
Chapter 82 Conspiracy Theory?

Chapter 82 Conspiracy Theory?
"Did you have a nightmare?" Fang Hujun asked softly.

"Remember some past events." Yang Xiaochuan's mood gradually calmed down, thankfully it was a nightmare.

Wang Meng, the girl hidden in his heart has returned to his thoughts. He has been afraid to think about the past during the days of fleeing.

On that weird blood-stained cruise ship, no survivors were found, not even a single body was found. Was it true that they were not found?Or did the government dare not disclose what happened?
"It's fine, get ready, we're approaching Haidong City." Fang Hujun walked out of the cabin after speaking.

After everyone had slept for a few hours, it was already midnight.The waves and darkness on the sea make the atmosphere very dignified.

The uncle drove slowly and carefully in the cockpit, using a thermal imager to observe the movement of Haidong City while driving.

The brightly lit Haidong City did not show any unusual reactions, and the peaceful appearance made Yang Xiaochuan feel whether his previous experience was true.

Is it still a dream? When I wake up, my mother is still cooking in the kitchen, and my father is eating breakfast in the lobby and watching the news.
True or false, false or true, he was a little lost.Fang Hujun saw that Yang Xiaochuan was very depressed, and said, "Xiaochuan, what's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, I just woke up and the status is still not online. It will be fine in a while. By the way, Brother Fang, I have a question to ask you."

"You say it."

"I've always wanted to ask, just want to know, when you were studying this virus, after the virus parasitized on the host, it became a zombie. Can the zombie survive forever?"

"Theoretically, it should not be possible. However, it is not ruled out that after energy intake, the virus can form related metabolism by itself, so as to continue forever. The virus itself has no metabolic function, that is to say, without a host to rely on, as long as the time is long enough , the virus will die naturally, the premise is that the zombies will not eat each other."

"That is to say, if there is no effective vaccine, human beings will suffer from the virus for a long time, and there will be no real pure land on the earth." Yang Xiaochuan said lightly.

Fang Hujun knew in his heart that what Yang Xiaochuan said was the current situation facing human beings.Huaxia Haidong City is safe, what about other places in Huaxia?What about the rest of the world?Maybe in a land that I don't know, the zombie virus is breaking out without stopping for a moment, and people who are looking for shelter like myself are still struggling in fear and despair.

To adapt to such a process needs to consume the hothouse emotions in peacetime, and needs to face all kinds of evil and ugliness without legal constraints.

"I don't think any country can stand alone. The technology that human beings are proud of is the culprit that destroys us. If there is a fish that slips through the net, the building, no matter how perfect it is, will collapse in an instant." The uncle finished observing Haidong City, pick up the topic of the two.

"Western capitalist powers no longer dare to use cannons, and open the door at the slightest disagreement. We can only see some political lace news from the media. Over the years, people seem to be afraid of contact." The uncle clicked He smoked a cigarette, took a deep breath, squinted his eyes and continued to observe.

"What do you mean the governments of all countries are guarding against?" Yang Xiaochuan was a little puzzled.

The uncle didn't speak anymore, he felt that this question should be answered by Fang Hujun.He took a puff of cigarette, exhaled, and glanced at Fang Hujun.

"Me? Don't. Do you think I can know this kind of situation? I'm a researcher, not a politician. But after hearing what Uncle said, I think it makes sense."

Chief Fanghu breathed a sigh of relief, "If you combine the previous space alliance's refusal to study and the countries' insistence on continuing to study together, then everything will make sense."

"That is, they foresaw the disaster long ago, but concealed the truth. The preparations made by all countries were for that day."

"I don't understand. I know it's a disaster, a disaster that all human beings can't face, why would I touch it?"

If it was a peaceful era, novels would not dare to write in such a way. A researcher, a veteran, and a middle-aged uncle over half a century old, just a few words, put this doomsday conspiracy theory to the fore. The analysis is logical.

The three chatted, getting closer and closer to Haidong City.The uncle picked up the thermal imaging camera again. This time, his brows were furrowed. Even if they didn't turn on the lights, the uncle's facial expression could still be clearly seen on the blue-lit instrument panel in the dark cockpit.

He has thought more than once that as long as he can give himself a peaceful place to live, it doesn't matter if he is tired, hard, and the environment is almost okay, so in the eyes of the uncle, the unknown Haidong City makes him look forward to and fear.

"What? The situation is not ideal? Is it because the harbor is heavily guarded?" Fang Hujun took the thermal imager, thinking that he would see the red thermal image of the soldier walking around in front of his eyes, but he didn't know.
He couldn't believe it, looked and looked, and opened his mouth wide, "Xiao Xiaochuan, take a look, is my instrument right?" Fang Hujun's hands trembled, and he handed the thermal imaging instrument to Yang Xiaochuan tremblingly.

Yang Xiaochuan took the thermal imager in puzzlement and looked at it. His face was pale, as if he had been beaten internally, and his face was so frightened that his face was bloodless.In the thermal imaging equipment, the port and even the edge of the port are densely packed with blue figures.

Faced with this situation, everyone sat slumped in the cabin without saying a word.They had thought that Haidong City would not survive alone, but they did not expect that it would also fall.In fact, they shouldn't have too much hope, but the raw desires in their hearts make them always have unrealistic thoughts.

"What should we do now? The ship's power is less than 50%, which is barely enough to go back to Qingshan City. It's the same everywhere. It's better to go back to Qingshan City, at least it's a place we are familiar with. If we don’t go back to Qingshan City, then we have to find a way to go ashore, we don’t have much to eat.”

The uncle frowned and waited for everyone's opinions. He advocated returning to Qingshan City and making other plans.Yang Xiaochuan's disappointed face showed a touch of sadness, what he was thinking about now was that his parents probably had a bad luck
Fang Hujun stayed silent and did not speak, but stared at the direction of Haidong City in a daze. Seeing that the signal lights on the tallest building were still flashing and working, he suddenly said, "I don't think the situation is that bad yet. Oops, Haidong City may be a safe haven!"

(End of this chapter)

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