
Chapter 71 The Vengeful Woman

Chapter 71 The Vengeful Woman

Zhao Qi frantically fired a full clip towards the operating room. After the gunfire stopped, the bullet casings were scattered all over the ground.

Zhao Qi was left with a hideous face gnashing his teeth.The operating room stopped with the sound of gunfire, and then started to move again.

The container moved slowly towards Zhao Qi, no matter how much Zhao Qi cursed, he didn't stop.

The others looked at their teammates who were about to be smashed into a pulp with heavy faces, and there was nothing they could do.

Everyone understood their situation. Even if they shot at the operating room together, it would be a waste of bullets, and the steel plate in the operating room would not be able to penetrate at all.

Although everyone couldn't bear to see that Zhao Qi was smashed to death like this, they also felt that he was to blame in his heart.

Faced with death approaching slowly, Zhao Qi, who jumped over the wall in a hurry, dropped his gun, knelt down on the container with a plop, and wailed loudly with the walkie-talkie:
"I'm sorry! I was wrong! I shouldn't have shot! I. I. I'm a bastard! I deserve to die! Please spare me! Sister! Can't I kowtow to you?!"

Everyone was shocked by this scene.
The container stopped on Zhao Qi's head, and the whole air seemed to condense.

The low roar of the zombies echoed around, like a funeral song of death.

Zhao Qi trembled all over and did not dare to look up.He cried like crazy and asked his teammates around him for help, but everyone was powerless, not to mention that he himself was in danger.

"Sun Hao! Save. Save. Save me. I. I don't want to die~! Save me~ I beg you~~~"

It's hard to imagine that a person who kills like hemp without blinking an eye will be so broken and so afraid of death.

Sun Hao silently looked at Zhao Qi's position without saying a word, then looked in the direction of the operating room.

Although Zhao Qi deserved to die, it would not be so cruel to let him die, but the revenge of killing his husband may not be understood by a person like him who has not lost his beloved.In a trance, Sun Hao seemed to suddenly think of something, the power cord!
He was about to raise his gun, but suddenly hesitated again.If the power cord is broken, the entire mechanical boom will no longer be able to move.

Although Zhao Qi was saved, what should they do?The complex emotions in his head wandered back and forth between Zhao Qi's humble cries and the desperation of everyone.To save or not to save?
With a slight sound of metal rubbing, the container was loosened and loaded with heavy goods.All flesh and blood beneath it must be crushed into a pulp.

"哐——!!!" The huge impact of the container resounded throughout the port, as if all the anger was poured out at this moment, just before everyone could react.

"He's an MD, he wants to kill me! I'm dying!" The curse was Zhao Qi's.

Zhao Qi is not dead.

Speaking of which, Zhao Qi was really lucky. Due to the problem of sight, although the container was above Zhao Qi, it was not straightened, leaving just half a body space.

When the container was about to fall down, he had already slowly moved towards the half of the body. When the container fell, he rolled over with his hands on the edge of the half of the body.

The container full of heavy loads fell straight down without bouncing up.But Zhao Qi deliberately knelt down and begged for mercy to attract the attention of the operator, waiting for the opportunity to find a way to survive and escape for him.

This wave of operations made everyone present sigh.If you put it on yourself, you may have accepted your fate long ago. Rather than jumping off and being dismembered by zombies, it would be more enjoyable to be crushed to death by a container.And Zhao Qi was able to survive tenaciously, this person is not simple.

Sun Hao breathed a sigh of relief, he had to look at the dying Zhao Qi in front of him.No matter how embarrassing he was just now, showing a humble gesture of begging for mercy, he has only one purpose:

After all, Zhao Qi was a soldier, and his physical fitness was not inferior. He slowly climbed up to the extra half of his body, and sat there leaning against the container, panting heavily.

It can be seen that other teammates did not tell the news that Zhao Qi is still alive, but just sat and rested silently.The teammates in the blind spot didn't ask any questions, and their faces were full of fear.

Not knowing whether the people in the operating room would save them, a sense of powerlessness filled the whole environment for a moment.

"Sister in the operating room, please calm down. The person who killed your husband is dead, and you have avenged your revenge. Those who are alive still have to live well." Sun Hao put down the walkie-talkie and observed the movement in the operating room.

Soon, a voice came from the walkie-talkie: "How can I save you?"

When everyone heard this voice, it seemed as if the dawn was coming, and everyone's hanging hearts were relieved.

"You just need to put some containers between the containers that are relatively far apart and connect them together, and then connect a road leading to the duty dormitory in the southern district. It may take some time." After Sun Hao finished speaking, he waited for the operator from the operating room reply.

The operating room didn't say another word, only to see the mechanical arm move again.According to what Sun Hao said, the containers were connected after a long wait.Almost all containers can be spanned at will.

People around began to gather together. After Sun Hao joined the crowd, he still calmly counted the number of people and the remaining ammunition.

Everyone is fine, except that Zhao Qi is missing.He looked at the location of the container where Zhao Qi was, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

The girl in the operating room didn't leave a way for Zhao Qi's container at all.Sun Hao didn't know if the girl in the operating room knew that Zhao Qi was still alive. Obviously, she hated Zhao Qi to the bone and didn't give him any chance.

Zhao Qi didn't dare to speak out, but just signaled his teammates to find a chance to save him.Everyone just stayed together for a short time, and they didn't dare to look too much, for fear of being discovered by the girl in the operation room, and if another giant came, the next meatloaf might be themselves.

The uncle and Fang Hujun watched the zombies slowly coming, but had no choice but to retreat into the dormitory on duty.But everything that happened outside was deeply remembered by the two of them.

At this moment, there is no humanity at all.

Killing, vengeance, and escape are all in front of us. The hope of life may be completely destroyed by these things that happen at any time.If you want to survive, you have to pay more attention.

"I don't know if this Zhao Qi is dead or not. I never expected that girl to hide in the operating room of the container crane and kill Zhao Qi with a carbine. Every cause must bear fruit."

Fang Hujun returned to the room where he was resettled, and told Yang Xiaochuan and others what he saw and heard.

"Bah! This Zhao Qi is such a coward. He killed that sister's husband, and in the end he still has the face to kneel down and beg for mercy. I will never let him go." Said there.

"Damn, stop talking!" Fang Hujun glanced at Ning Yang with his big eyes open, as if he understood something, but since he was still young, he asked Mao Dan to stop talking.

"Uncle, what should we do now, we are all trapped in this building." Yang Xiaochuan asked.

"When the containers blocked the gate of the port, at least a few hundred zombies flooded into the entire southern area, and they were attracted by their gunshots to the group of containers. But the movement of using containers to pave the road is too big, and there must be many zombies. He was led to the on-duty dormitory building, so the safety around the on-duty dormitory building is also unknown." The uncle analyzed calmly.

"I think so, let's meet with Sun Hao and the others to see what they can do." Fang Hujun said, looking at the crowd, he knew that they were not the only ones who wanted to survive, and the Sea Patrol team was the same.

(End of this chapter)

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