric fence was only half closed.The scene he least wanted to see was right in front of him, those walking corpses that had never been seen, roaring and wandering in front of the fence.How on earth is this car going to drive away?
(End of this chapter)

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