
Chapter 86 Strange Woman

Chapter 86 Strange Woman

When everyone entered the park, the gate was locked again.

"Brothers, good luck~!" Chicken Brother blew a whistle, then winked at the younger brother next to him.The little brother stepped forward and fired a shot at the half of the corpse that was rotting on the ground.

"Bang—" the headshot zombie stopped roaring.

"My dear ancestor, you." Fang Hujun was so angry that he wished he could turn into a zombie and pounce on him and eat the cockscomb head raw.

"You don't have to thank me for the meeting gift I gave you~hahaha~" Ji Guantou said, and called everyone to leave.

This shot is not a gift, it simply awakens the evil spirits in the dark.I could have easily dealt with some zombies in front of me, but now this shot is fired.
"People like Cockscomb Head are insidious and cunning. Don't mess with him. It might be possible to shoot you behind the back and injure you. In his opinion, it just increases the difficulty of the game. He doesn't care about our life or death. As long as we don't challenge his authority on his bottom line, we still have a chance to survive." Yang Xiaochuan pulled out the Chaos Blade behind his back, and he could already clearly hear that there was nowhere to be seen in the darkness, and a group of hungry corpses The beast salivated at them.

"Let's go to the place where the ship's flag is. Everyone, follow closely and don't be alone. I will lead the battle, uncle will be in the back, Brother Fang and Mao Dan will be on the flanks, call out if there is danger, and those who can spare time must go to help, absolutely Don't be surrounded! Run as much as you can! Don't love to fight!" Yang Xiaochuan spoke quickly, and after he finished speaking, everyone trotted towards the beach.

Jiguantou will now arrive at a monitoring room, where he can clearly see every corner of the zombie park, and at the same time control the lighting facilities in the park.

Walking in the dark is a bit difficult, relying on the faint light to move forward carefully.He foolishly asked his younger brother to turn off the lights in any area as soon as everyone passed by.

"Cockroaches, let me increase the difficulty of the game for you~ Hehehehe~" The laughter from the nasal cavity was a little weird, and the younger brother around him felt a little chill when he heard it.

"Bada—" Wherever Yang Xiaochuan and others went, the lights suddenly went out.If it was okay when I first came in, it's a pity that the light flickers on and off, and my eyes can't accept it.Everyone kept their eyes wide open to identify the location from the roar of the zombies. Fortunately, there was still a bright moon, and the faint light from outside the area, almost all the zombies within three meters could see it.

It is not a solution to discover the zombies when they get close. They have to find a safe high point or building as soon as possible, and fight endlessly with the zombies at close range. Sentenced to death.

"You bastard, you play with us purely!" The uncle cursed angrily.

"It's not an option to go on like this. There are too many zombies coming from all directions. We can't stay in one place for too long!"

Fang Hujun observed the surrounding situation, it was pitch black, but he could still tell that the heavier shadows were obstacles, and the moving ones were zombies.
He looked towards the brightly lit place where the lights were not turned off not far away, and there was a pile of large wooden boxes and some oil drums, placed together irregularly, at least 2 meters high.

"Xiao Chuan, look over there, we think we can go and have a look!"

Yang Xiaochuan looked in the direction indicated by Fang Hujun. There were bright lights there, and only a few scattered zombies wandered around.

"Go, go over there!"

On the way, Brother Ji turned off the lights in the area they were going to in advance, and turned on the lights in the area after they left.

The uncle looked back and saw that densely packed zombies were rushing towards them like a tide. The scene was so shocking that Brother Ji in the monitoring room let out a piercing smirk.

"It's so exciting! Sci-fi blockbusters don't dare to shoot like this, Ang? Isn't it? This way the screenwriter can still let the pig's feet do a job, doesn't that mean he's cheating on him? Isn't it? Hahahaha! My director, there is no Immortal pig's feet~!"

While watching, brother Ji excitedly interacted with his younger brothers, completely treating the living people into the abyss as a movie, and he himself is the director and screenwriter, whoever dies will die, and the method of death must be determined by him.

The bodies and faces of the people who had almost fought against the zombies were all splattered with blood and the rotting remains of the zombies.They approached the wooden box with difficulty.

Holding the Blade of Chaos, Yang Xiaochuan slashed desperately. During the endless killings, he gradually discovered that if he slashed at the zombie's body, although he could cause some resistance, he couldn't kill him with one blow. He was almost thrown down and bitten several times. .With a swiping knife, he aimed precisely at the zombie's neck, swung it horizontally, and directly separated the head with the knife.

He bowed left and right, cut his head with a knife, and the way forward was cleaned up very cleanly. Occasionally, he came back to his senses, and he wanted to help the Lake army below, because Fanghu army used a short knife, and most of the time he had to stay with the zombie Zhou Xuan, aiming at it. The temples are pierced in, and it is quite laborious to pierce and take out.

"Quick! It's right in front, everyone don't stop! Maodan! Hold Ning Yang up first!" Yang Xiaochuan told Fang Hujun what to do next while dealing with the zombies that were farther away.

Mao Dan was also considered to be smart now, he directly carried Ning Yang on his back, quickened his pace and trotted towards the wooden box.

The two oil drums lying next to the wooden box were a little more than one meter away. He placed the oil drums side by side. He first climbed onto the oil drums, then stretched out his hand and pulled Ning Yang up, then picked Ning Yang up, and pulled Ning Yang up. After getting out of the wooden box, the movements were skillful and nimble, and he no longer had the fear and weakness he had before.

The remaining three people turned their backs to the oil drum, and more and more zombies were coming towards them. Yang Xiaochuan shouted, "You guys go up first, I'll be behind!"

Fang Hujun did not hesitate, he climbed directly onto the oil barrel, and the hairy man on the wooden box stretched out his hand and pulled Fang Hujun up, but the problem came, whether it was the uncle or Yang Xiaochuan, one of them climbed After getting into the wooden box, the last person couldn't separate himself and climbed up again. It is estimated that he would be thrown down by the zombies as soon as he turned around.

"Uncle, you go first! Hurry up!" the red-eyed Xiao Chuan yelled at the uncle without looking back.

The zombies close at hand almost drowned the two of them, and the uncle knew very well that if any one of them stayed, they would basically never be able to get back up again!what to do?Should I stay by myself and find another way after Xiao Chuan goes up?Or go first?
Just as he was hesitating, a zombie rushed from his side, and it was about to be bitten by the open blood basin. Suddenly, a figure flew past and kicked the zombie down.

The man was thin and wearing a peaked cap.The black mask makes it hard to see what it looks like, but he is holding a kitchen knife, rushing towards the zombies that are constantly rushing, chopping and kicking, the zombies are almost difficult to get close to, and the ones close to him are chopped off head.
"Go on!"

female?The uncle didn't hesitate anymore, turned around and climbed onto the oil barrel, and was pulled up by Maodan Fang Hujun in less than 5 seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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