I win the game of survival

Chapter 23 Dungeon Rewards and Game Hidden Lines

Chapter 23 Dungeon Rewards and Game Hidden Lines
"You, what did you call me?!"

Qin Zhengran took a short breath.

Parents call her nickname, why is she so sweet? ! !
Ji Xu had an innocent expression on his face. Looking carefully, there was still a bit of grievance forced out.

"What's the matter, don't you like me calling you that? Is it because only the closest people can call you that?"

Of course Qin Zhengran knew that Ji Xu did it on purpose, she wasn't hiding it seriously at all, and was even very perfunctory!However, he still didn't want to see Ji Xu showing any grievance expression, even if it was pretending, he would still feel damn distressed! !
"No, there is nothing I don't like, even if you call me Qin Qin or Zheng Zheng, I will recognize it!"


Ji Xu was amused by his broken attitude.

"Qin Zhengran, don't do this, I'm afraid I won't be able to help bullying you."

Immediately realizing something, he sighed and shook his head.

"It seems that your mother told the wrong person. She should tell me not to bully you."

Qin Zhengran couldn't stand being teased so much, he almost staggered back home, and didn't care about arranging a room for Ji Xu, so he rushed into his bedroom and locked the door behind him.

He leaned his back against the door, pressed his hands on his chest, and panted slightly.

If he didn't press the button, he was afraid that his heart would jump out.

Hearing the movement outside, Qin Zhengran remembered his mission.

"You, you can just pick one and use it. My house will be cleaned every day. Everything is clean, you." He suddenly thought of something, and his mind calmed down instantly, "Ji Xu, you, do you know how to take a bath? Showering Can you use dew and shampoo? Is the technology in your place advanced to the human body cabin, where you can heal diseases, heal injuries, and clean your body?"

How can someone from a high-tech civilization take a shower? !

Damn, he forgot about it!
He should have stayed and prepared dinner with his father, and let his scheming mother accompany Ji Xu! !
Ji Xu seemed to have heard some joke, and silently curled his lips.

In the face of low-level civilization, even if there is something she doesn't know or understand, she can quickly grasp it through Xiaoan. Qin Zhengran's concern is chaotic.

"I really won't, what should I do?"

Qin Zhengran secretly thought it was bad, even if he wanted to run down to find his mother for help, it would be too late, Ji Xu was blocking the door, where was he going? !
If it goes on like this, it won't be a matter of the heart beating out, and the worst thing is that the seven orifices will ascend to heaven! !
"Why don't you open the door and let me in, and tell me about it? Don't worry, I'm a quick learner. You can take me through it and I'll be fine."

Ji Xu's attitude was particularly correct, but to Qin Zhengran's ears, this was simply acting like a baby and bewitching him! !
Damn it! ! ! !
There is a fierce battle of ideas——

three seconds.


He gave up.

Crack, open the door.

"Come in."

Qin Zhengran made up his mind to concentrate on teaching.As long as you don't look at her, you won't be affected, after all, your willpower is still very firm.

He led Ji Xu to the bathroom of the bedroom, and introduced the supplies on the shelf one by one.

"This is shampoo, after wetting the hair, press out some and rub it on the hair."

Before he finished speaking, a gust of water suddenly hit his face. He quickly turned his head to avoid it, and exclaimed, "Hey, Ji Xu, what are you doing? This is a shower, not a toy! Stop it!!"

Qin Zhengran subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover it. At first, he thought that Ji Xu just touched it by mistake and would take it away soon. Unexpectedly, she went even further, turned the water to the maximum, adjusted the water temperature with ease, and even brought the shower closer some.

He barely opened his eyes, and saw Ji Xu's evil smiling face through the mist.

"You really did it on purpose!!"

"Well, I know you're still being tricked?"

Ji Xu leaned towards him maliciously, Qin Zhengran tensed his body, and shrank back unconsciously, but there was a chill on it, and he could not help but groan when he was excited by ice and fire.At this moment, a moderate force came from his waist, pulling him forward.

Qin Zhengran lowered his head and found that Ji Xu was holding him with one arm. He thought that he should feel ashamed to be treated like this, but when he thought that the other party was Ji Xu, he had no sense of resistance at all.The hand that was originally covering the water was stuck to the cheek that was about to smoke. He knew that his expression at this moment must be very unbearable.

Sure enough, it was a wrong decision to let Ji Xu in.

he looks like.
Led the wolf into the house.

"Qin Zhengran, have you noticed something?"


His voice sounded muffled and hoarse.

"You seem to have no way to refuse me." Ji Xu smiled lightly.


"You can't let me in, but you opened the door."

"You can snatch the shower from my hand, but you don't do it."

"And now, you can push me away."

Ji Xu was like a snake, tightly wrapped around Qin Zhengran's body.

Even if she didn't touch his body at all.

"Are you going to push me away?"

Ji Xu's breath and words exuded a scorching charm, which almost forced him to surrender.

"Ji Xu."

She didn't seem to hear clearly, and leaned closer.

"You're too close."

Qin Zhengran was flustered, and if she got closer, she would find something strange about herself.

He didn't want to be so miserable in front of her.

Just as she was about to ask for mercy, Ji Xu kindly stepped back half a step. She could tell that this was Qin Zhengran's psychological limit.

Sensing her distance, Qin Zhengran resumed his breathing. Even though his whole body was drenched, he actually felt relieved.

He didn't realize that he was being domesticated by Ji Xu.

"Qin Zhengran, squat down."

Ji Xu turned off the adjustment switch and hung up the shower.

Qin Zhengran was a little embarrassed, but he squatted down obediently.

Ji Xu squeezed some shampoo into the palm of his right hand, and then put it on Qin Zhengran's hair. He ran his fingers through his hair and pressed it gently.

Qin Zhengran was startled and was about to look up.

"Don't move. In fact, your mental strength is still damaged, but only when you maintain a high degree of concentration and your mind is running at a high speed, can I see where the problem is."

What she said was not entirely true, but now she needed to find a reasonable reason for her behavior.

Therapy is real, and so is training.

Qin Zhengran's trust was also true.

Sure enough, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, and there was no other unnecessary movement.

His mood was very complicated, he couldn't tell if he was relieved or a little disappointed.

Isn't he attractive to her at all?

The drops of water hanging on his slender eyelashes fell heavily, and Ji Xu licked his lips.

After letting go of the embarrassed Qin Zhengran, Ji Xu came to the next room.

She called out the black light god, covered her whole body, and then activated the cleaning command, including the clothes, all of which were cleaned in less than half a minute.

One thing Qin Zhengran said is correct, high-tech can indeed help them clean up their bodies more quickly, not only the body surface, but even body cells can be screened or transformed, so it is also very powerful in eliminating diseases. s efficiency.

Putting on the clothes that Li Yunrou kindly found for herself, she put the black clothes and the jacket into the storage space of the battle armor.

Then he sat down leisurely and began to check and sort out the various items carried in the black light to pass the time.After about a while, the monitoring system sent a report that Qin's father and Qin's mother had already prepared dinner, and Qin Zhengran's side had already packed up.

Ji Xu got up and went out, met Qin Zhengran, and went downstairs to eat together.

Although there was not enough time, the dishes were particularly rich. The six dishes and one soup also took into account the color, flavor, and combination of meat and vegetables, some of which exceeded Ji Xu's expectations.

"Uncles and aunts have worked hard. These dishes are very appetizing just by looking at them."

She is extremely talented in all aspects. The basis for judging a person on earth is double quotient. Ji Xu is definitely not low, so she naturally knows what to say to make people like her.

Sure enough, both of them showed joyful expressions.

"We don't know if what we made suits your taste. If you like it, you can eat more."

Li Yunrou picked up a bowl to serve her rice, Qin Zhengran snatched it away, and said positively: "I'll come, I'll come, you guys sit down and rest."

Ji Xu took his own bowl and was about to move his chopsticks when a visual message came from the black light auxiliary system.According to the rules of the earth, the oldest host at the table must take the food first or give permission before the others can eat, so he couldn't help but stop his chopsticks and look at Qin Juezhi in a daze.

Why are there so many rules for a meal?
Qin Juezhi was also taken aback, and coughed lightly: "Eat quickly, the food will be cold in a while." After speaking, he gave Qin Zhengran a look.

Ji Xu is not from Earth, but he knows the dining etiquette, and this brat must have told her about it. Really, it makes people feel so unnatural.

Qin Zhengran received a reproachful look, picked up the serving chopsticks, and innocently picked up a piece of meat for Ji Xu.

"You don't have to force yourself, just do it the way you like." Then he gestured, "Try it, this is my mother's specialty dish, bursting braised pork, I like it."

"Smelly boy, you don't like the spicy black bean fish made by your father, do you? I only care about your mother's braised pork. I don't appreciate it at all. I won't make it for you next time."

"Hey, no, no." Qin Zhengran quickly picked up a piece of fish and put it into Ji Xu's bowl, "Each has its own merits, and I think they are all delicious."

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Ji Xu.

"Try it quickly. You don't need to pick the spines of this fish, just eat it directly. It tastes very good."

Ji Xu spent the whole meal being fed by Qin Zhengran and Li Yunrou.

After dinner, Qin Zhengran settled down with his parents, and went upstairs to rest with Ji Xu.

The two sat on the sofa and opened their respective game panels.

Just when they were about to finish their meal, they received a reward notice for the dungeon, but due to the presence of Qin Juezhi and Li Yunrou, they were unable to check it in time.

Qin Zhengran clicked on it with a solemn expression to read it.

Ji Xu raised Erlang's legs and tapped his knees with his hands, looking leisurely.

[Announcement: Dear player Ji Xu, hello, congratulations on winning the Newcomer Trial Knockout Competition-Nightmare-level copy "The One Who Was Redeemed by the Gods"-Angel Rank Clearance Reward.

The rewards are as follows:

1. Obtain 35000 tradable general game points.

You are currently at the top of the points rich list, and the amount has been automatically hidden for you. For details, click to view.

Explanation: Points are the general currency of the game, and you must get a copy of the customs clearance, and the amount obtained is related to the level of the customs clearance.

Examples of specific uses: it can be exchanged for bonus points, improving its own attributes, and the exchange rate is 1000:1; it can enter the game mall and purchase in-game props; it can be used for player transactions.

Tip: The point function has a certain degree of openness, please explore by yourself.

2. Obtain the game skill card "Ten Laws/God's Hand" (contract generation cannot be separated) (used), and unlock the two skills "Ten Laws Steel Seal" and "Correcting Chaos".The skills are limited to: use each skill once a day, and you can click to view the detailed introduction.

3. Obtain the game character card "Sleeping Dream Lady". This prop is a role-playing prop, and there is no limit on the number of times and duration of use. A single copy can only be used once, and the upper limit of the duration is the clearance/failure time node.Use this item to obtain the status of "big nobleman", and at the same time gain the favorability bonus of the noble faction in the background of the scene. The maximum favorability value of a single identity is +1, and the favorability of abyssal creatures is additionally +30.

Special Note: The "Sleeping Dream Lady" identity card is the only card in this game that is positively favored by abyssal creatures. Please keep it safe.

4. Congratulations on unlocking the hidden line reward of the game - the excitement of the game.

Explanation: The wonderfulness evaluation method is expressed in percentage, and the full evaluation is 100%.Specifically, it can be interpreted as the degree of excitement displayed by players through various means, such as disguise, acting, performance, interpretation, response, reasoning, confrontation, and fighting.If the excitement of a single copy exceeds 60%, you can get a universal star coin, which corresponds to the star coin mall of game development.

In view of your first pass and getting a 100% wonderful score for the full quota, and the difficulty of participating in the dungeon, a customized VIP supreme black card is specially opened and issued for you to save your universe coins.

Description of Universal Star Coins: You can buy everything that exists. 】

Along with the reward, there is also a beautifully packaged and luxurious letter.With a light touch, the letter fell from the game board to her hand.

Opening the envelope, there was a piece of letter paper and a card that looked quite heroic.

Unfold the letter, which reads:

Dear VIP black card user, congratulations on passing the game screening and obtaining the special card qualification.Please believe that we will serve you wholeheartedly.

In the future, if there are no special requirements, the star coins you get will be automatically stored in the account.Except for yourself, no individual, unit, or organization can use it privately, and the game party cannot take it back as a punishment, so you can use it with confidence.We will do our best and use all our strength to protect your property.

If you have any needs, you can contact your exclusive service team through the exclusive black card, including answers to public information, material supply, technology and war assistance, etc. There is no charge for any service, I wish you a happy life.

The above regulations come from Universal Security Bank, and the third-party judgment affairs department is allowed to supervise and notarize. Your rights and interests will be in charge of the four supreme auditing tribunals.

(End of this chapter)

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