
Chapter 72

Chapter 72
Night slowly enveloped the entire seaside, and the port was filled with the low roars of zombies.There was fear and depression everywhere, and everyone returned to the original meeting room, but this time the atmosphere in the meeting room was unusually silent.

Sun Hao told Wei Ming the whole incident, and then continued to contact the woman with the walkie-talkie, but there was no response. He didn't know if it was life or death.

After hearing this, Wei Ming was silent for a while, thinking about the faulty Zhao Qi being trapped on the container, he couldn't help but feel a lot easier.

If there is a wrong and the creditor has the owner, this is retribution.He suddenly felt a little happy.Although Zhao Qi's life and death is now difficult for everyone to express opinions easily, but the woman in the operating room can only save Zhao Qi, but this is simply a fantasy, that woman can't wait for Zhao Qi to die.

"The port is full of zombies. Now, I have nothing to hide. In fact, we still have a boat to use." Wei Ming said unhurriedly.

Everyone was surprised for a while, how is it possible?Why did you say it now?Everyone waited for Wei Ming to explain.

"West District, Sea Bar." Wei Ming answered the questions in everyone's mind.

"Old Wei, could it be the wooden foreign boat that fell on top?"

It was Lao Li who spoke, who had had a quarrel with Zhao Qi in the conference room earlier.He is about the same age as Wei Ming, and his children are all in Haidong City, and Qingshan City has almost no worries. Of course, it is not a luxury to live an extra day in the port.The relationship with Wei Ming is not only a superior-subordinate relationship, but more importantly, he has always supported Wei Ming.

Wei Ming remained calm and observed everyone present.Although this news is exciting, the difficulties are not easily resolved.

The first is the West District, which is at the forefront of the zombie outbreak. There are at least 100 teammates there, all of whom were infected by the virus and turned into rancid and dilapidated zombies.

Obviously, exciting things do not bring much hope to people, but more confusion and confusion. Why do you say it now?

Everyone in the meeting room has their own ideas, and everyone's eyes are full of stories.People from the Sea Patrol could see the strangeness in their eyes, and they were a little confused by Wei Ming's sudden news.

"That bar was opened by my nephew. I have never talked about this relationship. You also know that the country cannot give you power for personal gain. When a person has a little power, all relatives and friends around him will want to ask you to do things."

Wei Ming lit a cigarette and continued, "That wooden ocean-going ship was specially customized by my nephew from the shipyard, in order to match the marine theme of his bar. At that time, I thought it was just a large wooden decoration, but later I found out , this kid has a big brain. Lao Li, do you know why I let your son come for an internship and not let him go to sea?"

"This? I don't know what you were thinking at the time. Oh, old Wei, don't be fooled!" Lao Li was a little anxious, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Wei Ming's gourd.

Wei Ming took a deep breath and said, "I know that Zhao Qi said in the last quarrel that over the years, I have gained a lot of benefits by using power for personal gain, and I especially feel that I should give him convenience. Indeed, compared to helping you Yes, I did get a lot of benefits. But I have not forgotten that you are all my team members, my colleagues. I am very sad, the current situation in the West District, the old defense chief directly left us alone, compared to the team members Life and death, he is nothing!"

After Wei Ming finished speaking viciously, he coughed twice. It seemed that he was not in good health.

"Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It is also thanks to me that I let your son come here for an internship. When the bar is decorated, I will appoint your son to be the shareholder of our port and my nephew, and let him pay more for the decoration. Some opinions. The repaired river channel inside the bar is also part of the decoration, so that the bar will be more distinctive. That is, if my nephew quits one day, the wooden ocean-going boat can be launched into the water and drive away.” Wei Ming was a little fortunate.

"I've been a good person all these years, and I've never harmed my team members. I'll help if I can. That's when the virus broke out in the West District. Later, the surname Qin told me in private that he would leave the other team members and escape by himself. I quarreled with him. He stabbed him with a knife. He ran away with more than 30 people." Wei Ming began to choke.

"Forget it, old Wei, don't talk about it. We didn't blame you. We have always remembered your help to us over the years. None of the people who were sent to find supplies at the back of the West District came back. If the boat in the bar was ours The only hope is that there is no choice, what should be faced is still to be faced." Lao Li comforted.

"Team leader, what should we do now?" Sun Hao asked.

"Today, I also confessed to everyone. There is nothing to hide. With my current physical condition, I may not be able to act together with everyone. So you don't need to worry about me. Let's go together if you can. In the end, success or failure depends on I can see your own good fortune. I won't leave," Wei Ming said disappointedly.

"Old Wei, what are you talking about? Let us leave you behind. It's not human's job. Think about Danni, in Haidong City Hospital." Old Li's words stopped abruptly when he reached his mouth .

"Yes Guards! We won't leave you behind!"

"Guard Guard, I'm physically strong. I can carry you on my back. We'll take turns and we'll definitely be able to get out of here!"

"Yes, come with us."

Everyone in the sea patrol team was trying to persuade Wei Ming, but the uncle took everything into his eyes and didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.In his opinion, no one knows what the inside of the Sea Bar is like now.Maybe they can escape there, or maybe there is hell, and what awaits them is the beginning of a nightmare.

"Uncle, it looks like we have to go to the West District, and the situation there may not be too good. Wei Ming has only said this now, do you think what he said is credible?"

Fang Hujun looked suspiciously at Wei Ming and the others. Judging from his expression, it was obvious that what he said was true, and there was no need to think about it at this time. With his appearance, he voluntarily gave up the hope of life, Even if he wanted to send the others away to escape alone, it was impossible.

"Xiaochuan, are you feeling better?" The uncle didn't answer Fang Hujun's words, but turned to ask about Yang Xiaochuan's injury.

"These two days of recuperation have been much better. Some strenuous activities should be fine, so it's not a big problem." Yang Xiaochuan replied.

"We have to prepare, the road ahead doesn't look easy." After speaking, the uncle exchanged a few words with Wei Ming, and led his group back to the room.

In the corridor, they saw black shadows roaring and wandering in the moonlight among the container clusters.As if the soul could not be saved, it wailed desolately in the world.

A little further away, there is still a figure at the position where Zhao Qi is.Even if he knew someone was watching him, he didn't dare to make a sound, because he wasn't sure if the woman in the operating room was still there.

"You should have a good rest tonight, and tomorrow we will go to the West District." After the uncle finished speaking, he looked at Haidong City on the other side, where the lights were bright and peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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