Demon King's Life Simulator

Chapter 143 Xu Tian makes a move

Chapter 143 Xu Tian makes a move
Xu Bingbing is a top student, of course her English is very good, but after all, she is still a junior high school student, and the range of knowledge she has learned is not in place. She doesn't know if she understands the meaning of this sentence, but she doesn't care about the two anyway, with a smirk on her face Instead, he frowned with a little disgust...

Because one of these two foreigners, of course there may be two, the taste is too tm...

Maybe she didn't understand, but the two bodyguards next to her must have understood. At that time, with a cold face, they blocked their steel body in front of Xu Bingbing and blocked her behind them. Staring vigilantly at these two foreigners who have ulterior motives and schemes, they involuntarily exude a strong coercion.

"Watt? You two little bodyguards in the foundation-building period, what are you going to do? Stare at me to death?"

The foreigner with green hair let out an exaggerated scream, then glanced at his companion next to him, and laughed loudly, "Are you Chinese all so humorous!"

Hearing this, many Chinese present were upset.


Why did you just mock the Chinese?

"A mere foundation-building period? It's quite loud... These two people are only at the fifth level of foundation-building..."

Xu Tian came down from upstairs, just in time to hear this sentence.Immediately, he sneered, really laughing at fifty steps.

After all, Xu Tian is also a university monk, and he is also a university monk who has no worries. No worries means that he has never held hands, so he has never failed a subject. I can still understand.

"You two..."

There was a short-tempered student in a training class who wanted to step forward, but the green-haired foreigner took a look at him, waved his hand, and a ball of flame burst out from his palm, exploding right in front of the short-tempered student, hurting It didn't hurt, but it shocked the Chinese people around.

Mana released...

Foundation building master!

"Please leave now."

One of the two bodyguards held back his anger and didn't want to cause trouble. It wasn't because he was afraid of the disparity in strength that he wouldn't be able to beat him. It was just that he didn't want to cause trouble for the overall situation, otherwise he would have to fight if he couldn't beat him.

A shadow flashed across the eyes of the green-haired foreigner, and he turned around slowly. Everyone thought he was going to leave, but he suddenly turned around and threw a fire at the bodyguard!

The expressions of the foundation teachers on the second floor changed greatly when they saw this: "???"

With a bang, the bodyguard was covered in flames. The next moment, a cold air burst out of the bodyguard's body. It was the divine power of the water element in his body. Fortunately, the flames were not too fierce. It just so happened that the water element is the nemesis of the fire element. It went out after a while, revealing the scorched bodyguard.

"Ha ha ha ha."

A group of foreigners over there burst into laughter.

Although he didn't suffer any injuries, the bodyguard looked like he was at home in a panic, and he was furious for a while. Just about to get violent, he heard the green-haired old man sneer and sneer:
"This is a lesson for you."

As he spoke, he directly ignored the bodyguard, and his eyes fell on Xu Bingbing who was behind him.

"Beauty, you see ours is bigger than you Chinese, come and get to know us, and promote friendly exchanges between the two countries?"

This green hair is full of nasty words, and those who can understand English feel uncomfortable. I really want to go up and have a friendly exchange with this guy immediately.

The scorched bodyguard and another bodyguard immediately shook with energy, and swung iron fists at the green hair.

"Ha ha."

The green-haired foreigner sneered, his voice was very thin and high-pitched, like an eunuch, his strange laugh was very ugly, and he deserved a beating!

For a moment, the bodyguard's fist became more violent, almost igniting the friction with the air.

The next moment, the green-haired foreigner became shorter, and at the same time dodged left and right, and his two punches hit the air without accident, but did not go where they should go, such as the disgusting sorghum nose and eye sockets of the green hair... …

The green-haired foreigner was very fast, tongues of fire shot out from his palms, and he was about to engulf the two bodyguards, but at this moment, his hands suddenly pressed against the backs of the two bodyguards, and the two bodyguards suddenly felt An extremely majestic and ferocious divine power poured in from the back, and the arms suddenly boiled with blood, and a violent force was born spontaneously. The arm that punched even swelled a circle, and even a layer of black appeared for no reason. , reflecting a metallic luster, it looks like a layer of black iron has been poured.

let's go!Black iron master!
A strange scene happened. The flame encountered the black iron fist, and was instantly absorbed into the iron fist. It twisted, and the force became stronger, and it hit the green-haired foreigner's chest fiercely.

Green-haired foreigner: "???"

What the hell is this? ? !

The power of the sudden explosion of the two foundations and the triple layer? ?
Negative sentiment value from John Rodriguez, +266!

At the same time that this wave of negative emotions of unknown direction was born in his heart, the green-haired foreigner flew upside down with his feet kicked, and a blood line was drawn from his mouth...

This wave was caught off guard!

John Rodriguez hit a table where a group of people were watching two big men wrestle their arms, and the man next to him with tattoos on his arms and the man with no tattoos on his arm - maybe his buttocks - and the man next to him The group of foreigners watching the fun was shocked.

For a while there were complaints, and the voice of Shetfak oil was endless.

Negative sentiment value from Jack Williams, +287!


A wave of income is as high as [-]!

Ha ha, foreign friends are so friendly!

With so many negative emotional values ​​collected, it is enough to show that this matter was caused by Xu Tian...

It was not a troublesome matter for him, it was just a temporary empowerment to give the two bodyguards a little bit of self-cultivation.

A little bit of his cultivation is enough to overwhelm an ant like the foundation building period.

The two bodyguards themselves stunned passers-by: Wucao, why am I so stupid all of a sudden!

Turning around to look, the two immediately bowed to Xu Tian who did not know when he appeared: "Protect Xu!"

"En." Xu Tian nodded, "Thanks for your hard work."

Thanks for your hard work?
The two were taken aback, and a bodyguard said with shame: "Dharma protector, we are useless, we failed..."

"Don't get me wrong, I mean you have been beaten hard."

The two bodyguards almost cried after hearing Xu Tian's words: "???"

The negative emotion value from Chen Yiguan, +72!

Negative emotion value from Fubao Group, +38!

It's so heartbreaking, Guardian Xu!

"Don't cry, baby, stand up and masturbate." Xu Tian smiled and patted the shoulders of the two poor bodyguards.

Two bodyguards: "???"

The negative emotion value from Chen Yiguan, +62!

Negative emotion value from Fubao Group, +47!

Your consolation sounds weird, why does it sound like you are saying that you are a younger brother?
(End of this chapter)

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