
Chapter 42 Jumping or not jumping is not a choice!

Chapter 42 Jumping or not jumping is not a choice!
The doctor looked at Yang Xiaochuan anxiously. He stretched out his hand and gestured for 211149 with his fingers.

A total of 3 strokes were drawn, and Yang Xiaochuan memorized them silently in his heart.Every time only Yang Xiaochuan was talking, and the voice was very low, and the doctor just shook his head or nodded.

He knew the fate of making noise, even if he was trapped here alive, he would not want to be gutted by these zombies.

Although Yang Xiaochuan didn't say it clearly, it can be seen from the doctor's expression that there must be dangers behind him, so he has a reason for not making a sound.

I trotted all the way back to Wu Hanming, watching him squatting in the corner to observe the situation in the direction of the uncle.The uncle is still trying to light the fire, but he doesn't understand that this ambulance needs not only the card swiping authority, but also the password to start the ignition.

"How is it? What did the doctor say?" Wu Hanming asked anxiously.

"He seems to be unable to speak, and the situation is unclear. He gave a password, but I don't know what it is: 211149." Yang Xiaochuan said.

"211149" Wu Hanming frowned, "Could it be the start code on the car? I remember that there was a boy in our school who had acute gastritis and called an ambulance. It just so happened that the start password time expired that day, and the car turned off automatically, with the driver beside him yell.
Later, the emergency room of the hospital sent a new password to restart the car, modern technology is really cheating people’s lives,” Wu Hanming said, shaking his head, and then thinking about how to tell the uncle the password.

Looking at the distance from myself, it is not realistic to shout out loud, and there is no pen and paper, and I can't see it when I write it.Wu Hanming touched his whole body, but couldn't find anything, so he scratched his head anxiously.

"It's terrible! What to do, is there any way to attract the uncle's attention, just pass the password to him! Hey!"

Yang Xiaochuan leaned against the wall and looked at the uncle trapped in the car. This is the distance between life and death, unless they lead the walking corpses in front of the car away, but whoever looks at the number may not have the courage. Don't let the walking corpse not lure away, but put his life in it instead.

He thought that he had to calm down, there must be other ways, the uncle had to save him, he couldn't just watch the uncle trapped to death inside, after all, he still owed his life.

Yang Xiaochuan raised his head, the hot and humid air made people feel uncomfortable, and the clouds moved forward quickly under the blowing of the wind.

Since it was just after the rain, the clouds were not very dense, and occasionally when the fault was discontinuous, the sun would shine through, and the light appeared and disappeared.
Just when Yang Xiaochuan squinted his eyes and felt uncomfortable, he subconsciously looked at the mottled light spots on his chest. The waterproof flashlight hanging on his chest made Yang Xiaochuan very excited.

"Angkor! Got it! We can pass this code by the light of a flashlight!"

Yang Xiaochuan took off the flashlight buckled on his tactical vest.After he circled around the glass of the cab twice, he passed the password by flashing the dots, and drew a circle on the glass every time he sent it, which lasted about 6 to 7 times.

"Boom~", the roar of the engine resounded through the driveway, like the sound of hope, but, with the beginning of the sound of hope, the sound of hell was also turned on, and the siren of the ambulance also rang through the sky!
"Uncle, turn off the alarm soon!" The alarm that touched the nerves made Wu Hanming's heart go cold, and the sound could be heard for miles around!
With a loud roar, he picked up Yang Xiaochuan and ran towards the gate.The uncle slammed in the direction, knocking the walking corpse in front of the car into the air instantly, and the crushed limbs and flesh under the tires caused the car to jolt before accelerating.

The uncle stepped on the gas pedal, opening the distance from the walking corpse.

"Roar~~!" On the side of the hospital building, in the corridor where the doctor was, the sleeping demons were awakened by the rapid siren, and rushed out of the building one by one roaring. What's the matter, isn't this place without 300 taels of silver, and sold himself every minute!
The ambulance drove up to the gate, braked suddenly, Wu Hanming was the first to rush to the co-pilot, and started looking for the alarm switch in a hurry, Yang Xiaochuan rushed to the driver's cab and leaned on the car window, the uncle looked at Yang Xiaochuan's actions with a puzzled expression on his face Said: "Why don't you come up and wait! Play exciting!?"

"No! There is still someone up there, we have to save him!" Before Yang Xiaochuan finished speaking, a large wave of walking corpses rushed out of the hospital gate.

The uncle looked at the place Yang Xiaochuan was pointing at. The doctor was still waving, but he didn't dare to shout, because he didn't know whether he could escape smoothly, or how many zombies were still in the corridor, so he could only take a gamble. Judging by the credit of these people, if he leaves him and runs away, at least he can still leave a whole body in the office.
"Get in the car first, I'll come!" The uncle yelled out, let Yang Xiaochuan sit in the back seat, stopped the car under the doctor's window, and shouted: "Jump!"

The doctors were dumbfounded, and jumped to the roof of the ambulance from the 4th floor. Isn't this a desperate act?
His legs trembled in fright, and if he misaligned or fell down, he would be completely cold.

At this time, the walking corpses coming out of the hospital gate were already blocking the front of the car, and the loss behind them followed one after another. Seeing that the whole car was about to be surrounded by a sea of ​​corpses, Wu Hanming still couldn't find the switch to turn off the ambulance alarm.

The doctor here was still hesitating by the window and did not dare to jump. The anxious uncle yelled again, "You don't jump anymore, I'm leaving!" The uncle stared at the doctor on the window with red eyes.

The doctor gritted his teeth, the entire ambulance was surrounded by a sea of ​​corpses, and the zombies at the rear of the car were still coming out continuously. There are still relatively few zombies at the front of the car, so there is still time to leave.

Wu Hanming became impatient, "Let's go! Uncle! Don't wait! If we don't go, we won't be able to go!"

Uncle knows how many corpses there are behind. The half-closed electronic fence is a half-open gate of hell. They are playing with fire when they stop here.

Countless dead hands slapped the ambulance violently, and the living people trapped in the cage made them extremely excited!The uncle stared at the window, waiting every second was a torment.

"Bang~!" There was a dent on the roof of the car, and the uncle looked at the side-view mirrors on the left and right. If it fell from the roof, it would only be his bad luck, and he had done his best.It didn't fall off, good luck.He picked up the ambulance intercom horn and shouted: "Hold on to the siren!"

With one foot on the accelerator, he knocked down the zombies rushing forward. The vehicle was jolting violently, and everyone's nerves collapsed to the extreme. The ambulance was like a scythe, and the zombies were like leeks. They knocked down one by one and rushed out of the hospital At the moment of the gate, everyone was relieved.The uncle glanced at the rear view mirror, the white coat on the roof of the car was fluttering in the wind, he understood that everything was far from over.

"Xiao Chuan, what time is it?" the uncle asked calmly.

Yang Xiaochuan lay in the back seat and slowly calmed down his heartbeat, and looked at his watch: at 15:46, he opened the offline map to navigate to Zhang Liang's store, and the displayed driving time was 1 hour and 25 minutes.

If all the way is smooth, you can arrive around 5 in the evening.Wu Hanming finally found the ambulance alarm switch, cursing in his heart that these complicated ghost things almost killed them!

After driving for about 20 minutes, the ambulance stopped on the side of the road.The uncle jumped out of the car and patted the car body. The doctor stretched out his head tiredly to look at the uncle, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's finally saved." He jumped out of the car, almost fell down, weak and unsteady.

"Xiao Chuan! Bring some food! And water!" the uncle shouted.

Yang Xiaochuan jumped out of the car, took a can and a bottle of mineral water and handed them to the doctor. The doctor snatched them like a tiger and wolf, opened the lid and gnawed them indiscriminately, looking very much like a walking corpse, and almost choked him after taking a sip of water. die.

"Slow down." The uncle patted the doctor on the back, and then asked, "What happened in the hospital? Who are you? Are you the only one living in the whole hospital?"

(End of this chapter)

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