Demon King's Life Simulator

Chapter 142 How to say in Chinese

Chapter 142 How to say in Chinese

Los Angeles!
A developed American city, located in the southwest of California, USA, is the second largest city in the United States and the largest city in the western United States, known as the "City of Angels".

This beautiful city is one of the important centers of industry and commerce, international trade, science and education, entertainment and sports in the United States, as well as one of the main bases of the petrochemical, marine, aerospace and electronics industries in the United States.Los Angeles is also home to many world-renowned institutions of higher education, such as Caltech, UCLA, USC, Pepperdine University, and more.

But Xu Tian and his team didn't come here for these things, their purpose was very pure.

They simply regard this city as a "gate", a...gate to another world.

A group of people got on one expensive Cadillac seven-seater off-road vehicle after another, and the convoy marched mightily on Wilshire Boulevard, carrying all the students and members of the spell training class in China who had reached level two or above , all the way east and west, headed for Santa Monica.

On top of a mountain in Santa Monica, an extremely luxurious red-roofed courtyard is built.

In the backyard of this red-roofed courtyard that looks like a palace, there is a temporary elevator entrance, and the steel frame on the side has not been removed. It is of a large size and can accommodate dozens of people at a time.

"The gate to the starry sky leading to the ancestral star is just under this ground."

Han Shuyin stood next to Xu Tian, ​​looking through the French windows on the second floor of the villa at the foreign workers who were busy moving equipment below,

"We have already bought this place. It was built by a local tycoon in 14 at a cost of 3000 million U.S. dollars. We spent nearly 6000 million U.S. dollars to get it done."

"Didn't the US government intervene? For example, to fight for the ownership of this mature starry sky gate?" Xu Tian expressed his doubts.

"Of course they don't agree to give us such a sweet pastry."

Han Shuyin smiled,
"We also spent a lot of effort, using all the means of temptation and coercion, and they reluctantly agreed to let us take charge of this starry sky gate."

This is tantamount to asking the stingy old beauty to give up such a big treasure house. Unexpectedly, the foundation of the Qi Refining Sect has such terrifying energy. The president's kneeling must be like being forced to eat a lump of cake...

"So the only requirement for them to compromise is to let the group of old American monks enter the foreign world with us to experience?"

As Xu Tian spoke, he looked at the group of Americans who were ready to go in the luxurious hall on the next floor of the corridor.

"Yes, you know." Han Shuyin nodded.

"If you think about it, you will know that these old American monks are here, and they are carrying luggage. They are definitely not here to see us off."

Xu Tian smiled.

"They have also made the biggest concession." Han Shuyin smiled with a sense of complacency, "We can't do too much. If we do everything, our fate will end sooner."

"Teacher, what you said is very reasonable, but it is a bit outdated."

Xu Tian said.

Han Shuyin: "???"

Negative emotion value from Han Shuyin, +21!

"Why did you come up with such a sentence for no reason?"

Xu Tian: "You're still looking at Fengyun, aren't you too outdated?"

Han Shuyin was even more inexplicable, and said strangely: "How do you know that I see Fengyun?"

"This sentence is a line in Fengyun."


Foreigners are quite wild, especially here in their own country, just like the locals in many parts of China look down on foreigners, this group of foreigners, oh, here, the Chinese should be called laowai... All of these locals are very Feeling superior, screaming strangely downstairs, not caring about those Chinese monks who are a little tired after sitting for more than 20 hours.

Some Chinese monks were very dissatisfied. Zuo Dezhu, the naughty student who provoked Xu Tian on the plane, taught the gringos to speak Chinese there.

He first said in English to the yellow-haired man with a big gold chain and a violet tattoo on his left arm: "Hey, buddy, can you speak Chinese?"

Huang Mao shook his head: "Why should I learn Chinese?"

Zuo Dezhu smiled, and said in Chinese: "You shit-eating waste, you can't even speak Chinese."

Huangmao asked him what are you talking about?
He replied in English: "I'm saying, I think you are very smart, learning Chinese should not be difficult for you."

After hearing Zuo Dezhu's "praise", the foreigner nodded happily: "yesyes."

He said yes twice, which shows that he highly agrees with Zuo Dezhu's words.

Then the Chinese next to me burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, this stupid foreigner, if you say he eats shit, he says yes."

"Too fucking smart!"

"32 likes for you!"

"Yes, yes, eat shit on you, you are so right."


Seeing others laughing, this foreigner was a little confused, and asked Zuo Dezhu in English doubtfully:
"Why are they laughing? What are they laughing at?"

Zuo Dezhu glanced at them and smiled at him: "They are also praising you."

At this time, another buddy said: "You are so awesome, you are willing to eat shit, it tastes good, right!"

Foreigner: "Hahahahaha, good, you are right! You are very right!"

Then everyone laughed even harder, slapping their legs and bending over...

The key point is that the foreigner laughed even harder...

Xu Tian looked at this scene from the second floor and couldn't help laughing. This was the first time he knew the benefits of Chinese learning English in elementary school and Americans not having to learn Chinese.

Zuo Dezhu saw that he had successfully aroused the favor of foreigners, so he asked, "Hey, buddy, do you want to learn a few sentences of Chinese?"

At the moment, the foreigner is so boasted that he doesn't know who he is, thinking that learning Chinese is easy, so he immediately said: "OK, good."

Zuo Dezhu narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Then what do you want to learn?"

"Emm..." The foreigner pondered for a moment and said, "How do you say Long Live America in Chinese?"

Zuo Dezhu taught: "I am a dog."

"I... am... a dog?"

The foreigner chewed on the back of his tongue trying to pronounce Dao.

"Hey! That's right, that's right!"

Zuo Dezhu clapped his hands.

Others also suppressed their smiles and gave thumbs up again and again: "That's true!"

"very good."

"You are Goode."

"So awesome."

"You're such a slut."

Seeing other people giving thumbs up, foreigners are greatly encouraged, and their eyes shine, so I will say it!I'm so smart, Chinese or something, it really doesn't matter!
Immediately he repeated excitedly: "I am a dog!"

Others laughed and applauded.

I have to say that his language talent is still good, so he can speak this sentence fluently.

So he worked harder: "I'm a dog! Haha! I'm a dog!"

Then he was like a warrior returning in triumph, shouting "I am a dog", while swaggering back to his American team with his head held high.

I went to teach my teammates how to speak Chinese...

Immediately, Xu Tian felt a rush that he couldn't bear to look directly at...

This Zuo is also a potential stock, and has the potential to be the successor to the throne of the Demon King!
The elevator leading to the underground is still being debugged, and everyone still has to wait. When the people of the two countries gather together, of course there will be some friendly exchanges. For example, two foreign boys stared at Xu Bingbing and walked up to strike up a conversation. .

Xu Tian, ​​who was chatting with Han Shuyin and other teachers, saw this scene from the second floor, and immediately retreated silently and walked downstairs.

"Beauty, I have a project worth hundreds of millions of dollars to talk to you about..."

I have to say that the foreigner is really open-minded, and he talks coquettishly when he comes up, and the target is just a little girl in the second year of junior high school. Although Xu Bingbing has recently changed his temperament and appearance due to the progress of his spell training or the use of hormones. A lot, and she has grown taller, looking like a ten-year-old young girl.

(End of this chapter)

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