Demon King's Life Simulator

Chapter 144 Heavenly King

Chapter 144 Heavenly King

The green-haired John Rodriguez stood up from the pile of debris, his green hair was disheveled, his appearance was disconcerted, and his pale, knife-sharpened face was full of rage. He looked at the two bodyguards as if he was looking at him. The two gave him countless green-haired adulterers.

He roared angrily in English: "You, Hua people, dare to run rampant in our territory?"

Several other Americans also stood next to him, each with a provocative look, looking at the group of people on Xu Tian's side, their aura was threatening.

When Xu Tian saw this scene, he was also stunned. My boy, this is the rhythm of intensifying conflicts. As a small leader of the monk foundation who must maintain peace, he also quickly persuaded in English:

"No, no, you misunderstood, we Hua people are very friendly and never rampant, but you are too rubbish..."

A group of Americans: "???"

Negative sentiment value from John Rodriguez, +699!
Negative sentiment value from James Garcia, +1255!

Negative emotion value from Han Shuyin, +211!

A large wave of negative emotions exceeded [-], and even the names of the teachers on the second floor, including Han Shuyin, were all in a cold sweat after hearing his words.

The first half of the sentence is quite normal, why did the last sentence take a 180-degree turn?

Oh my god, bro, are you here to make peace or cause trouble...

"We shouldn't have let him go down..."

Han Shuyin rubbed his brows helplessly, and said to another teacher next to him who nodded after hearing this.

Among this wave of income, the highest individual has more than 200 negative emotion points. It is estimated that the short guy who suddenly ignited the flames, his teeth shivered slightly under the flames, and he looks like he rushed to follow him immediately. Xu Tian came to a love that never broke up.

Xu Tian glanced at this fiery buddy, and said, "Thank you, I'm not hungry yet, and I don't want to eat barbecue."

Flame Man: "???"

Negative sentiment value from James Garcia, +977!

I'm so mad, you actually told me about barbecue?
Am I flaming for a barbecue?
Xu Tian was happy, ha, I guessed right, this guy is indeed James from the system prompt, and his temper is really quite hot.

Flame Man James roared angrily at that time: "Huaguo people, you will pay the price for your insolence, I promise!"

Xu Tian said with a smile: "I believe it, I really believe it, really."

James: "???"

Negative sentiment value from James Garcia, +975!

This tone is mocking me!

"You... who are you, dare to look down on me?"

James was smoking with anger—whether he was angry or would have smoked if he was on fire.

Xu Tian waved his hand quickly, and exaggeratedly said four no words in succession: "No, no, no, it's not that I look down on you, it's that all of us look down on you."

James: "???"

Negative sentiment value from James Garcia, +1588!

"Fake Squid!!!"

The veins on James' forehead popped out, and he was about to charge up. The next moment, the two bodyguards next to Xu Tian instinctively stepped forward, one left and one right in front of Xu Tian.

Xu Tian was amused at the time: "Why, are you two trying to protect me? This is the funniest joke I've heard today."

The two bodyguards sprayed again, Mr. Guardian, can you say something that sounds good, encourage or not.

Anyway, we rushed to the front line to serve as your meat shields.

Before he had time to think about it, the scorched bodyguard noticed the surging flames around James on the opposite side, and a fireball with a strong lethality condensed in his palm, and immediately said suddenly: "Ready to fight!"

In the end, I saw that the other party was suddenly stopped behind by a foreigner who seemed to be of considerable status, the flames on his body suddenly wilted a lot, and the fireball in his hand disappeared in an instant, as if he was afraid of accidental injury and suddenly stood up to stop him My foreigner, although he also knew that he was not capable, immediately called weakly: "Boss..."

The man called boss was tall and tall, wearing a suit, slender, very elegant, and wearing gold-rimmed glasses, but his face was a bit stern, and his eyes were a bit indifferent, as if he didn't pay attention to anything.

But it was such a pair of eyes looking at all living beings that fell on the middle-aged man who had just come down from the second floor opposite.

This middle-aged man is the only Nascent Soul master in the Asia-Pacific region. He has particularly eye-catching silver hair, combed shiny. Although he doesn't talk much all the way and is very low-key, others are quite respectful to him. , including Han Shuyin.

Xu Tian didn't inquire about his identity, but he occasionally heard the silver-haired man's name mentioned in awe - Jue Tian Wang.

It is one of the four heavenly kings of the Qi Refining Sect who first explored the other side of the wormhole with another Haitian king.

King Jue Tian was expressionless. Except for his outstanding silver hair, this eighth-level expert looked no different from ordinary people, and his temperament was not necessarily outstanding, but as soon as he appeared, the scene became quiet.

The Chinese people are quiet here because they know that this is a heavenly king whose status in the foundation is second only to the chairman. The American people are quiet because they have a special method that can accurately detect the energy in other people's bodies, including the existence of heaven. Xu Tian, ​​who was protected by the tree, could not escape their perception.

Xu Tian had felt that the one called the boss was also a master at the peak of Jindan.

In front of the Nascent Soul cultivator who holds the title of Heavenly King, no matter how golden core is at its peak, it is like a baby facing a giant. Other foreigners dare not breathe, so this boss, who was originally going to stand on the sidelines, saw the appearance of the Heavenly King. Immediately stood up to stop his subordinates.

At this moment, he felt a little uneasy, not knowing what kind of trouble this Nascent Soul's Hua Guo master was trying to make in person.

But there is no doubt that if this Nascent Soul master from Huaguo came to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes, as a proud American with high authority, he would undoubtedly take the lead in confessing.

Then, everyone saw this heavenly king who frightened everyone when he came out, turned left and said, "Excuse me, I'm going to use the toilet."


Gently I go, just as I come gently...


The sound of the door closing, everyone turned their heads suddenly, and Jue Tian Wang had quietly disappeared at the door of the toilet...

Everyone: "..."

The audience was silent for half a minute.

Then he heard the sound of flushing water, the door opened again, King Jue Tian came out, he seemed to be puzzled why everyone was looking at him, and immediately the silver-haired King smiled shyly, "There is someone in the toilet upstairs. Hehe. "

After saying this sentence, which seemed to be what you said to continue, the Lord Heavenly King let himself go upstairs again slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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