
Chapter 73 Allocating Equipment

Chapter 73 Allocating Equipment
The first ray of dawn shone through the windows in the morning, and nothing changed in the port.I wish this was a dream, and everything was still there when I woke up.

Everyone gathered in the conference room, waiting for the arrangement of the sea patrol team.

"Everyone, judging from the current number of people, our sea patrol team, except for Zhao Qi, and the head of the guard team will not participate in this operation. There are 7 people on the sea patrol team and 5 people on the uncle's side. There are 12 people in total. In view of the uncle There is a child here, and I will arrange for a teammate to be assigned to your team." After finishing speaking, Sun Hao signaled the teammates next to him to take out the equipment and supplies.

He picked up a semi-automatic rifle and a fully automatic rifle, and looked at the uncle, Fang Hujun, and Yang Xiaochuan, "In order to improve everyone's survival rate, I will discuss with the team leader and equip everyone with guns and related ammunition."

Everyone in the uncle looked at each other, a little at a loss, gun?Equip them all, along with the associated ammo.
The three of them couldn't believe it.Compared with the disarmament at the beginning and the current full trust and open arms, Fang Hujun is a little uneasy. He doesn't know where the uneasiness comes from, and it may be that he is worrying too much. Since he took the initiative to provide supplies, why do he think so much? , but will make the other party suspicious.

"No problem?" Seeing that the three of them were silent, Sun Hao asked.

Yang Xiaochuan took over the fully automatic rifle, and it was less than a month since he hadn't touched the gun.

"I just retired for a month, so don't worry about my problems, but you have to ask the other two." Yang Xiaochuan looked at Uncle and Fang Hujun.

"We have no problem. He is a military doctor. He has practiced it during daily training. I can use it."

After the uncle finished speaking, he took a thermal imaging camera from the table and installed it on his gun.

After taking the semi-automatic rifle and handing it to Fang Hujun, Fang Hujun didn't react all of a sudden, and couldn't say a word with a confused face.

"I want a fully automatic rifle with two magazines. By the way, are there any throwing weapons like grenades or flash bombs?" the uncle asked.

Sun Hao was also taken aback, the middle-aged man in front of him seemed to be very familiar with firearms.What was given to him was not enough, and he would still ask for it. The thermal imager that went along was of the 6th generation, and the night vision distance reached about 2000 meters.
"Uh, yes, but I can only give you a grenade."

"It's fine, it's better than nothing. Let me make a suggestion, our little brother, give him a pistol." After finishing speaking, the uncle greeted Mao Dan.

Mao Dan was even more at a loss, for him?Are they serious?

Mao Dan hesitantly stepped forward, took the pistol, it was a little heavy, but there was an inexplicable excitement in his heart, the gun!

In the past, I only knew how to fill my stomach and earn some money to go home and build a house to marry a wife!The cool gunfight action movies in those movies made every boy yearn for it.

He remembered that when he and a few friends in the village were watching gunfight movies at home, everyone’s blood boiled with enthusiasm, and their mouths imitated the sound of guns.
Mao Dan slowly calmed down. It used to be childhood curiosity and yearning, but now it is the escape from the cruel reality and killing.My current experience is far more exciting than the movie.

After Sun Hao briefly taught the precautions for use, everyone began to organize the materials on their bodies.At this time, Yang Xiaochuan thought of Zhang Liang and Wu Hanming.

The day when the virus broke out was vivid in his mind, and he remembered that every time Wu Hanming would analyze the possible crisis of the current situation for them.

Every time they take a prepared action, they will not encounter life and death difficulties that they cannot overcome.

Although their lives and deaths are unknown, he still hopes that at this time, someone with a clear mind can give advice and make reasonable arrangements for actions.

"Brother Sun, I have something to say. I don't know if you want to hear it." Yang Xiaochuan said it anyway. He didn't want anyone to die, or someone to be infected and become a zombie.

Sun Hao didn't object, and motioned to Yang Xiaochuan to say.

"Actually, we have experienced a lot along the way. People who fled along the way died and scattered. I met everyone at the port. Although there were some misunderstandings before, it has passed. Everyone is not a person who is emotional. My friends and teammates, I hope to have certain choices while trying my best to ensure my own safety." Yang Xiaochuan looked at the crowd, saw no one spoke, and continued.

"1. When you encounter a zombie, you must hit the head. If you can't hit the head, hit the joint. Hitting the knee is the best. This can hinder the zombie's ability to move. When you can use cold weapons, try to avoid shooting."

"2. If any of us is bitten, please don't be soft-hearted, do your best, and give it a good time."

"3. If any of us is trapped, if you can't save it, you can't save it. If you still want to live, please resolutely give up the rescue. No one will blame you at this time."

"4. If we arrive at the Sea Bar and the ship cannot sail out of the port, then there must be a plan B. What is this plan? Have you ever thought about it?"

The questions raised by Yang Xiaochuan were exactly the ones that could be foreseen on the way to escape.

The uncle looked at Yang Xiaochuan, and unknowingly saw a young man growing up from the crisis and difficulties, and gradually began to have a sense of responsibility and responsibility.

"Brother Xiaochuan, I really haven't thought about it, but what you said, I think it seems a bit unfeeling. We may not be able to give up our teammates."

"We can't do these things. When we entered the West District and saw teammates who were dressed like us, who had been with us day and night, and turned into zombies, you were so soft that you couldn't bear to shoot. Your kindness is cruel to yourself. After being bitten What will become? Don't you know better than me?"

Yang Xiaochuan saw that the eye sockets of the sea patrol team began to become red and swollen, and some people lowered their heads and turned their backs, weeping uncontrollably
"They are already dead. The walking dead do not belong to this world. What we should do is to let the soul return to its place and rest in peace."

Yang Xiaochuan ruthlessly made up for everyone in the fantasy of the end of the world.

this is the truth.

Sun Hao went to the window and lit a cigarette, looking at the zombies wandering around in the southern area.There are mixed feelings in his heart, yes, they don't need to have mercy, he turned and told his teammates.

"From now on, everyone has to fight for themselves and live hard. We have lost enough and there are many reasons to live, but I, Sun Hao, swear, we must find out who is behind this disaster , Only in this way can we pay homage to those dead souls. According to what Brother Xiaochuan said, I hope that everyone will act in accordance with these principles when acting without any hesitation. Also, regarding Plan B, if we fail, Just go through the west area and head towards the living area, where there are food, supplies, and cars, as for whether you can escape, you can only rely on yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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