
Chapter 62 The Port

Chapter 62 The Port
In the long history of China for thousands of years, dynasties have changed, and the flames of war have hardly stopped in the vast hinterland of the Central Plains.

When people who are tired of war do not want to be poisoned by the flames of war, fleeing becomes the motivation to live.

So the mountains have become a very good shelter, which will continue for a long time until human civilization becomes highly developed, and there is no place in the world that cannot be touched.

The human remains hidden in the mountains, rivers and lakes are gradually revealed.The stories about them are also passed down and inherited by their descendants.

As for the myths circulating among human beings and the theory of remote ghosts and ghosts, they have been shattered by highly civilized science as early as several generations ago.

Yang Xiaochuan didn't want to continue talking about Mao Dan.He looked at the coconut grove by the sea in the sunset in the distance, and the whirling sound of mother-in-law swaying with the wind. That is the hope of everyone, and survival has become more urgent now.

The uncle counted the supplies on his body, and everyone walked carefully towards the coconut grove.The front of the coconut grove was blocked by a wire wall, and sporadic spots of light swayed on the ground through tiny gaps.

"What to do, we have to find the gate of the isolation net, and see that there is a sentry tower over there." Fang Hujun pointed to the tall concrete building on the right.

The bridge leading to Haidong City at the entrance of the intercity expressway has been blown up, so they can only think of another way out.

Everyone quickly walked towards the sentry tower. Only when they reached the coastline could they find a port or a useful ship, so that they could reach the floating island on the other side of the sea - Haidong City.

The door below the sentry tower is a biometric fingerprint identification system, and the red light source indicates that the power system is still operating normally.

"This kind of sentry tower is a non-military building of the government, mainly used to transmit signals to aircraft, and to provide signal sources for ships at sea.

If the power supply is destroyed, the access control function of this door should be invalid. "The uncle said.

"There are no holes for screws on the outside, and we don't have tools. It's a bit difficult to break this thing. Why don't we go along the fence and look forward to see if we can find other entrances?" Yang Xiaochuan said.

Fang Hujun looked forward, and dense seaside buildings appeared in front of him.There was a trace of fear in his heart. Where there are buildings, there must be people, and where there are people, there must be zombies.

Approaching the buildings clustered by the sea will undoubtedly bring more risks to everyone.

"There are likely to be a large number of zombies waiting for us in that direction. It is too dangerous for us to rush through this situation. I disagree with this suggestion." Fang Hujun said firmly.

The uncle didn't speak, and squatted down to look at the traces on the sand. There happened to be two wheel marks on the messy sand, extending all the way to the group of buildings.

During this period of time, there was always some heavy rain and strong wind. It stands to reason that this trace should have disappeared or been blurred long ago.

It is so obvious, and the depth is not diminished, there is only one possibility, that is, some survivors drove towards the group of buildings over there.

"We have to go over there to see. The gate to the coastline can only be in the bustling and smooth neighborhood, which is the hub that connects everything, and" the uncle pointed to the wheel marks on the ground, "someone may have gone there first, We can go and try our luck."

After hearing what the uncle said, Fang Hujun felt uncomfortable. He still resisted such things as trying his luck. After so much experience, he was almost fed up with the days of fear.

If he really couldn't do it, he climbed over the barbed wire wall by himself, but the electrified wire on it made him give up this idea.So far, nothing has been easier than imagined.

Yang Xiaochuan briefly explained some things to Mao Dan and Ning Yang, and the group proceeded cautiously towards the group building.

They stuck to the iron mesh wall that stretched all the way to the distance, observing the movement in the coconut grove while walking.

Everything seemed extraordinarily peaceful, there was a long queue of cars on the elevated elevated road, and sporadic vehicles collided with each other on the intercity highway not far away.

There was still black smoke in the burnt frame. They couldn't hear the roar of the zombies, as if this place was the end of all evil.

Of course, everyone didn't think things were very simple. For those who failed to escape from Qingshan City, the longer they stayed in that city of hell, the more difficult it would be to support them.

Even if you can escape to the border smoothly, the way out is not so easy. Hunter, zombie tide, mutant zombies that can run
If any of these encounters, it will be difficult to survive.They were exhausted from being tortured, so they had no choice but to flee quickly.

There is a checkpoint on the intercity highway that enters the cluster of buildings, and no one is standing by it at this time.

The uncle checked inside the sentry box and found an entry-exit registration book on the table. Unexpectedly, the surveillance inside the sentry box was still operating, and every corner of the group building had a very clear picture.

Yang Xiaochuan was also surprised, carefully watching every surveillance video, there was no one on the quiet street.Could it be that there is really no virus infection here?The survivors have safely arrived in Haidong City?
As the uncle flipped through the vehicle entry registration, his face gradually darkened.On the back pages of the register, there were bloodstains.It was filled with the scribbled handwriting of the sentry box guards, two full pages.

Register Paper Contents:
Be sure to leave! ! !Do not enter the mass building! ! !Do not enter! ! !

(Yang Xiaochuan, Fang Hujun, and the uncle squeezed into the sentry box and looked at the words written at the beginning, shocking.)
To those who read this notebook, I hope that you will try to leave the port by all means! !
(Many of the following are work arrangements and personnel deployment, and everyone still reads the key content.)
We received a call from the Harbor Defense Center, asking to stop any vehicles coming from Qingshan City, and the harbor will enter a complete blockade.

That day was the first day of my work shift. When I came down from the elevated road in Qingshan City, I went to the office to pick up the equipment, and saw a large number of military vehicles coming out of the transport ships docked in the harbor.

The defense said it was a temporary military exercise, but I felt something was wrong in the past few days, because the news said that there was a bad case of murder and mutilation in the mountainous area of ​​Qingshan City recently.
I told my wife to pick up the child and leave Qingshan City to hide for a while. It turns out that my instinct was right.

In the early morning of the next day, we could see faint explosions from Qingshan City from the sentry tower, and thick black smoke rose above the city.

The helicopters began to take off one by one, and a large number of soldiers were pulled up by military vehicles with loaded guns.Two days later, the defense called and asked us to give up guarding the intercity highway.

When we started to evacuate with the army, there was a long queue of cars on the elevated road in front of the previously built fortifications.The crowd was shouting loudly.

My colleagues and I didn't understand what was going on, and turned on the mobile phone network video to find out that something happened in Qingshan City.And then disconnected from the network.

The mobile phone can't get through, and the network has no signal. Everything about Qingshan City seems to be blocked.

The cries on the elevated did not stop until the afternoon.Military vehicles picked up the soldiers on the elevated, and we also evacuated with the troops.

(End of this chapter)

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