
Chapter 44 Chaser

Chapter 44 The Chaser (Part [-])
PS: Sorry, I ran an urgent order yesterday and rushed to work. One chapter will be skipped, and three changes will be made today!I didn't send it out just now, saying that I violated the rules. . .

Everyone in the car was waiting for Fang Hujun's answer. Fang Hujun was silent for a long time and did not speak. He just kept smoking. After smoking half of the cigarette, he looked at the other people and said lightly: "No, We spoke. But the news was blocked."

The uncle slammed on the brakes and the car stopped on the side of the road. Judging from the atmosphere, the uncle was very angry.

This kind of emotion is not limited to the uncle alone, even Wu Hanming and Yang Xiaochuan frowned tightly.

They know better than anyone else how serious this problem is, and blocked the news?Wouldn't it be a sinner for all mankind to hide this kind of thing?
"We all just want to live," Fang Hujun said sadly.

"The local government forces wanted to kill us all, because a general was afraid that we would tell the story. In order to survive, the leader of the British team told the general that we had vaccines that could cure their diseases. But they couldn't kill us. I found out later that he lied."

"So the general took everyone masked to a jungle tribe in the south, saying that this happened to another tribe. We were attacked by another force on the way we were escorted, and the British medical team lost a total of 9 People were hit or killed by stray bullets, luckily I was knocked out at the time."

"Fortunately, the force that attacked us was because I was of Asian descent. At any rate, they could extort a little money from me, so they secretly traded me to the local secret service personnel. These international secret service personnel who have been lurking in the local area for a long time are similar to reward Gold hunters, they can be responsible for assassination or rescue"

"Rescue hostages like us who have accidents, they don't care whether they use money or force, as long as they are rescued. I am the only one who returned to the UN medical base in Africa."

The corners of Fang Hujun's eyes were a little moist, and the lies under the darkness shrouded in red sunset glowed in the sky, just like what he said before, you don't need to believe him.

"Send out 10 people and only one person came back alive. This responsibility will put the person in charge in prison. Even if our team leader is dead, the person responsible is not me."

"Just when I was about to return to China, they found me. They were definitely not from the United Nations. They simply asked me about some situations, and then I continued to be forced to rehabilitate. They just didn't let me go. I was treated like a lunatic, you guys do you know?"

Fang Hujun cried with a half-smile, a man cried like this.

"In those days, I was in a bad mood. I was imprisoned in the hospital and guarded by special personnel. Indirect trustees sent messages to the embassy country, and I lost everything."

"I was diagnosed with a serious mental disorder. To put it bluntly, I was a mental patient. No one believed me, and then I was isolated and observed in China for half a year. During that time, I figured out a lot of things. In the end, I can only bear my own crimes. It’s not that I didn’t report it, but the time has not come. I don’t mention this matter anymore. The dispatch letter said that I recovered well, so I was asked to be a surgeon in Guangnan City. Then I went to Qingshan City .”

After listening to Fang Hujun say these things, Wu Hanming lit a cigarette, his eyes were gloomy, and there are always hidden secrets in history.Everything that wants to be covered up will surface sooner or later, and human greed cannot be satisfied.

"In the final analysis, this matter has completely exploded. Who do you want to say is innocent? No, no, no one is innocent. How can there be innocent people who are born as human beings? Everyone is lucky to live."

Yang Xiaochuan leaned on the seat and did not speak, while the uncle drove the ambulance and continued to gallop on the road.

The sky was getting dark, and before entering the urban area, their speed slowed down, because there was no network, so they couldn't know the traffic congestion. Just when they were thinking about how to get to Zhang Liang's shop faster, the uncle stopped the car. After turning a block, a surging sea of ​​corpses blocked the way.

This scene frightened everyone so much that they couldn't move. Even if the armored vehicle wanted to go over, it could only run over the corpse.

"We have to go another way. I guess it will be difficult for us to cross, and the car doesn't have a lot of fuel." Wu Hanming pointed to the display on the car.

"Take another road, there are no zombies over there." Yang Xiaochuan pointed to the other end.

"It will pass through the city center over there," said the uncle.

Both Wu Hanming and Yang Xiaochuan's faces were ugly.They all remembered the scene of the army and zombies fighting in the city center in the last news report.

The army is well-equipped and yet the entire army is destroyed. It can be seen that the survival rate of normal living people in the city is almost zero.

Which way to go, everyone is very confused.

"We all know the situation in the city center. This road has a little more zombies. Speed ​​up and rush over. Before the zombies have accumulated, I think it is still possible to pass. If we take the road in the city center, It may have been blocked a long time ago! If it is surrounded by zombies, it will be completely over." The uncle looked at the three people, hoping that there would be a better way.It's a pity that the road in front of me is the way of life, so I can only rush!
The uncle saw that everyone had no objections, so he kicked the accelerator and rushed out. The zombie in front of him was knocked into the air and crushed, and the body parts and stumps flew in all directions, and blood flowed all over the ground along the windshield and the front of the car.

The wiper was working non-stop. The uncle drove very fast, but he was also cautious. He was worried that the flying zombies would hit the windshield. Fortunately, the ambulance's chassis was high and the speed was fast, so the journey was smooth.

Sitting in the front row, Wu Hanming saw the severed corpses, smashed heads and splashed brains, and various organs were flying in front of his eyes. The bloody scene made his stomach churn several times. He closed his eyes and waited for the uncle to hurry up. Drive through this section of the road.

Yang Xiaochuan also covered his mouth, feeling very uncomfortable.Only Fang Hujun and the uncle, the two tough men, had no emotion at all.

After finally driving across the bridge they encountered before, and a few hundred meters away, they were almost at the store. By this time, it was almost dark.The ambulance slowly stopped at the door of Zhang Liang's store, and the lights inside were dark.

Yang Xiaochuan carefully observed the movement in the store, but after looking for a long time, he didn't find anyone inside.The surrounding zombies were also slowly attracted by the sound of the ambulance.

The uncle shook the flashlight on his chest a few times into the shop, but there was no movement at all.

Something must be wrong in there!Yang Xiaochuan was very anxious and was about to get out of the car to see what happened, but was stopped by his uncle.

While they were all observing, Wu Hanming adjusted his glasses and made everyone look at a piece of glass, on which was written a large word in blood: Escape!
The uncle looked at the front of the car and the surroundings. Under the faint street lights, the broken corpses all over the ground made people feel chilled. No, how come there are so few zombies in this street suddenly?
He looked again at the zombie who had been beating in front of the store window. His body was cut off at the waist. What was even clearer was that there were three long scratches on the joint between the glass and the wall. The black blood is not dry yet.

Suddenly, a black shadow quickly passed by in front of his eyes, and the uncle secretly cried out in his heart!Shouted loudly: all sit still!

This foot of the gas pedal was stepped on to the deepest point in an instant, and the ambulance's inertia, and the feeling of pushing back made everyone else fall on their backs.

"Bang!—" There was a huge sound above the front of the car, as if it was hit by some heavy object and dented.

The ambulance was running wildly without any intention of stopping. In front of the windshield, a huge blood claw hung down. Directly in front of the driver's seat, the scene that Yang Xiaochuan has never forgotten, a torn human leather face, A mouthful of teeth exposed on the skull, a huge eye on the deformed left brain staring at all the people in the car.

Wu Hanming cried out in fright, "Quick! Quick! Uncle! Get rid of this thing! My God! What a fucking monster!"

The uncle's blood spurted, and he was driving the ambulance nervously. He made a sharp turn at the first intersection, and the monster in the car was thrown off, but it didn't end. The monster lay on the ground and wailed like a leopard. He ran quickly on all fours, and immediately caught up.

The speed of the car was not slow at this time, but it was caught up by the monster with a sudden leap.The monster inserted its blood claws into the carriage, and crawled towards the front of the car from the side.

The uncle looked in the rearview mirror, and sooner or later they would finish playing like this. He accelerated on the driveway and swayed the steering wheel from side to side, but the monster didn't move at all, and he couldn't get rid of it.

At this moment, the fuel warning light of the ambulance also came on.

"Uncle, what should we do?" Wu Hanming looked at the uncle with a mournful face, because the monster was crawling slowly on his side.

The uncle was looking at the rearview mirror while driving. He made up his mind to take the risk and shouted,
"Come closer to me! Keep your heads down!"

"Bang!—" The uncle scraped the side of the car across the lamp post, but unfortunately the force was too weak to hit it. The monster roared angrily and grabbed the body with one claw and continued to crawl.

The uncle was so heartbroken that he slammed the right side of the ambulance into the wall on the side of the street, and the right side rubbed against the wall. The sparks and harsh metal sound made the uncle crazily step on the accelerator.

He had no choice but to do this, if he couldn't kill this guy, he could only accept his fate!

The monster was squeezed into a bloody mess between the car and the wall, and the bloody claws stuck in the car made it too late to get rid of it.It wasn't until the ambulance lost control and hit a street lamp post that it stopped.
(End of this chapter)

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