
Chapter 59 Out of the City

Chapter 59 Leaving the City
Fang Hujun packaged and integrated the medicines and tools in the house, as well as the medicines brought back by Yang Xiaochuan.

He gave everyone a little basic medicine, such as anti-inflammatory drugs and specific antibiotics.

In his eyes, the group of them may be dispersed at any time. When facing a crisis, they can only rely on themselves if they want to continue to live. The medicine and food given to everyone is undoubtedly the last straw.

What he is most worried about now is how long the dilapidated car downstairs can last. He can only pray silently in his heart that the rest of the journey will go smoothly.

Maodan went back to the kitchen to put some unfinished food into bags, and carried Ning Yang's schoolbag on his back.

Grab the handy kitchen knives and you may never have the chance to chop vegetables again.He pulled Ning Yang into the room, like a pair of brothers who depended on each other.

Ning Yang has become numb from crying these days, and no longer yells to find his parents, as if he has grown up in an instant.

Helpless, this world filled his childhood with fear, forcing him to mature his mind quickly if he wanted to survive.

A child who has not experienced complete love, hatred, love and hatred, to become mature and strong, what kind of cruel reality must he suffer to become like this?

In front of the mirror in the bathroom, Yang Xiaochuan was doing the final cleaning in the bathroom, and the black blood was washed down from his body along the water flow.

Crime, killing. The short hair before retirement also began to grow slowly.

With a beard, a weak body and abdominal pain, his gray face was bloodless.

Bruises and abrasions were everywhere on the body.The self in the mirror is haggard and hopeless, the previous energy has long since disappeared
Yang Xiaochuan simply washed the clothes on his body and put on the tactical vest on his body. It's only half a month later, and the brand-new look has turned into a dark green with various wear and tear mottled with blood.

After counting the supplies on his body, he took off the scabbard of the Blade of Chaos, and a thick layer of blood stains had already been attached to the back of the knife.

After rinsing with clean water for a long time, the blue light and shadow gradually emerged from the front light of the mirror. It is really a pair of good knives.

I found a clean rag to wipe the blade clean, and then cleaned the scabbard.

Yang Xiaochuan sorted out his sidearms alone, which are the most precious life-sustaining weapons at the moment.

He pulled out the pistol on his body, fired twice himself, and Fang Hujun fired three times, with ten bullets still in it.The bullets in the back had to be used well. Before a critical moment, a single bullet would save their lives.

Everyone gathered in the hall, and there were more zombies wandering around the gate of the community, which were attracted by Fang Hujun's shooting before.

The uncle told Mao Dan to take good care of Ning Yang, checked his belongings, and hung a short knife on his waist.

He asked Fang Hujun to support Yang Xiaochuan, walked to the gate of the house and stopped for a while.

"Opening this door, we will really embark on the road of escape. No one knows who we will meet and what kind of predicament we will encounter. Everyone must be prepared to fall behind or be bitten by zombies at any time." Prepare. In the face of a companion who is infected in any form, I will mercilessly end his life, regardless of the elderly or children, regardless of men and women. If I am infected, please don’t hesitate, just point it at my head I'm done with it."

There was a gleam in the uncle's eyes, and everyone's expressions were saddened.

No one wants to face the result that the uncle said, let alone end it for anyone. Maybe the uncle knows that the group of people in front of him will not go for long if they don't have the courage to make a choice.

"Kacha——" the door opened, and the stuffy heat and stench filled the nostrils.They didn't make any stops, and the elevator on the fourth floor was still closing and opening. The zombies attracted by the gunshots were then attracted upstairs by the sound of the elevator switch.

They walked downstairs quickly, but fortunately there was not a single zombie in the corridor.

The uncle sat in the driver's cab, and Yang Xiaochuan was arranged by Fang Hujun in the back row. The severed hand under the seat was already stiff and started to rot, and the car was full of stench.

Yang Xiaochuan wrapped his severed hand with the cloth prepared in advance and pointed it at the fingerprint identification key.

At first he saw the degree of decay of the severed hand, and he was a little worried about whether the fingerprints would still work.

Along with the roar of the engine, this sound is particularly reassuring.

The uncle took the severed hand and wrapped it next to the seat, and went to the front of the car to tidy up the broken windshield.

The roaring sound in the distance slowly began to approach.He got into the car unhurriedly, and when he saw that all the people in the car had arrived, he turned to reverse, kicked the accelerator, knocked down the zombies in front of him, and drove away on the street.

There is not much fuel left in the car, and there is still a quarter of it. The first thing to do is to see if there is a chance to change to a car with more fuel and better condition.

They still have a long way to go before leaving Qingshan City.It is too dangerous to find a car in the city, and the places where the vehicles are pushed are basically piles of zombies.

The uncle didn't drive very fast. Every time he passed a street corner, he and Fang Hujun carefully observed and searched for usable cars, but the cars on the road were either crashed terribly, or burned into empty shells.The car that can be driven is pushed in the alley, and the zombies are wandering back and forth in the car
"It seems that it is impossible to find a car in the city."

Fang Hujun looked out the car window, the streets were chaotic, and there was no room for screening.

Mosquitoes hovered over the blood-stained area on the front of the car, and slowly drove away towards the road leaving Qingshan City.

The uncle circled a large circle from the outside and came to the main road leaving Qingshan City. According to the offline positioning of Yang Xiaochuan's watch, it suggested that there was a cross-sea viaduct leaving Qingshan City.

However, when they came to the intersection on the elevated road, densely packed vehicles stopped neatly in front of them.

On the left is the one-way lane that enters Qingshan City via the elevated highway on the lane change.The auxiliary road on the right is the road to the suburban airport of Qingshan City.

They stopped the car without turning it off.The uncle carefully observed the movement in the car tide, and the surroundings were quiet, with occasional birds chirping across the sky.

No one, no screaming from zombies.Fang Hujun thought he could pick the nearest car and try to see if it could start.The only problem is that the current cars are basically biometric fingerprint recognition, unless the owner of the car turns into a zombie and happens to be tied to the seat by the seat belt and cannot move, they may start the car.

"How about I go down and look for it? Maybe there is a car to drive away?" Fang Hujun said.

The uncle looked ahead, a few birds skipped over, and then looked at the people in the back row.The surrounding area is too quiet, how could there be so many abandoned cars without a single zombie?He felt a little uneasy.

"I'll go and have a look. Turn off the car first." Fang Hujun looked at the uncle, only his mobility is still normal.Although the uncle was a little uneasy, they couldn't get out of Qingshan City with this car alone.He could only nod his head and tell Fang Hujun to be careful.

Yang Xiaochuan looked at the figure of Fang Hujun leaving, the scorching heat under the sunny sun permeated the car, and the people in the car were quietly waiting for Fang Hujun to bring good news to everyone.

The people in the car each ate something and drank some water. As the temperature slowly rose, they felt sleepy.

Mao Dan had already fallen asleep with his arms around Ning Yang, and his anxiety made the uncle's eyes gradually blurred. Just as he was drowsy, the loud sound of broken glass and the sound of an alarm came from not far away. Yang Xiaochuan took a closer look and saw Fang The Lake Army stumbled back and yelled, "Zombies! Get ready to run!"

(End of this chapter)

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