
Chapter 47 The Uncle with High Fever

Chapter 47 The Uncle with High Fever

Yang Xiaochuan is also very helpless, what should be done, the phone keeps ringing like this is not a solution, they will be dead sooner or later if they spend so much time here.

He suddenly thought, yes, there is a human leg in the elevator!
He had a big brain hole, thought of this, and decided to take a risk.

He went back to the elevator entrance on the first floor, pressed the elevator, and took an offensive posture, because he wasn't sure if the zombies entered within 5 seconds after the elevator closed.

When the door opened, I let out a long sigh of relief, but fortunately not.The most important thing is that this elevator has double doors!

He used the fastest speed to stand his human legs on the crack of the closed door on the other side, then quickly pressed the button on the fourth floor and jumped out. He hurried back to the stairwell on the first floor to observe the movement of the zombies on the second floor .

Fortunately, the zombies on the second floor didn't move that fast. When the zombies on the second floor reached the corridor, the elevator had already brought the mobile phone to the fourth floor.

The moment the elevator door opened, the human leg fell down, just between the closed door, no matter how hard the elevator door could not be closed.

The sound of the mobile phone rang through the entire building in an instant without blocking it, and almost all the zombies flocked to the elevator on the fourth floor.

They could clearly hear the excitement of the zombies on the second floor when they heard the sound, and the vibration of the tide of corpses came from the corridor.

Until the zombies crowded the elevator, the sound was blocked, and the roars were concentrated on the fourth floor.

Yang Xiaochuan probed to look at the second floor, the corridor was very clean, and tiptoed to the third floor, it was very clean.

He hurriedly carried the uncle, who was getting worse and worse, to the house with the light on the third floor.

The three of Yang Xiaochuan came to the door and saw that there was an open window at the end of the corridor on their side.

He told Fang Hujun that if the door was not opened and zombies were attracted, then leave him and the uncle alone and just jump out of the window to escape.

Fang Hujun is full of bitterness, damn it!Jumping out of the window again, the hospital jumped once, and now it’s still here?But after thinking about it, do I have a choice?

Yang Xiaochuan held his breath, put his ears on the door, and stared at the entrance of the corridor, "Ding dong——" Fortunately, this house has an electronic doorbell, and the sound can only be heard inside the house, and it can hardly be heard.Ringing the doorbell can at least tell the people inside that they are human.

After pressing it three times in a row, a faint voice came from the monitor on the door: "Who are you? Why are you here! Go quickly, this side is full of monsters!"

Yang Xiaochuan looked up, good guy, there are really big living people, and he was very happy.

"Listen to me, we are not bad people, some of us were injured! We need to find a safe place! Please let us in!" Although there was a glimmer of hope in Yang Xiaochuan's heart, the other party did not intend to let them in.

The other party was not talking, leaving Yang Xiaochuan and Fang Hujun looking at each other in blank dismay, the people inside might also be frightened by this kind of world, who would dare to open the door easily for others.

"Hey! Are you still there? We really can't find another place! Please open the door!" Yang Xiaochuan was a little annoyed. There is a door between heaven and hell, and it is too miserable not to be able to enter this door
Looking at the uncle who was about to lose consciousness, he touched his forehead and it was burning hot!Fang Hujun was also sweating, the wound was a little red, swollen and pus-filled, he had to pull out the iron piece as soon as possible to clean the wound, otherwise the uncle would really die.

Just when everyone was at a loss, another voice came from the surveillance speaker: "Do you have anything to eat? I haven't eaten for two days."

food?I almost forgot the pack of canned food I was carrying on my back. The journey was bumpy and bumpy, and I almost forgot about the food!

"Yes, yes, yes!!! We have a lot!" Yang Xiaochuan hurriedly opened the bag and showed it to the monitor.

"Alright then! You have to act fast! Otherwise, those monsters will come over!"

After finishing speaking, there was a click, the sound of the door opening was really long gone.

Yang Xiaochuan and Fang Hujun worked together to push the semi-conscious uncle into the house. The moment the door closed, Yang Xiaochuan collapsed on the ground.

Fang Hujun didn't care about taking a break, and hurriedly asked the person who opened the door, "Do you have a medicine box at home?"

"Yes, my mother puts it in the TV cabinet in the hall, it's too high for me to reach."

Only then did Yang Xiaochuan and Fang Hujun see clearly that the person speaking was a ten-year-old boy, not tall and very thin. They did not expect that the three of them were saved by this child.

Yang Xiaochuan took out the can from his bag, opened the lid and handed it to the boy, who took it and ate it hungrily.

Fang Hujun rummaged through the box and took out a box from it. The moment he opened it, he couldn't help but be amazed!This is simply a surgical toolbox!
Various surgical instruments and syringes inside occupy half of the box, and the other half are some daily fever, cold, and pain relief medicines.

With these things, it would be much better for Fang Hujun.He first sterilized the uncle's wound, and asked Yang Xiaochuan to help hold the uncle's hands and feet. Because there was no anesthetic, he had to slowly pull out the iron block.

After being awakened by the pain, the uncle struggled for a while and then passed out, and he didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end.

Fang Hujun really admired the man uncle.Looking at the wound, the puncture wound was relatively deep, the infection of the wound was relatively serious, and no internal organs were injured.

After he stopped the bleeding, he applied some simple ointments, stitches, and gauze bandages. A series of skillful movements made Yang Xiaochuan realize that he was a doctor.

That's right, Fang Hujun has experienced too many such scenes.He searched around and found that many medicines were missing, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and so on.These medicines are lifesavers in this case.

The two carried the uncle to the sofa and covered him with a blanket. Seeing that the uncle had a high fever, they could only give him some antipyretic tablets first.If the uncle still has a fever the next day, it will be a little troublesome,
Yang Xiaochuan and Fang Hujun ate something together. They watched the little boy sitting in the corner without speaking, wondering why he was the only one at home.

"What's your name? Where are your parents?" Yang Xiaochuan asked.

The little boy looked at the two of them, and soon began to cry, and then said while crying,
"My name is Ning Yang. Because I had a severe cold a while ago, my parents asked me to take leave from school, so I stayed at home and did not go out. Usually, a nanny would come to cook for me, but I don't know what happened. One day, as soon as my grandma went out, there was a screaming sound outside. I didn’t dare to open the door. Through the surveillance video, I saw that people in the corridor were biting people, even eating them. There was blood everywhere. I was too afraid to open the door. When I went out, I was afraid of the dark, so I kept the lights on at home, and I called my parents, hoping that they would come back, but they couldn’t get through.” At the end of the story, the little boy kept sobbing.

Yang Xiaochuan and Fang Hujun remained silent.Faced with such sudden changes, normal adults don't know what to do, let alone a child.

"What do your parents do?" Fang Hujun asked.

"They are all doctors from the affiliated hospital," the little boy replied.

The two dare not continue to ask, they have already thought of the worst ending, and the child has become an orphan since then, and it is really too difficult to live in this world.Fang Hujun also understood why the little boy's medicine box was so complete.

Yang Xiaochuan wiped away his tears, comforted him, and then looked at the situation in the whole house.The first thing he went to was the kitchen, and he opened the door of the cupboard. Good guy, two bags of rice and one bag of noodles were unopened, and he only ate a little of the rice in the rice tank.

There are beer, drinks, and vegetables that have been stored for a few days in the refrigerator. There are frozen shrimp, frozen chicken, hot pot meatballs, etc.
Yang Xiaochuan was really happy. He thought the little boy had nothing at home, so he was hungry for two days. It turned out that he didn't know how to cook. It was a pity that he almost starved to death at home.

Yang Xiaochuan and Fang Hujun had a detailed understanding of the situation at home, and decided to take a break here temporarily. After all, they had been fleeing outside for too long, and the current situation of the uncle required a good rest.

"Brother Xiaochuan, if uncle's high fever doesn't subside tomorrow, we have to find a way to find medicine." Fang Hujun was in a low mood, and he no longer wanted to face zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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