
Chapter 89 What's Your Name

Chapter 89 What's Your Name

"What should we do now?" Fang Hujun looked at the vast sea of ​​corpses, also at a loss.But if the girl in front of me can live to this day, there must be a way, and everyone focused on her.

The girl was stared at by a group of men, and she obviously blushed in embarrassment, she couldn't help but folded her arms and turned her back to the crowd.

"Cough!——" Yang Xiaochuan coughed twice, breaking the awkward atmosphere.From the tactical vest at his waist, he took out some food distributed by Cockscomb Head to each person.

"Here, I haven't eaten for several days, right?"

The girl turned her head and glanced, swallowed her saliva, grabbed it and ate it voraciously. It seemed that she was starving. Yang Xiaochuan handed over some water. The crowd did not speak, and waited quietly on the wooden box. .

The uncle and Fang Hujun were not too anxious to get the answer from the girl in front of them. They lit up cigarettes on their own, observed the movement of the zombies in front of them, and could see all the possibilities around them that could be used to escape.

After the girl finished eating, she gasped heavily. If she had nothing to eat, she might really starve to death in this park.

"What's your name?" Yang Xiaochuan asked blankly.

"My name is Bai Yi."

"My name is Yang Xiaochuan, you can just call me Xiaochuan. The two next to me were when I was young and I met while fleeing. Uncle, Brother Fang. These two little guys, Mao Dan, Ning Yang." Yang Xiaochuan was very happy. Introduce everyone present politely, hoping to make Bai Yi relax a bit.

Bai Yi simply nodded, but found that he was still a little embarrassed to face everyone with the clothes he was wearing.This is the dance dress she wore to dance before.I had been wearing it all the time, but the back coat was all stained with blood, and the weather was getting hotter and I was having trouble moving, so I took it off altogether.

Yang Xiaochuan tactfully took off the tactical vest and handed it to Bai Yi. He knew that there were men on his side, and it would not be a bad thing to eliminate Bai Yi's embarrassment by carefully observing and taking the initiative to ease the embarrassment.

Bai Yi was a little hesitant. When the entire world order collapsed, no one would care about dignity and honor.Only the dark-skinned young man in front of him could clearly see what she needed at this time.Maybe Bai Yi didn't expect that it was Yang Xiaochuan's careful care that made Bai Yi feel a bit of warmth in his cold heart.

On this side of the monitoring screen, Ji Guantou gritted his teeth with hatred, looking at the picture of a man and a woman in front of the camera on the densely surrounded wooden box, "Scumbag! What the hell are you still looking for?"

"Is the big guy inside still there?" Cockscomb asked.

"Brother Chicken, the big guy hasn't appeared these few times, and we don't know where this guy has gone. It must have been eaten!" The younger brother next to him was a little flustered.

Speaking of the big man, he was a 1.9-meter-tall man who was captured when they captured him. He had been bitten when the prisoner came. There is no need to talk about the catch.

Because this guy Cockscomb did not suffer less, and he was also the one who resisted them the most in the North District at that time.

When the virus first broke out, the prison guards in the prison became panicked, changing from the time of exhalation twice a day to once a day, and then there was no time for exhalation at all.

Coupled with the decreasing number of guards in the prison, this has attracted the attention of many leaders in the prison.

The prisoners bribed the prison guards and learned that the situation outside was very bad, and the situation became very serious, so a riot broke out.

Jiguantou had already been sentenced to death at that time, and escaped with the rioting prisoners.When their group rioted, they occupied the ammunition depot of the prison.

Although Ji Guantou knew that something had happened outside, he didn't expect it to be so serious.

This gang of thugs got guns, which is a nightmare for civilians, not to mention that Ji Guantou is such a death row prisoner.

The neighborhoods in the city were in chaos, and the government troops in charge of daily patrols also withdrew to the central and western areas.However, the three regions of the north, east, and south have become places of no concern
For a heinous person like Ji Guantou, it was heaven. Relying on the blessing of firearms and weapons, he quickly occupied the North District, and all the supplies in the North District were also being searched.Once the common people are encountered by the cockscomb head, they will either die or be injured, and they will be searched clean.

More civilians in the northern sector fled to other areas, and death has become the norm.In the worst of times, you probably see dead bodies being thrown into the sea at all times.

"Mad! This is not fun! Give them something exciting, turn on the broadcast at the gate, let them come down, it's no fun to hide on top!"

In the eyes of Ji Guantou's younger brother, he is an unpredictable psychopath, so vicious that the former boss can be killed directly without blinking an eye.

The little brother beside him didn't dare to say anything more, and after one operation on the console, the broadcast audio at the entrance to the Zombie Paradise was turned on.

"Brother Chicken! What music is playing?" a younger brother asked timidly.

"Play a song of anxiety." After he finished speaking, he sat on the side and put his feet on the main console.

The little brother didn't dare to say anything, and started typing and searching in the local music in the search column on the screen, but after a while, there was no movement, and he turned back embarrassedly and said:

"Brother Jiji, I'm nervous. Which two words are they, I don't know them haha"

This little boy is also the kind of a joker, Ji Guantou rolled his eyes helplessly, and kicked up.

"Damn it, what age do you think you are still illiterate~? Why did you go to the labor camp class? Don't tell me you messed with me!"

After he finished speaking, he fiddled with the console:

After talking about it for a long time, I just couldn't type these two words.

The other younger brother standing aside couldn't help laughing out loud, and quickly apologized:
"I'm sorry! Brother Chicken, to interrupt you, it's .tantan, tetante. These two pinyin"

The younger brother typed these two words on the main console, and hurriedly controlled his emotions.In front of this pervert, he didn't dare to take his own life as a joke.

"You don't come to type when you know? You want to die, don't you?" Ji Guantou cursed with embarrassment.

He immediately clicked the play button, and as the volume was turned up to the maximum, it spread farther and farther in the park.

"This pervert!"

As soon as Bai Yi listened to the music, he knew that only cockscombs could do such a thing.

The zombies surrounded by the box were indeed attracted by the music at the gate, and turned their heads away one by one.They spread out one after another and rushed towards the gate.

It seems that this is not the first time Brother Ji has done this kind of thing.If the person entering the park has a higher chance of surviving, then he will try his best to make it difficult for him.When they first came in, the lights would go off every time they went to an area, which is a good example.

But now being trapped on the box, with no way out, Cockscomb played music to lure away the zombies deliberately, in order to give them a chance of survival.

"Look! The zombies are all attracted away, this music is too timely!" Mao Dan pointed at the scattered zombies in front of him, feeling very excited.

Maybe only a simple kid like Maodan still doesn't understand the purpose of Cockscomb Head, which is clearly another trap.If they really go on like this, the broadcaster in the area may immediately remember it. At that time, the situation will be difficult to say.

"You don't really think that this cockscomb head is so kind, do you?" Bai Yi said to the group of people coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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