
Chapter 63

Chapter 63
Register Paper Contents:
The army left all 300 of us behind, left a little supply and left.

In fact, we all know that they are worried about us carrying the virus.

Some people decided to rush back to Qingshan City with guns to find their family members, while the rest wanted to take the patrol boat at the port and head towards Haidong City.

The night before they were about to leave, there was a dispute over the distribution of supplies.

We are a group of 10 people, a total of 30 groups, each group has a group leader.

Every group has people who want to go back to Qingshan City and leave Qingshan City.

There are only more than 100 semi-automatic rifles in the defense arsenal, and each gun is equipped with light-sensitive night vision devices.There was a fierce quarrel between the team leader and the team leader, and two factions soon formed.

go home and leave.

The fear and anxiety in their hearts made everyone start to do whatever they can, forgetting that they were colleagues who were once in trouble together.

So there was a fight
The people who finally chose to go home were at a disadvantage due to the number of people, and did not get a gun.

Fortunately, Nian Yu used to be a colleague and gave them some food.

Unexpectedly, a group of people who drove back to Qingshan City, a dozen cars that went out in the morning, came back in the afternoon, and only one car came back!The car has been deformed, almost all the glass is broken
The person who got out of the car was covered in blood and had bite marks all over his body, as if he had been attacked by an animal.

We were terrified to leave.We performed some simple treatment on the wounds of the returnees, and the team leaders decided to take them away together
All the nightmares started from that moment, and all the people who were bitten were mutated!They began to bite crazily. At first, it was the people who took care of them, and then the people who took care of them also began to turn into this terrible biting monster.

They are bloodthirsty, eat human flesh, have no pain, and all the people who are bitten are infected. If you want to kill them, you can only attack their heads
(This is all about how zombies cannibalize people. The person who left the notes began to have a nervous breakdown. He thought of his wife and children.)
In fact, I have been bitten too, and I can see the veins in my thighs start to burst out black blood and extend to my upper body.

I had a high fever, my mouth was full of sticky saliva, my eyes started to blur, and I felt very hungry. When I saw a living person, I was very, very, very, very, very, very hungry. Quick, run away!
The content ends here. It seems that the person who left the note has turned into a zombie. There is no sign of it now, and he must be attracted by something.

The uncle remembered the wheel prints before. Although the register had given a very strong warning, the only hope of leaving here was to find a ship in this group building. The only way to leave here was to take this risk.

"Harbor defense is like the home of veterans who change jobs. After retiring from the army, they are assigned to work locally. Just like me, after retiring, I was assigned to work in the Haidong Municipal Government Department. This happened before there was time to report."

Yang Xiaochuan was a little sad.He silently took out a cigarette, lit it, and leaned against the outside of the sentry box, watching the evening sunset like a red-hot iron plate, vividly remembering those scenes of serving in the navy.

We are all veterans, why should veterans make it difficult for veterans? It is everyone's freedom to go home and leave. The thought in the heart can always overcome all fears.But these people have forgotten the sense of honor, brotherhood, and humanity of soldiers. They are tested in times of crisis. They have to be more careful in the future. What may be more terrifying is not zombies, but desperate humanity.

"The record on the note shows that there are probably more than 200 survivors here. I don't know how many people have not been bitten. We must be extra careful when we go in, and there have been riots here, even if we meet living people Be careful! I believe the biggest crisis here." Yang Xiaochuan hesitated to speak.

"Brother Xiaochuan, if you have something to say, just say it. We are all mentally prepared. We have experienced so much along the way, and we have seen everything very clearly." The uncle put away the register and put it on his body.

"It's for food." Yang Xiaochuan looked at the crowd and continued, "We have been in Qingshan City for almost a month. There are hundreds of people in this group and they eat three meals a day. The rations that can be left for them must be enough. Not enough. Before, they could have conflicts over supplies, but now hunger and hunger will make people lose their minds and do whatever they can."

"I also thought about this. If the people inside turned into zombies and there were no survivors, it would be a huge threat to us. It should not be easy to find a ship and leave here smoothly. And it is also difficult for us to identify survivors Have you escaped the port by boat, what is left for us next." Fang Hujun said.

"Be prepared with both hands. According to the only information available now, the situation in the group building is unknown, which is also the biggest threat. After the corpse change happened here, if the survivors are still there, they must be in a very abnormal mental state. "The uncle pointed to the two fresh wheel marks that appeared on the road, "The people who enter inside must be in bad luck."

Uncle has his own intuition.

"I saw from the surveillance that many places were in a mess, with blood on the ground, and no zombies. Do you still remember the corpse wave at the Dongjiao Hospital in Qingshan City?" Fang Hujun said.

This passage undoubtedly awakened the nerves of those who had experienced that narrow escape.The uncle will never forget the despair of being surrounded by corpses and trapped to death in the ambulance cab.He didn't understand why Fang Hujun suddenly brought up this matter.

"In fact, the corpse wave in the Eastern Suburb Hospital was intentionally caused by the military. At that time, the outbreak of corpses was out of control. In order to prevent the virus from spreading further, the army deliberately used gunfire to gather the zombies in the emergency room. The hospital reported that When the gunshots sounded, I knew something must have happened, and before I had time to react, I heard the sound of explosions mixed with the sound of ambulance sirens in the patient area."

Fang Hujun glanced at the uncle silently, "I believe this wave of troops must be the branch troops sent to the Eastern Suburb Hospital before. They know the zombies too well. I have never seen any army facing the raging virus. , Under the situation of mutating like a tide, you can still attack and fight in such an orderly manner. The fortifications on the overpass and the identity of the corpses just illustrate this problem, and the military must know what happened!"

"That's why they had already thought about not taking away the guards at sea, and they never planned to let anyone in Qingshan City go." Yang Xiaochuan gritted his teeth angrily.

"But what does it have to do with the remaining people in the group building now?" asked the uncle.

Fang Hujun looked at the red sunset glow on the coastline and sighed
"The letter said that the army left some food for them. They wouldn't do that. They didn't try to save the survivors when they evacuated the Eastern Suburb Hospital. Besides, the inside of the hospital building was still normal at that time, and all problems were resolved. Out of the hospital area, what do you think their purpose of leaving food for the marine patrol team is?"

Yang Xiaochuan leaned on the sentry box and lit another, exhaled smoke from his nasal cavity, and said quietly:


(End of this chapter)

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