
Chapter 85 Zombie Paradise

Chapter 85 Zombie Paradise
All the detained citizens swallowed nervously, only the prisoners shouted madly from the sidelines.

"kill him!"

"Do it! You son of a bitch!"

"Damn, is this kid interesting? Huh?"

The prisoners with guns shouted loudly from the side. They all bet on the food, drink, and women that they usually searched for. Those who beat Yang Xiaochuan to win, cursed angrily!Ji Guan laughed disdainfully, and looked at Liu Zi on the opposite side.

Liuzi pointed the gun at Yang Xiaochuan's head, and said harshly, "Do it!"

"Don't~! I don't want to die! Spare me! Please! Don't!!!"

The prisoner under him cried out heartbreakingly. Yang Xiaochuan clenched his teeth, with a bullet hole on his head and a flesh and blood body underneath.Only by killing this prisoner can he not be headshot, and in the end he will become a veritable murderer.

He slowly raised his head to look at Liuzi, then looked back at Jiguantou, opened his arms and dropped the knife, and slowly stood up.Liuzi didn't understand what it meant, so he opened the safety of the gun. In his opinion, this kid's skills were definitely superior to his own.

"May I have a word?" Yang Xiaochuan stood on the spot, looking at Jiguantou with a smile.

"Give me a reason, or I'll blow your head off right now!" Ji Guantou held the knife and tapped the ground, his head tilted upward.Many people who dared to violate his rules so openly had already been killed.It's just a picture of begging for mercy, but this kid is different.

"What's your name, big brother?" Yang Xiaochuan knew that people like them were talking about prestige and needed enough respect.Shouting, beating, and killing are all things that younger brothers do, and the leader's style is generally like that, if you fight without being scared, you must first behave humble enough in front of him, and knowing the name of the other party is the first step in the conversation. I also shouted it to the younger brother around me.

"What the hell are you talking about, Brother Chicken is also called by you?" A man standing behind Jiguantou shouted loudly.

Cockscomb scratched his ears, stood up impatiently, and slapped the man, "I'm not talking yet? Why are you farting behind me? What the hell, are you courting death?!"

"It turned out to be Brother Chicken. My little brother has eyes and doesn't know Taishan. Brother Chicken. Killing people is just a nod. According to the current script, it's too old-fashioned and boring. It's just killing someone. Can I give Brother Chicken some stimulation? ?” Yang Xiaochuan said unhurriedly, still looking at Brother Ji’s fierce face with a smile on his face, the mouth of that talkative man was beaten with blood.

"Tell me. What exciting way to play?" Brother Ji became a little interested.

Yang Xiaochuan has been thinking about the way to escape. At the moment when he was forced to kill with a knife, the frequently mentioned zombie paradise gave him a flash of inspiration.

"Brother Chicken, if I can't get rid of the knife, I have to go to the Zombie Paradise. I want to ask, can I be free if I survive in the Zombie Paradise?" Yang Xiaochuan's eyes were a little cold.

"Yo! There's really a good one here. I haven't heard of anyone who wants to take the initiative to break through the zombie paradise in the past few days. They all want to survive. They kill their relatives, friends, and people they don't know. People who want to survive." Brother Ji licked the tip of the knife on his tongue, and looked at Yang Xiaochuan viciously.

"Do you know what Zombie Paradise is? Ang? ~ Hahaha, interesting and exciting enough, I promise you, I will give you freedom when you come back alive, but everyone who comes with you must go and live for 3 days, Get the flag of the port, and I will set you free. Humph hahaha!!" Brother Chicken laughed loudly, I never thought that such a fool would go to Zombie Paradise in order to avoid human blood.

"You're awesome, you're a good guy after slaughtering this useless wretch, and I'll give you a good time if you want to die! Damn it!" Liuzi was so angry that he wanted to take this kid in front of him. I have another younger brother with good skills, and now it's good to take the initiative to seek death.

Brother Ji ordered people to return everyone's cold weapons to them, and threw some canned food and water.The reason why he did this was not to help them, but to give them some small hope, so that he could see the broken hope, the greed of despair and the ugliness of human nature.

Only in this way did he find it exciting, and he felt that those people who sentenced him and called him a scum were all hypocrites!He wants the world to understand that this is the end of pretending to be a good person, that people can do whatever they can to survive.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I pushed everyone into the fire pit again." Yang Xiaochuan felt a little regretful.

"We understand that killing people is not something you should do. There is no need to abandon the principles in your heart for everyone. We have seen a lot of zombies. Now that this cockscomb head is willing to return the cold weapon to us, then our chances of winning will be better. .These cans are packed with everyone, save some time, the next 3 days are all up to them.” After finishing speaking, the uncle sorted out his belongings.

"Do you still remember the blue figure seen in the thermal imager?" Fang Hujun brought up the topic again.

"I think it has something to do with Zombie Paradise."

"I can't control that much now. Maodan, we have faced zombies so many times, we only have 5 people now, Ning Yang is so small, his safety depends on you. After arriving at Zombie Paradise, we will try our best to find the commanding heights, you Go up first with Ning Yang. If we never return to the old rules, you know."

Yang Xiaochuan patted Maodan on the shoulder, expressing his helplessness meaningfully.To survive this period, you can only rely on your own luck.After all, zombies can be regarded as ferocious lions and tigers, while humans are ferocious and have the heart of snakes and scorpions at the same time.

Fang Hujun's words, he also thought about it in his mind.As for whether there is any contact, we will only know when we get to the scene.Until now, they don't know what Zombie Paradise looks like.

"Warriors, I will open the portal for you. After three days, I will pick you up in person~ ahahahaha!!"

Brother Ji's laughter caused a burst of blue veins on the uncle's forehead. If it weren't for more than a dozen guns pointed at them, his thorns would have pierced the back of his head from the inside of his mouth.Shut up this crap.

There was an iron gate in front of him, and the surrounding fence was electrified. Dried and wet bloodstains hung like silk on the honeycomb grid.What can be seen in front of you is that there are several rotting corpses lying on the ground, some have broken limbs, some are torn apart, some have their stomachs hollowed out, and some have their lower bodies ripped off, leaving only ribs and a rotten body. With the arm attached to the rotten flesh, he roared hoarsely at the person who came.

Mao Dan knelt down in front of the door and vomited all over the floor. His vomit was mixed with flesh and blood mud, and he couldn't tell the difference. This place seemed like a slaughterhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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