
Chapter 90

Chapter 90

"Knowing that the cockscomb head is intentional, it is of course a good thing that the zombies are attracted away now. We have to leave this place. What we have to consider now is if we go down and the zombies come around again, where should we hide?" Fang Hu Looking at the scattered zombies, Jun turned to look at Bai Yi.

The uncle lit a cigarette, sat aside, listened to Fang Hujun's words from his escape from the shock just now, and then handed him a cigarette.

He had carefully observed this woman named Bai Yi. From the perspective of her age, she was only in her twenties.Being able to survive proves that you have your own excellence.

My group of people struggled, almost wiped out countless times, and was favored by the goddess of luck countless times.Thinking about walking all the way from Qingshan City, I still remember the scene of killing a zombie for the first time when the zombie virus broke out that day.

It is still vivid and lingering.

Whether they can live safely and soundly in the next time, this Bai Yi, is very important to them.

"Miss Bai, how have you survived these few days?" The uncle took a drag on his cigarette, and couldn't wait for Bai Yi to tell him how to escape.

Bai also didn't turn his gaze to the crowd, but turned his back to another dark corner in the park, silently in a daze.

No one disturbed her thoughts, and after an unknown period of time, almost all the zombies around the box under her were attracted away.Everyone present was waiting quietly, not waiting for Cockscomb to use some insidious method to deal with them again.

"The duty room at the hanging objects by the coast. I stayed there for many days." After she finished speaking lightly, she straightened her hair and loosened the ponytail. The long hair fell straight down, showing a little more tenderness.Then it was tied up again slowly, just for a moment, as if all the disaster had never happened.

"This park is the temporary storage place for the main port goods to be disposed of. Basically, there are some customs clearance document problems, the quality of the goods fails to pass the quality inspection, or the goods are detained due to tax issues. In fact, the types of materials are quite rich." She said. Point to the container under the lamp post right ahead.

The rest of the people cast their gazes over while panting. The lock on one side of the container was broken, and the well-packed cartons were scattered all over the floor.

"It's full of imported potato chips. For so many days, I and a few survivors have relied on them to survive until now. The other containers have no chance to go out and open because..."

Bai Yi's eyes were a little startled, as if she was worried that something she didn't want to see would suddenly appear in the familiar night.

"Are there other survivors?" Fang Hujun asked in surprise.

Bai Yi didn't say anything for a long while, but just replied lightly:
"all dead"

The few people were silent for a while again. Could it be that they have to survive for three days on the potato chips in the container?In that case, it is absolutely impossible to be alive.Except for the siege of zombies, Ji Guantou said that he must get the flag of the port to survive.

"Miss Bai, do you know where the flag is in the port?" the uncle asked.

Bai Yi was very confused, the port flag?
"Probably about 800 meters away from our box, there is a row of fishing boats with many flags planted there, but I don't know if it is the kind you mentioned."

"As long as it is the flag of the ship, that perverted cockscomb head said, we will be set free if we get it within three days." Fang Hujun took the words and began to check his equipment on his own.

"Do you also believe what Jiguantou said? He just wanted to play. The elder brother who was imprisoned before was killed by the tricks of Jiguantou." She turned her head, and there was a trace of blood in her eyes.That painful expression was coldly full of killing intent.

Fang Hujun just wanted to organize everyone to prepare to set off, but in a blink of an eye he was startled and covered in cold sweat.

"Miss Baibai, I know you are in a bad mood right now, and I can see the enmity between you and Jiguantou. No matter what that pervert did to you, I hope you can help us all survive and find what Jiguantou said. The flag of the ship, only in this way can we have a chance to see the head of the cockscomb again, isn't it?"

Yang Xiaochuan has been observing Bai Yi's emotions, he can obviously feel the different anger, and he is trying to restrain himself in his heart, that inexplicable coldness is just a mask before revenge.

"This garden is not as simple as you think. More than 20 of us came in and I was the only one who survived. Some of the companions who died in this yard were my classmates, some were neighbors, and some were survivors who fled elsewhere. If you only want to get the flag, then you can give up this idea, even if you can get it, and the cockscomb head can fulfill its promise, you will definitely not be able to get this garden."

"Why? Elder sister" Maodan asked with some puzzlement.

"Because there is a conscious zombie in this garden, a large zombie that retains consciousness when he was alive. He only has hunger in his eyes, and he will say hungry while tearing up the living person in front of him." Bai did not dare to continue, While answering Mao Dan, he looked at Ning Yang beside him.

"Big zombie? Conscious?"

Yang Xiaochuan turned pale with shock, secretly guessing in his heart, could it be another biochemical mutant?He looked at Fang Hujun beside him, and now he can fully explain the source of these things.

Fang Hujun suddenly fell silent.

There are only two possibilities for Bai Yi’s conscious zombies. The first is that the toxicity of the virus has been reduced during the mutation, and it has a higher spread, but it is not fatal. The case of the big man is a semi-mutated state.

If this variant has no side effects, it is that the virus and human genes are compatible with each other. The virus has been found in multiple mutations, completely occupying the host's body, and is poorly compatible with the host's physiological functions. In the middle of the disease, the lack of timely functional supplementation may lead to a low survival rate.

However, if the consciousness of the host is retained and not fully controlled, the host will eat regularly according to the original function consumption.The direction of eating may not only be people, as long as it is the food memory that the host's previous ideology still retains, it can eat without distinction.

In this way, a part of the host’s consciousness is kept from being invaded, and it can be continuously charged and symbiotic. Of course, the human beings boarded by the virus will also undergo different changes in the body. What will happen specifically, Fang Hujun and others I saw it on the escape road in Qingshan City.

The biochemical weapons created and hatched by human beings are more successful among artificial experiments, and the big ones can only be in a state formed by themselves, and only one in a million or one in ten million humans will appear ——failure
"What if we meet this big guy on the way?" the uncle asked, he knew that Bai Yi must have met this thing face to face.

Bai Yi tightly held the kitchen knife in his hand, the light and shadow on the knife surface reflected a haggard, yellow and thin face, with a silent expression.

It seemed that there was nothing more disturbing in her heart than killing Ji Guantou.

The hatred in her heart has been buried for a long time, and all the crimes and filth will eventually get their due response.

"As long as it doesn't appear in front of his eyes when he is hungry, he will stand aside like a log and face the sea in a daze."

(End of this chapter)

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