
Chapter 70

Chapter 70

The whole incident has developed to the present, and it seems that there is a sudden justice. After everything became quiet, the uncle fell into deep thought.The surviving Coast Guard, the reasonable Wei Ming, the news about the Haidong Safe Zone
This series of what he saw and heard echoed in the uncle's mind for a long time.

Looking at the sleeping Fang Hujun, Yang Xiaochuan should have fallen asleep as well.

Mao Dan and Ning Yang are in another room, and the two children are not crying or timid at all. What has this world taught them?
Sun Hao and Qian Feng returned all the weapons and supplies they confiscated before, except for some medicines and food, saying that they wanted to take them away, and issued an IOU.

"I will pay back this favor sooner or later, I hope you don't feel uncomfortable." Sun Hao said lightly.

Looking at the IOU, the uncle didn't say anything, he just distributed his things to the previous people, and asked about his future plans.

Sun Hao didn't know how to answer. Although the leader of the Wei team said that he would leave the port and go to Haidong City at the meeting, he couldn't understand the current situation very well.

They don't have a boat at all, so why leave?

The team leader didn't give clear instructions either, what should everyone do in the end, and there wasn't much time left for them.

The uncle was smoking a cigarette in the corner of the room, where he could clearly see the brightly lit Haidong City on the other side.

On the one hand, there is no way out of hell, the port, the longer you stay, the more serious problems you will face.People still have zombies, complexity and fear. For those who have lived to this day, numbness may not be able to accurately describe it.

On the one hand, there is no way to find heaven, and the safe zone. The more unknown the hope, the more fascinating and yearning it is.Facing death and fear can greatly arouse people's desire to survive.

On the other side, how is it now?
When the day was not completely bright, a gunshot followed by intense firing resounded throughout the harbor area.

Everyone was awakened from their deep sleep.The uncle asked Fang Hujun to go out with him to see what happened, while Yang Xiaochuan stayed to watch Mao Dan and Ning Yang.

"Xiao Chuan, the old rules, when you encounter danger, don't stop where you are, don't wait for us, and stay alive as much as possible!"

The uncle handed the Blade of Chaos to Yang Xiaochuan and helped him load the bullet.

Although Yang Xiaochuan taught him these things, if it weren't for the end of the world, maybe he would never touch a gun in this life.

He felt that it would be great if there were two more weapons for this kind of killing.

The uncle and Fang Hujun walked along the gunshots, in the direction of the barbed wire gate of the port, and the scene in front of them was once again stunned.

The tide of corpses is coming again!

They have experienced this scene more than once. They understand that without absolute fire suppression, it is impossible to retreat from the corpse tide, not to mention that there are only a handful of people with guns in the port...

The remaining sea patrol officers in the port occupy different high positions. They are trying to lead the tide of corpses to the place where the containers are densely packed. They didn't pay much attention to the reinforcement, and everyone was at a loss as to how such a remote port would attract a wave of corpses.

"We have to find a way to block the gate! Otherwise, even if we run out of bullets, it will be useless, and we will be trapped on top of the container!" Sun Hao shouted through the walkie-talkie.

"Is there any way, is it possible to go down and fight them hand-to-hand?" Someone else's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Don't fight, you can't finish it, save the ammunition..." The voice from the walkie-talkie was very desperate.

All the team members stood on the container, looking at each other, watching the piled up corpses, shaking rotten bones, filling the park bit by bit, and they themselves were trapped on the container with no way out.

"What should I do?" a team member asked in fear.

No one answered the walkie-talkie for a long time. Facing such a scene, no one could think of a good way.The most frightening thing is that even if it is not eaten by zombies, it will starve to death on it.

The uncle and Fang Hujun stood in the corridor, making sure that the door to the building was locked. The building they were assigned to was a temporary dormitory for the night shift in the southern area, and it was built on the edge of the southern area near the container terminal.

"Uncle, if this gate cannot be blocked, we will all be trapped here!"

Fang Hujun looked anxiously at the scene in front of him.Every time he faced death directly, most of the time he himself had an attitude of despair, but this time was different, he wanted to fight.

The uncle never thought that he could hear such words from Fang Hujun. In his opinion, after experiencing so many struggles between life and death, every time he saved himself from danger, he could accumulate courage in a desperate situation.

He could see that Fang Hujun wanted to live, and now it was very different from before.

The uncle looked at the area of ​​the container, and the zombies gathered around where the sea patrolman was, stretching out their rotten, bone-destroyed arms.Growling in anticipation of the deliciousness on the container.

The team members sat on the container to rest, just like after many lives and deaths, the predicament has not yet defeated them.

They are carefully observing the surrounding environment, hoping to take advantage of it and save themselves.

"Om—" In the sky not far away, a mechanical arm suddenly moved, and the mechanical arm moved and stopped, and the operation was very clumsy.

After several tentative operations, the people in the operating room have mastered the functions of running and grabbing.

The person operating it had a very clear idea, he had to block the gate first, otherwise the zombies pouring in would swallow it up.

The robotic arm grabbed a container and moved on the track of the robotic arm surrounded by the port building, only to hear a "boom--".

The iron and steel embraced the earth, and the bottom of the container was full of blood and flesh. The scene was very cruel.In this way, the zombies were kept out.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and finally solved the hidden danger of the influx of zombies, otherwise they would really die this time
Although we don't know who is in the operating room, half of everyone's lives have been saved, and now we are trying to figure out how to deal with the hundreds of zombies pouring in.

"Qian Feng! Call the intercom in the operating room and ask who is in there!" Qian Feng who was not far away nodded, picked up the intercom and said.

"Call, call—who is in the operating room, please answer!"

A moment of silence.
There was no response from the intercom.Qian Feng tried again, but still no one answered, as if there was no one in the operating room.

"Buzz—" the mechanical arm started to move again, and it grabbed a container and moved slowly. Everyone was puzzled what the people in the operating room were going to do, but Sun Hao, who was sharp-eyed, immediately understood!
"Listen, people inside, stop operating the robotic arm quickly! Stop your behavior!" Sun Hao shouted loudly.

The people in the operating room did not hesitate at all, and the container weighing dozens of tons passed over his head like a mountain top. He could see that the killing intent full of hatred and fire was unstoppable!That's right, the direction in which the container moved was exactly where Zhao Qi was.

Zhao Qi reacted immediately, and shot bullets at the operating room without hesitation.

Glass was shattered and the container stopped.

"Damn it! It's really a narrow road!" Zhao Qi cursed and then fired a few more shots.Seeing that there was no movement in the operating room, Sun Hao yelled at Zhao Qi.

"Zhao Qi! What are you doing! Who told you to shoot!?
"I'm protecting myself! Can't you see it? This container is aimed at me! Could it be that I'm being crushed into meatloaf here?"

What Zhao Qi said was right, it was indeed aimed at him, but if Zhao Qi killed the people in the operating room, they would still have no way to survive, and they were surrounded by zombies. If the people in the operating room could use containers to build Take a road between them, and everyone can use the container to be rescued. Now if the person in the container is killed, there is no hope at all.

Sun Hao picked up the walkie-talkie and asked again, "Listen, people inside, please stop your behavior immediately, or we will still shoot you!" Sun Haoming was warning on the face, but actually wanted to know if the people inside were still alive .

"Om—" There was no response, and the mechanical arm moved again.

"Damn it! This bitch isn't dead yet!" Zhao Qi raised his gun and yelled at the operating room.

(End of this chapter)

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