
Chapter 83

Chapter 83
Everyone looked at Fang Hujun in puzzlement. In the distance, the towering spiral building breathed and breathed, shining a signal light as if it had a soul.This building is called the twisting building. The building is in a spiral shape. It twists upwards from the ground floor to the top floor and twists a full 90 degrees.It is a landmark building in Haidong City.

The building is no different from other buildings, and the normal lighting can no longer be normal. Why did Fang Hujun conclude that Haidong City is safe and sound?What happened to the blue image in the thermal imager?

"Look at the situation around you, and think back to Qingshan City. If Haidong City really fell, it should be a messy wasteland accompanied by black smoke. It's not like it is now. I have a suggestion, let's get closer Let’s take a look around. The electricity on the boat can be saved as much as possible, if it doesn’t work, it won’t be too late for us to go back!”

Fang Hujun is sure that Haidong City is safe, and this is only an intuition brought about by superficial phenomena.

"Since this is the case, let's go to see it again, and return to Qingshan City, that is also the last way." Yang Xiaochuan agreed.

The uncle didn't hesitate for a moment, and decisively drove the foreign boat towards the edge of Haidong City.On the route deviating from the direction of the port, it became increasingly clear that densely packed ships of all sizes were crowding the edge of the port. If they wanted to go ashore through the port, it was almost impossible, as the channel was blocked and impenetrable.

They moved the foreign ship closer, and slowly passed the edge where the naked eye could clearly see the island.The green trees, benches, and signal lights are not stained with blood, there are no roaring zombies, and there are sporadic cars driving on the road by the sea! !

It's unbelievable, how is it possible?Is it true that the thermal imager is broken! ?Just when everyone was overjoyed and wanted to get closer.

"Da da da!!——" A shuttle bullet hit the foreign ship, and the uncle instinctively responded by slamming in the direction. Several people in the cab couldn't stand still, and they fell on their backs.

The one who fired the shot was a vehicle driving by the sea, a thin man with rooster hair, his mouth, ears, and nose were covered with metal nails, and the tattoos at the corners of his eyes were half blocked by sunglasses. The line stared at the dark sea.

"Isn't that right? It should be a hit, call Liuzi, he wants to live! Tell them to bring back the poor ghost who escaped from the opposite side! Hahaha!!!"

The laughter was accompanied by the heavy metal rock music in the car, relaxing on the road wantonly.

Five sea motorcycles rushed out from one place at the same time with a noisy sound, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

The uncle stood firm and turned the horsepower of the foreign boat to the maximum.But compared with the power of a motorcycle, the power of this kind of boat is almost as fast as a car or an electric car. Soon, a motorcycle caught up and shot at the glass of the foreign boat without saying a word.

"Stop the boat! Stop the boat!" The young man behind him shouted loudly.

The people in the cab did not dare to stand up. Yang Xiaochuan took out his gun, loaded it, and pulled the trigger at the people driving side by side.

"Da da da!!—— da da!"

After two gunshots, I only heard "Ah——"

Someone fell into the sea, and the motorcycles side by side slowed down the speed. The four motorcycles behind saw that the people in the boat had guns, and even automatic rifles did not dare to get too close, but they still clung to the back of the boat. put.

"Uncle, hurry up! Turn on the horsepower to the maximum, these people are simply gangsters!"

Yang Xiaochuan groaned secretly in his heart, it seems that even if this Haidong City is not occupied by zombies, it is even more terrifying to be occupied by such people!
"Where did this group of people come from? They shot without talking? Could it be that the government organization in Haidong City has collapsed, and the army has also withdrawn?" Fang Hujun shrank in a corner, thinking that something was wrong.

The uncle was half-squatting and did not dare to stand up. He was afraid that the people behind would shoot him in the head. He saw through the sound that the group of people were driving sea motorcycles. The power source should be diesel. According to the fuel tank of the motorcycle , They will definitely run out of fuel if they sail for more than 40 minutes. As long as they don't touch it, they will have to turn around soon!
The uncle gritted his teeth, observed the situation of the motorcycle through the rearview mirror, and asked Fang Hujun and Yang Xiaochuan, one on the left and one on the right, to beat me hard for anyone who came up!

"Brother Liuzi! They have guns! We can't go up!"

"Brother Liuzi! This boat is electric!" The gangster sitting behind pointed to the foreign boat.

"What about the electric one!? Can you fucking fart faster!" A man with a bald head and smoky makeup, with his chest bare and tattoos all over his body, cursed at the man behind him.

"Brother Liuzi! The charging port of the electric ocean-going boat, over there! Hit it there! The boat will stop if the battery fails!" The man behind him spoke clearly this time.

"You guys! You can see it in such a dark place! Sure enough, your hard work on the bed is not in vain! Ang~hahaha! Why are you still standing there? Shoot!"

After Liuzi finished speaking, he called everyone to shoot violently at the charging port of the foreign boat.The people on the foreign boat were scared by the sudden gunshots and huddled in the corner and lay on the ground, thinking that the bullets were coming from the side of the boat.

"No! Xiao Chuan, where did they fight?!"


The uncle saw wood chips flying across the stern from the rearview mirror, and he cried out inwardly. Before he could react, the display screen on the instrument panel began to make poor contact. Suddenly, the light source on the screen disappeared, and a battery failure sign appeared. , No matter how much the uncle pushed the gear, there was no response, and the foreign boat stopped slowly.

The three of them hid in the driver's cab with their guns in hand, and Mao Dan and Ning Yang hid in the rest cabin. This was agreed before, never come out when encountering any problems, and hide without making a sound.

The sound of the speedboats extinguishing the fire one after another, and the clear footsteps can be heard that they have boarded the boat.

"Listen, people inside, we are not bad people. You said that in the middle of the night, a ship suddenly appeared on the sea. I don't know if it is an enemy or a friend. Everyone is also afraid! Of course we will start a robbery~"

Liuzi's tone of voice sounds very uncomfortable. To him, this is all politeness. It's not that the boss wants to live, so what the fuck is talking nonsense here, the bullets are already waiting for you!

When everyone in the cab heard this remark, it would be impossible for them to just surrender their arms and surrender. The important thing is that the power system of the foreign ship has been damaged. Whether it is fighting with the other party or this group of people ran away, they will still be sleepy. Died on the boat, fortunately, judging from what the man said, he didn't mean to kill them, but he might just want something to eat and drink from them.
Yang Xiaochuan winked at the uncle and Fang Hujun, and then went out by himself. Now he can only gamble to see if his guess is right.

"Brother! Don't shoot, don't shoot!" Yang Xiaochuan took the initiative to put the gun on the ground slowly, and said with a playful smile, "Brother! If you don't fight, you don't know each other. Look, this is not a misunderstanding~ hehe~"

Seeing that the other party was quite sensible, Liu Zi was in a good mood and asked, "How many people are there?"

"Brother, there are 5 in total"

"Let them all come out, my elder brother wants to see you! Hurry up! Don't be silly! Delay me drinking!" Call out to chase these bastards.

"Okay, okay, no problem, but the few people who are together are relatively timid and haven't seen much of the world. I'll have a brief communication with them. Immediately!"

Yang Xiaochuan didn't pick up the gun on the ground, and turned back to the cab.

"There are 5 speedboats, the people on board are all in the back seat, and those who drive motorcycles can run at any time."

Yang Xiaochuan nervously told others about the situation outside.

(End of this chapter)

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