
Chapter 48

Chapter 48
Yang Xiaochuan looked at the uncle lying on the sofa, thinking of all the things before, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

He didn't speak, and asked Ning Yang about the situation in other rooms in the house, and then took stock of where to go with Fang Hujun.

First of all, the life and death of my parents are uncertain, so I have to find a way to contact them, no matter the outcome is good or bad.

Of course, before that, they still have to count their supplies and rest, and then they may have to bring a ten-year-old child with them.

Difficulties lie ahead, and if they want to continue to live, they must be fully prepared.

Yang Xiaochuan doesn't want to make any more sacrifices, and doesn't want to lose the people around him.

In the situation where he was unable to help and protect himself, he could only fight for his life, using almost gambling behavior, to squeeze out any available strength from himself, and implement any conceivable method.

Losing Wu Hanming is a problem that I have never thought about. This matter came too suddenly, and now there are still a series of people whose lives and deaths are uncertain: Zhang Liang, Zhao Yaru, and the young man I have always been wary of, Li Fei.
The lost people linger in my mind like images, how long can I live?
He has been thinking about this question, and every time he has to make a life-and-death decision, this question will appear and linger.
"Brother Xiaochuan, we can stay here for about a week. Rice and noodles are definitely enough, but we still have to think about what to do next." Fang Hujun looked at Yang Xiaochuan.

He has re-counted the supplies, because there are very few of them at present, and they can still survive for a week if they save some food.Looking at the environment in the house, it is relatively clean and comfortable. If you live here for a week, it will not be too late to leave when the uncle's injury is better.

But Fang Hujun still has one thing that he can't let go of, "You can settle down here first, and everyone has a good rest. I touched the uncle's head just now and it was very hot. The wound was inflamed and infected with a high fever. I still need to find some medicine. , there is no such medicine in the medicine cabinet of Ningyang's family, it should be very common in pharmacies."

Walking dead outside, looking for medicine?It's easier said than done, but Yang Xiaochuan still has to face this problem.

It is definitely unrealistic to let Fang Hujun go together. He can only go out by himself. At least there is really something wrong with him, and the rest of the people can live for a while.

"Of course, Brother Xiaochuan, you don't have to take this risk. Although I don't know the relationship between you and uncle, if you go out, we may lose two lives. I don't mean that I am selfish. I thank you for saving me before. It killed me, but I really don't have the courage to go out and face these zombies alone. I would rather starve to death here." Fang Hujun felt very ashamed when he said these words.He can deeply feel the human nature.

Yang Xiaochuan doesn't blame him, he can't force anyone to do anything.

He looked at the uncle silently for a few seconds and said: "I will go out to find medicine during the day tomorrow, you stay at home and help me take care of Uncle and Ning Yang, if it is really a last resort, run for your life yourself! I don't blame you, Everyone has their own life. I want to take a bath and have a good rest."

After the shower was turned on, black coagulated blood stains flowed all over the floor under the hot water.Yang Xiaochuan raised his head, his dark muscles made him very tall and straight.

He felt like he hadn't showered in a century, hadn't felt a comfortable environment, and it would be nice if nothing happened.Maybe I am working at the two-point line of the Haidong Municipal Government, watching a movie on weekends, or playing games at home
And mom's cooking, the old man chattered non-stop at the dinner table. But everything is gone
The feeling of being exiled in hell, life has become the end of the world, and everything is not what I am familiar with.

What rules, what systems, what human nature, good and bad, right and wrong, everything starts like a nightmare, but it is real.
Maybe these are not important anymore, the only important thing is to be alive.

In the early morning of Qingshan City, the sky began to clear up.The morning light came in from the window, and Fang Hujun smoked on the balcony early.He got up early and cooked some rice and porridge.

When Yang Xiaochuan saw breakfast after washing, he didn't expect this middle-aged man in his 40s to have such a skill.He looked at Ning Yang who was still asleep through the crack of the door, but didn't wake him up.

Seeing Yang Xiaochuan woke up, Fang Hujun stubbed out his cigarette, walked in and sat on the table.

"How is uncle?" Yang Xiaochuan asked.

"I changed the gauze for him in the morning, and the wound is healed, and there is no more bleeding. But the wound is red and swollen, and he is still in a high fever, and his condition is not very good. It will be difficult to control the pus again. You should eat more rice. Order, he has no food here, I cut some rice peppers and added some light soy sauce to taste, you eat more. I will feed uncle some porridge later." Fang Hujun said while eating.

"I'll leave after dinner." Yang Xiaochuan glanced at the blushing uncle, and began to eat.

Before leaving, he only took 2 cans and filled a bottle of mineral water.Yang Xiaochuan sorted out his equipment at the door, and stood with his back facing the door for a few seconds.

He turned on the surveillance camera and saw that there were no zombies at the door like yesterday, and he was secretly thankful.

Fang Hujun leaned against the wall with his arms folded and looked at Yang Xiaochuan's back, not knowing what to say for a while.

"I will stay here forever. In fact, I don't plan to run away anymore. I'm afraid of these zombies. Even if I die, I don't want to be eaten up by these monsters. If none of the remaining people walk out of this house in the end, you don't either." Blame me," Fang Hujun said before walking to the balcony.

Looking at the back of Yang Xiaochuan trotting all the way to the gate of the community, he lit another cigarette.

Yang Xiaochuan opened the offline map of the GPS satellite positioning on the watch. This map is updated every six months.Even in the absence of the Internet, it can also appear.

The projection on the dial prompts the nearest pharmacy, which is about 100 meters away from the community.Yang Xiaochuan, who was hiding in the corner, was very excited. There are usually a lot of living and medical facilities and supplies around the community.

He carefully killed the lone zombies, and stumbled all the way to the main street.Squatting in a green belt, looking around, the density of the surrounding zombies was like a net. Just as he was worrying about how to reach the pharmacy, the ground, the soil under his feet, and the branches and leaves of the green belt began to vibrate slightly.

The zombies were also awakened by this movement. They raised their heads and looked up to the sky. A long suspension train galloped along the horseshoe ring track above their heads, but suddenly 6 crawling monsters appeared on the roof:

Sharp claws, skinned flesh and blood, a huge eye on the exposed brain, and roars from the bloody mouth!That's right!It was them, the pursuers of the night!
These monsters inserted their claws through the roof one by one, destroying the system of the suspended train.The train derailed in an instant and rushed out, breaking the huge hoof-shaped conductive pillar, and plunged into the building not far away.

"Boom!—" A violent explosion resounded throughout the city, and the ground shook tremendously.

The unpowered car was thrown off the track and crashed into surrounding buildings and houses.The carriage was just across the block, turned over and ignited a raging fire.

There was a series of explosions from the building, confetti flying all over the sky, a fire broke out and thick smoke billowed!
The car that was hit kept sounding the siren, and all the zombies in all directions rushed towards the siren.

Corpses roared, the streets were in chaos, and the car hit was like an alarm bomb.

Countless zombies walked in front of Yang Xiaochuan, and every zombie roared excitedly. There is no more exciting scene than this. What Yang Xiaochuan saw was shocking.

He hid in the green belt and didn't dare to move, recalling the night of the pursuer, escaped from death, and now there are 6 more in the city!Yang Xiaochuan felt more and more that there were more and more mysteries in this disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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