
Chapter 45 Where is the Hope?

Chapter 45 Where is the Hope? (two more)
The black blood dripped from the car to the curb, and the violent sound alarmed the surrounding zombies. They followed the sound and came all the way for food, and even with their roars, they wiped out the hope of the survivors little by little.

Yang Xiaochuan was hit on the head with a wound, and blood flowed down his cheek.

He opened his dim eyes in a trance.Not far away, the roar slowly approached.Looking around, everyone else was lying in the car motionless, and the violent impact made him a little delirious.

"Uncle! Uncle!" Yang Xiaochuan reached out and patted the uncle who was only holding the steering wheel, and then shook Fang Hujun and Wu Hanming beside him.Everyone has chafing to varying degrees.

Yang Xiaochuan kicked open the slightly deformed car door fiercely, and was the first to climb out of the car, and then stretched out his hands to pull Fang Hujun out. , the uncle's face was pale, and he was covering his abdomen with one hand, and an iron block stabbed him in the abdomen impartially.Enduring the pain, he wanted to pull it out.

"Stop! Don't pull it out! Brother Yang, you and I will drag the uncle out gently!" Fang Hujun hurriedly stopped the uncle's behavior, and then pulled him out together.The uncle was leaning against the dripping lamppost, which was still halfway up, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

"Angkor! Angkor! Wake up! Wake up!" Yang Xiaochuan yelled at Wu Hanming, because he was the co-pilot and was at the bottom. The degree of deformation is quite serious.

Wu Hanming opened his blurry eyes. Fortunately, he was only slightly injured, but the deformed front of the car stuck him firmly inside.One of his feet was stuck between the front of the car and the seat, and he couldn't get it out no matter how hard he tried.

Yang Xiaochuan was extremely anxious when he saw Wu Hanming's condition.Behind him is the injured uncle, and in front of him is Angkor who has been through life and death together until now.The most important thing is that the zombies are approaching them. He is extremely depressed at this moment, feeling so helpless. He looks up at the dark yellow clouds, and a heavy rain is coming soon.

On the other side of the ambulance, Fang Hujun was awakened by a faint twitching sound. He slowly walked towards the side where the monster was being suppressed, watching the black blood flow continuously from his feet, and wondering one after another in his fearful heart. What the hell!

So far, they have never encountered such a dangerous zombie. This one is very different from the zombies they have seen before. It moves fast and has intelligence, just like a ferocious killing machine!
He was trembling all over, and hurried to Yang Xiaochuan, and said in horror, "Brother Yang, we can't stay here for too long, we have to find a safe place quickly, the monster from before should not be dead, I'm afraid it will jump again come out!"

He then looked at the weak uncle beside him, he really didn't expect this man's acuity to be so high, "If uncle didn't do what he did today, we might all have to die here!"

"I can't go, I have to save Uncle and Angkor! Help me! You help me! We have saved you before!" Yang Xiaochuan stared at Fang Hujun with wide eyes.

Fang Hujun was struggling in his heart. The current situation was too bad, not to mention whether he would get out of his body, and the uncle and Wu Hanming were the two most hopeful to save him.

Wu Hanming was stuck inside and couldn't move. They kept consuming like this. Once the zombies surrounded them, it would be too late to run again.He was in great pain and didn't know how to answer Yang Xiaochuan for a while.

Facing the situation in front of him, Wu Hanming panted heavily, and said to Yang Xiaochuan in a low voice, "Xiaochuan, leave me alone, I can't leave, so hurry up and take uncle away! Otherwise, none of them will be able to leave!"

Yang Xiaochuan's eyes were filled with tears. In a trance, a very familiar friend had to be abandoned so helplessly, and he faced the coming of death alone.He couldn't restrain his emotions, roaring mixed with the sound of raindrops and slowly entering the countdown to death, he stood at the front of the car with his head raised and sobbed loudly
"Why, why on earth is this happening!" He roared heart-piercingly.

"Xiaochuan. Come here." Wu Hanming gently called out Yang Xiaochuan's name. He took off the bag on his back with difficulty, and looked at Yang Xiaochuan firmly through the blurred lenses, "We must live! Live! "

"Let's go, brother Yang!" Fang Hujun swung Yang Xiaochuan's arm, reluctantly supported the uncle, and fled towards the alley beside the road in embarrassment, gradually disappearing in the rainy night.

Wu Hanming watched their figures going away and closed his eyes silently.

The zombies were lying in front of the windshield and hitting the glass that was not completely broken. The window on the side of the cab was facing the sky, and rain fell from it.

Seeing the crowd of hungry and excited zombies gradually swarming over, tightly surrounding the front of the car, he silently lit a cigarette.

Looking back on the past, living an ordinary life, is my wife and child still alive at this time?How are they now.He was tired, and it was the first time he faced death so calmly.

"Wow——" The sound of metal rubbing against the ground came from the rear, the car body moved, and he felt a strong desire to kill in horror. That's right, that monster is not dead!
"Boom!—" The huge force flipped the car body and threw it flying, and the roar that resounded through the sky was released from the mucus-filled fangs, piercing through the entire city.

The survivors were trembling on the way to escape, where should they go?How can I escape this hellish city?Is it safe outside the city?
Perhaps only the living human beings in later generations can tell these stories and answer these questions.

Yang Xiaochuan and Fang Hujun did not stop. In their eyes, there is no hope in this world.The remaining people continue to flee in fear and loneliness. If there is hope in such a world, where is the hope?
They dragged the uncle forward rapidly in the rainy night, and the nearby zombies tried to pounce on them.Fleeing for life became instinct.

They dare not enter the dark buildings, and the shops with open doors. They are afraid of the dark and the unknown that will appear at any time.

Sometimes Yang Xiaochuan thinks back, struggling and living in despair, can he really get rid of this terrible nightmare?
He suddenly remembered the look in Wu Hanming's eyes before he left, and the words echoed in his mind: We must live!live!
He recalled the secrets that Zhang Liang told him, and let him come back alive to know the whole story about Wang Meng.
Yes, only by living can we know the truth.

Wu Hanming gave up his own time to fight for them to live. How important is the weight of this friendship?
Zhang Liang trusted them to persist in the store until the end, and firmly believed that they would come back, and wrote a big word on the glass: Escape!
In order to let everyone have the last hope, the uncle did his best to get seriously injured and won everyone a chance to escape.
He has absolutely no reason not to live.He knew that the zombies would not give him time and reason to live at this moment. If he couldn't let go of a lot and think calmly, then the sacrifices everyone made and everything they did seemed to be a joke and very sad.

Such struggling and suffering only prolongs the time of living, and in the end no one survives, what a great irony.

This is the dignity of being born as a human being. Perhaps at this time, few people still have dignity.

Yang Xiaochuan's breathing suddenly became regular, and he was no longer affected by the noise of the rainy night and the howling of zombies.

He wants to take the three of them to a safe place. Anyone can give up, but he cannot give up.Because there are still many truths waiting for him.

They carefully avoided the zombies and quickened their pace, and stopped at the gate of a residential area, looking at a window with a light on in the dark building.That's right!That is hope.

(End of this chapter)

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