
Chapter 60 The Running Zombie

Chapter 60 The Running Zombie

The uncle hurriedly grabbed the severed hand beside him and aimed at the fingerprint start button. The car shook twice, but there was no response.
The uncle is a little flustered at this time, isn't it, is there something wrong with the car now?This is a joke!

He kept trying again and again, but the car didn't respond at all except for the sound of electric current passing through instantly.

The uncle who was sweating profusely began to panic, he didn't know what went wrong.Ning Yang in the back seat cried out in fright, while Yang Xiaochuan was so nervous that his abdomen hurt and his limbs became weak.

Fang Hujun shouted while running, and the zombie army appeared one after another behind him.Yang Xiaochuan struggled to crawl behind the uncle, sweating a little, and quickly reminded: "Index finger! Index finger! Uncle!"

The uncle hurriedly changed a finger, and the roaring sound resounded in his ears. He drove in the direction of Fang Hujun, and vaguely saw a zombie acting strangely in the tide of corpses not far behind Fang Hujun. Zombies are walking and chasing slowly, but that zombie can run!

The uncle didn't believe his eyes, rubbed them vigorously, and took a closer look, that's right!is running!

The slow-moving zombies are already difficult to deal with if they just walk, but if they run.
The uncle didn't dare to think about it. He told the people in the back seat to sit down, stopped with a sudden brake, and stretched out his hand to open the co-pilot's door.

While watching Fang Hujun running hard towards him, he was still searching for the distinctive zombie among the corpses.

This world is becoming more and more bizarre and desperate. Everyone is sweating for Fang Hujun, hoping that Fang Hujun can get in the car as soon as possible.

At the same time, Yang Xiaochuan is also observing the surrounding situation. On the right is the road leading to the airport. There are no shops or hydrogen refueling places along the way.

He looked at the road on the left again, it was the road leading to Qingshan City, did he still have to turn back.A trace of anxiety, a trace of helplessness
"Xiao Chuan! Take out your gun! Look behind the Lake Army below, is there a zombie who can run!" the uncle roared.

What!Yang Xiaochuan's abdomen tightened, and a burst of pain forced him to stand up and squint his eyes.

The zombie running among the corpses dragged its tattered clothes, had a mouth full of blood, and shook its shoulders.

He ran in a straight line and did not avoid other zombies on the road.

When the other zombies were knocked down, he opened his bloody mouth and screamed at the knocked down zombies on the spot, and then continued to run wildly, like a leader angrily scolding his subordinates.

"You have to aim at that zombie, maybe it will catch up, and then Fang Hujun will be in danger!" the uncle said nervously.

Fang Hujun's physical strength has declined a bit, the weather is too hot, and he hasn't eaten or rested well these days.

He was panting heavily, stopping every now and then to catch his breath.

The uncle was very anxious when he saw this, maybe Fang Hujun hadn't found such a zombie behind him yet.

He blew the flute twice, stretched out his hand and waved vigorously, signaling for Fang Hujun to come back quickly!And yelled: "Run! Run!!"

When Fang Hujun saw the uncle's movements, he didn't hear what he was calling clearly. He felt a little strange and turned his head to look closely. A zombie with a bloody mouth roared and ran towards him. He was horrified and almost froze in place: "My sky!What the hell is that! ?
Yang Xiaochuan had already taken out his gun, clasped his hands tightly and aimed at Fang Hujun's back.

Fang Hujun ran wildly on the road, looking back at the position of the zombie while running, not far away from him.From a distance, one person and one corpse were thrown away from the tide of corpses.

As the zombies on the elevated road came out in full force, the road leading to the airport on the right was quickly blocked by zombies, and the current traffic conditions did not allow any more collisions, so the only option left was the one on the left that detoured to the elevated road leading to Qingshan City intersection.

The uncle had already made preparations. As soon as Fang Hujun got in the car, he would rush to the elevated road on the left, and he would have to accept his fate when he went back.

Fang Hujun plunged in from the outside. Before the door was closed, the uncle kicked the accelerator and the car rushed out to the left.The running zombies still pursued them relentlessly.

Step on the accelerator to the bottom, and follow the auxiliary road to guide all the way to the elevated road. The uncle has already made sufficient preparations in his heart. If the elevated road entering Qingshan City is also blocked
Until the moment they entered the elevated road, the situation on the road surprised everyone. On the other side of the city, the steel torrent of cars was densely blocked in place. They could imagine how anxious people were when the disaster broke out, eager to get out of the city as soon as possible.

However, not one or two people escaped from this city. On the contrary, the road to Qingshan City is very clean, without a single car.

Just ask, who would dare to rush into a hellish city when a disaster breaks out.The elevated scene is depressing.

It was precisely this scene that the uncle resolutely adjusted his direction and continued to move in the opposite direction of Qingshan City, all the way smooth.The zombies in the car tide were blocked by the concrete barrier in the middle of the elevated road, even if they found a speeding car, they couldn't get through.

"There are zombies that can run, is it because of the mutation of the virus?" Fang Hujun said to himself.

There can be monsters like Hunter, why can't there be zombies that can run?Everything is possible in this world.
There may be more terrifying zombies somewhere in the city... Maybe the government has established a safe zone. Maybe the world has already fallen.
The uncle lit up a cigarette by himself. In front of him was an endless road and the desolate countryside along the way.

Yang Xiaochuan stretched out his head and looked at the city behind him. It was desolate and quiet, but there was a murderous intent hidden in the quiet.
How many survivors are left in this city that grew up from childhood?
He was a little dizzy from the wind, and he leaned quietly on the seat, and everyone fell into deep thought.

"Brother Fang, what happened there when you were looking for a car?" The uncle saw that Fang Hujun was in a strange state.

"The ground is full of discarded clothes and bags, and some daily necessities have not been taken away. There are bloodstains and leftover limbs from zombies everywhere. I can imagine what I have experienced there. I know the zombies must be nearby. As I was leaving, I... I saw a woman."

What Fang Hujun said was a little vague.

"She didn't turn into a zombie. After seeing me, she smiled slowly at me. I was thinking about whether to save her, but suddenly she smashed her head on the car window, and the huge shattering sound of the glass startled the surrounding zombies. The woman stared at me and yelled, "Everyone must die!Everyone must die!No one can escape!Hahaha!Hahaha." I can't take care of that much, so I can only run back alone."

Fang Hujun said with lingering fear.

(End of this chapter)

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