
Chapter 41 Survivor

Chapter 41 Survivor

Yang Xiaochuan and Wu Hanming waited in the corner for a long time, each feeling extremely anxious.

Wu Hanming looked at the shops opposite the hospital, and found that the glass windows or doors of each house had been shattered. What's more, he seemed to see metal shells scattered all over the place in the distance. I didn't look carefully at the time, but later found that there were many more on the road extending into the hospital gate.

Yang Xiaochuan picked up one with a calm expression.He was all too familiar with this kind of thing, the shell casings of automatic rifles.Could it be that there have been troops here?Had a firefight with the walking dead?But it's not like, there is not a single corpse on the ground.

There were no corpses and there were indeed traces of exchange of fire, and the direction in which the bullet casings were scattered was also very clear, as if they had planned to shoot towards one place.After listening to Yang Xiaochuan's analysis, Wu Hanming knew that he had just retired.

The only thing he feels strange now is, what are these shooters trying to do?And looking in this direction, the place where the bullet casings extended was in the direction of the uncle.

"No, I think uncle may be in danger, we have to go and have a look!" Wu Hanming said nervously.

"It's not good, uncle said it. He didn't yell out, which means he's fine. It's better for us to wait for him here. This is a hospital! We are not familiar with the situation inside. If we encounter a walking corpse, not only ourselves If you can’t run, you may also cut off the uncle’s back. This risk is too great. No matter what the shooter intends to do, I think we should wait here. Uncle said, if he doesn’t come out in 30 minutes, we don’t have to Wait for him." Yang Xiaochuan looked at his waterproof watch and collected himself.

It all seemed so deliberate, someone must have had to.Wu Hanming was a little worried. So far, he didn't want to leave any of the three alone.Compared with others, the only chance to survive in this last world is to keep all three people around me safe.

"Don't go looking for a car, I feel more and more that something is wrong with this place. Wait a few more minutes and if no one comes out, let's go in and have a look!" Wu Hanming wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Yang Xiaochuan couldn't make up his mind either. The bullet casings found in front of him could only show that the army had been here before and there had been a violent exchange of fire.But it's impossible to not have a dead body after a firefight, right?The army handled the next scene?There is no trace of cleaning at the gate?

All kinds of questions were in Yang Xiaochuan's mind, and no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't come up with a clue.Just as they were anxious about it, a familiar smell passed through their nostrils lightly.

"Did you smell it?" Wu Hanming patted Yang Xiaochuan.

This smell is undoubtedly the familiar smell that can't be avoided after drinking, eating and chatting after tea: the smell of smoke.

They hurriedly raised their eyes and searched carefully. The smell of smoke had not dissipated, indicating that there was a living person nearby. They were delighted and puzzled at the same time.They did not dare to shout loudly.The source of this wind direction is the direction in which the uncle left. It can't be the cigarette that the uncle smoked, because he didn't give it to him when he left.

Even if he brought the smoke himself, it must have been wet in the river. Wu Hanming has been thinking about these subtle things, and being cautious makes him very calm at this moment.

Just when he was at a loss, in front of the green belt beside the hospital wall, a lighted cigarette butt appeared in the field of vision amidst the faint green smoke. The two of them looked up, and a man in a white coat violently shot at them. waving.The man kept waving his hands but didn't dare to take a breath.

"Xiao Chuan! Xiao Chuan! Look over there! Upstairs!"

It wasn't until Yang Xiaochuan and Wu Hanming waved their hands that he stopped and let out a long sigh of relief, thankful that he had met a living person.

"It should be a doctor trapped inside. It seems to be on the fourth floor, which is quite high. What should we do? Can we help him out?" Yang Xiaochuan asked.

"He didn't escape from the hospital. There is only one possibility, which means that there are walking corpses in the corridor and inside the hospital. Now that the floor is so high, we don't have any tools. It's too risky to jump down and hurt your hands and feet. It is also very difficult for us to take him out. We, who are able-bodied, cannot protect ourselves now."

Wu Hanming looked at the man, feeling a little helpless, but he would also suffer in his heart, "Why don't we throw some food and water to him when he leaves? At least he can live longer."

While Wu Hanming and Yang Xiaochuan were discussing countermeasures, the man took off his white coat again, and wrote two words on the back of the clothes with blood: Help me!
The man kept shaking his clothes, which might be his only hope of escape.He looked eagerly at Wu Hanming and Yang Xiaochuan, hoping to get a response.

Wu Hanming sighed deeply, what should they do?Can't let him jump off?What's more, the uncle has not come back for a long time, and now there are people who want to be rescued, and his heart is in an incomparable struggle.

"How about it, Angkor, let's go find uncle together, and then come back and think about countermeasures?" Yang Xiaochuan said.

Wu Hanming felt that this was the only way to do it right now, so he signaled to the men upstairs that they should go to the emergency room first, and then moved forward quickly.

But the man waved his hands vigorously, lowering the smallest voice, "Don't go! There are zombies over there!!! Don't go!!!"

But Wu Hanming and Yang Xiaochuan disappeared.

I didn't see a walking corpse along the way, and there was a lot of garbage scattered on the ground in the passage.Most of them are biodegradable plant disposables. There are also some hanging water and syringes.A gust of wind blew in front of them, and the strong smell of blood stopped the two of them in their footsteps.

They saw thick smoke billowing in front of two ambulances, a group of walking corpses hovering in front of the car, with their hands raised high, violently slapping the cab of another ambulance that did not overturn.

The two squatted down and leaned against the wall without daring to breathe. They squinted their eyes and took a closer look. It's over!It was the uncle in the cab.

"What to do! Uncle is surrounded and can't get out!" Yang Xiaochuan said anxiously.

"I know! I know! There are too many walking corpses! You can see that the front of the two cars is crowded with walking corpses, and the view on the other side of the car is blocked. I guess most of the walking corpses in the hospital are here! Look It looks like Uncle wants to drive this car, but it didn't start!" Wu Hanming was so anxious that he scratched his head anxiously looking at the scene in front of him.

"How does the general ambulance start? Do you need a key or fingerprint authentication?" Yang Xiaochuan asked Wu Hanming, as if Wu Hanming knew everything.

"Brother, although I am a teacher, I don't know everything, and is this ambulance the same as a private car?" Wu Hanming hesitated to speak, "Go! Ask the doctor who is trapped upstairs to tell the situation. Just talk to him and see what he knows!"

"Will the sound attract walking corpses?" Yang Xiaochuan asked worriedly.

"I can't control that much anymore, you can get closer and whisper to him, I'm here to keep watch, if the walking corpse is coming this way, I'll run over to find you!" Wu Hanming hurriedly urged.

When Yang Xiaochuan thought about it, he couldn't control so much, so he ran back.The doctor was also anxiously waiting by the window.He thought that if no one rescued him this time, he would either jump down, or he would have to wait to die in this room.

The point is that this room is an office!Not a single self-help thing!It was useless to dial out the phone. Slowly, he fell into despair a little bit. Finally, he met three survivors, but he didn't dare to remind him loudly.

The wooden door corridor behind him is full of zombies. If they are alarmed, it is only a matter of time before they break in. Just the day before, the female doctor in the office next door asked her for help through the window. The door was closed, and the female doctor He was so frightened that he kept crying over there, and lost directly broke into the door. The screams and confusion became his last memory
"Hey! Hey! Brother, here!" Yang Xiaochuan choked his throat and shouted towards the doctor in a low voice.

The doctor shifted his gaze to Yang Xiaochuan.Putting your hand next to your mouth, "shh—" motioned him not to speak loudly.

How can Yang Xiaochuan manage so much, and then said, "My friend is trapped in an ambulance, and now he can't start the ambulance, what should I do? Help me find a way! If you want to live, tell me how to start the car! We can Come and save you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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