I win the game of survival

Chapter 24 Game Skill Cards

Chapter 24 Game Skill Cards
Ji Xu became interested, clicked on the Starcoin Mall, swipe up and down, and looked at the dazzling array of goods on the page, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In the category of weapons alone, it includes various scientific and technological achievements of known and unknown civilizations in the universe.

Those with a first-level civilization use low-frequency magnetic guidance guns, silencer magnetic flux bombs, combat armor, power robots, and low-level beam energy weapons.There are various models and styles of spaceships, biological machines, and star liquefaction cannons in the second-level civilization.In the third-level civilization, all kinds of equipment, cosmic law weapons, directional thinking and logic weapons that make up the mobile war base
And the fourth-level civilization, that is, where Ji Xu is, the product of the Galisschild Complete Glory Spectrum civilization, can be found there.

What surprised her the most was that in this mall, you can actually buy the genetic maps of the human races in the universe of various galaxies, so detailed that you can even find sub-sequence sub-sequences of the next generation.

“This is amazing”

Ji Xu's eyes flashed, and he understood immediately.

No wonder SE-11, as an interstellar war criminal, can also possess high-energy particles and beam cannons, these two weapons are enough to trigger interstellar wars and destroy low-level civilizations.I just don't know whether he participated in the game and obtained the qualification to open the hidden thread, or bought it through someone like himself.

Then a thought came to mind.

It can be roughly compared to the Earth online game, although players are in different countries, they can participate in the same game.

It is known that the newcomer trial knockout round on Earth, that is, the game I participated in is the first one. If there are other players before this, then it can only prove one thing, there may be other servers besides Earth.In other words, on other planets or regions, there are still game login targets.

She entered the word "Locking Blood Fragrance" in the navigation search bar again, and then turned on the search function.

Sure enough, I successfully found the corresponding product and the matching antidote.

But what she didn't expect was that after knowing the rarity and preciousness of the star coins, she knew that the value contained in the star coins was really extraordinary, but a bottle of Suo Xuexiang was sold at a high price of 10 star coins. Among the weapons, most of the products of the second-level civilization are only at this price.

Unexpectedly, she was so valuable, she rubbed her chin playfully.

Someone who is willing to pay such a high price to target himself is doomed to not be able to end up peacefully in the future just by making small troubles.Since the other party did this, there must be a conspiracy, and they must want to get something from her.

Ji Xu suddenly remembered something, what the head of the Chinese Federation said to him when he agreed to the assignment and bid farewell to the Gareth Interstellar Chinese Alliance.

"You are in the family, it is difficult to stretch your fists and feet, and you may be in danger. It is better to go far away, and then develop and grow at your own pace, wait for the right time, come back and cut off the shackles that bind you, and overthrow you hate the old system."

She knew at the time that the plan for herself was not so simple, but she was in a vortex, and many things were unclear, but now she has some ideas.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ji Xu is an abandoned son who is hated by the family and needs to find every opportunity to kill her. Even the most powerful Huameng in the Gareth civilization can't keep her, and she is forced to exile in exchange for her life the point.

But in fact, only she knew that it was not the case at all.

There are indeed people in the family who want her to die, but they are hidden too deeply, and she has not been able to dig them out for the time being, but this does not mean that the whole family wants her to die.After all, only returning alive can bring greater benefits.

And the Chinese Alliance dispatched her to the distant Area 52, and they did not intend to exile her. If they really planned to do so, they would not secretly send a message to her, allowing her to send her trusted troops to jump to NO.40 first. Daxing escorted her to meet her.

Who has ever seen someone who was exiled and allowed to lead forces to go with him?

If you are really afraid of angering your own family, then it is definitely the safest thing to expel her alone. Not to mention other things, as far as the power in her hands is concerned, which side is not jealous?
"Ji Xu, have you finished watching?"

Qin Zhengran had been waiting patiently, but he saw that Ji Xu was still in deep thought, so he couldn't help asking.

"Well, after reading this expression, is there any confusion?"

"I got two rewards, 10000 point rewards, two skill cards, one skill I have already unlocked, the other is a gray card, I can't identify it. I feel a little weird about this first skill, thinking You should know something, so I want to ask."

Ji Xu nodded to signal him, Qin Zhengran moved over and showed her his game interface.

""Third Density/Material Manipulation", the name is quite powerful." Ji Xu rested his chin in his hand, "Look, it is clearly written in the analysis, the range of substances that can be manipulated is the third-density world and below .”

She raised her head as a matter of course, but found that Qin Zhengran's face was tangled, and she couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"Do you have any questions?"

"Well, there are doubts everywhere." Qin Zhengran held back for a long time, scratched his head and said, "Can you explain what is the third-density realm? Is it the natural world we understand, or the universe that can be seen and touched? "

Ji Xu showed a rare expression of astonishment.

"You can't figure it out from here on?"

Seeing her surprised like this, Qin Zhengran felt a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry that I'm not laughing at you. I forgot that the civilization you live in hasn't touched on these things, even if these things are common sense to me. Don't worry, if you encounter something you don't understand, I will answer it for you. "

Ji Xu regained his expression, pondered for a moment and said.

"About this problem, your planet has the most preliminary explanation, but what I want to tell you is another point of view."

Qin Zhengran regained his energy and listened carefully.

"Any kind of matter, whether it is basic matter or metamorphosis, can be transformed into other things through a certain frequency of vibrations, and thus enter a higher level of time and space through the field of existence of the universe. You don't need to understand this, you just need to understand it. You need to know that transformation and travel happen at the same time, and we, you and me, belong to the third-density world, which contains a lot of visible things and a small amount of spiritual things.”

Qin Zhengran asked: "Does entering a higher time and space mean entering a higher dimension?"

"Strictly speaking, it's not quite correct. However, the concept of dimension is already the closest thing you can come into contact with and understand, so it's not wrong to explain it this way."

Qin Zhengran didn't dwell on this question any further, but asked: "Then what does this skill mean, basically all matter within my cognition can be manipulated?"

"Yes, according to the instructions, that's what it means."

Qin Zhengran touched his nose, "Actually, I just studied it, but I don't know how to use this ability."

"According to my experience, a skill card is just a general term for an ability. If you want to use it, I'm afraid it needs to be subdivided and realized into independent skills. I guess, the same skill card is given to different people, and the final ability obtained It's probably different."

After finishing speaking, Ji Xu explained to him how his "Ten Laws/God's Hand" works, and then said.

"The concept of material manipulation is a bit too broad, and if it's just pure manipulation without any lethality, we will re-enter the dungeon sooner or later. Enhancing the combat power is the first point, and the ability to produce operational types is unnecessary. Therefore, Let me give you a suggestion, you can go in the two directions of distortion and compression, if the upper limit of sub-skills obtained by a skill card is two, then distortion and compression are currently the best choices."

According to Ji Xu's guidance, two images automatically appeared in Qin Zhengran's mind.

[Announcement: Congratulations to player Qin Zhengran, who obtained "Distortion of Reality" and "Compression of Air Volume" according to the "Third Density/Material Manipulation" skill card.

Description of "Distortion of Reality": When using a skill, it will regularly distort everything it touches.It has a certain degree of freedom and can be explored.

Explanation of "Air Volume Compression": Air or air volume (vacuum state) within a certain range can be compressed to produce air volume bombs, which can be used in combination with weapon props.It has a certain degree of freedom and can be explored. 】

Ji Xu exclaimed, "That's right, it's similar to what I imagined. Twisting can be used as a means of melee combat, which can be used by surprise and has great lethality. The compression skill is more powerful than I thought. I didn't expect it to have the possibility of space combat. If I give you a With a set of armor, you are already a junior interstellar warrior, at least you won’t be easily destroyed by the technology of other civilizations.”

After finishing speaking, she seemed to remember something, and asked with a frown, "Are there no restrictions on the use of your skills?"

Qin Zhengran was taken aback for a moment, checked carefully again, and then shook his head.

He knew that Ji Xu's skills were limited in number of times, but for some reason, his own skills had no limit.

Ji Xu bowed his head and pondered: "My "Ten Laws/God's Hand", according to the conversion of civilization technology, can already be regarded as a product of civilization above the fourth level. "Ten Laws Steel Seal" involves changing the logic and code of conduct of intelligent bodies , although it does not interfere with thinking, this method is obviously more terrifying than thinking weapons. And "Setting Out the Chaos" involves the laws of the universe, and it still follows my ideas, and my ideas prevail, and it is also more terrifying than ordinary law weapons .Actually, it meets the standard of level five or even higher, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a god-level ability. So adding restrictions is a kind of protection for myself, so that I don't have to bear any consequences."

"It's equivalent to an exchange of equal value. My skills have no obvious restrictions, so they will definitely affect me in other ways." Qin Zhengran understood what Ji Xu meant, and asked, "Then my abilities can't be used lightly. right?"

"Material manipulation is reflected in the real level, and the impact must be controllable for you. Perhaps it is the same as physical fitness. Using too much will cause a burden on the body, so you can exchange points for bonus points to enhance physical fitness and spirit." Ji mood analysis.

On the personal page of the game panel, there is player information.Mainly divided into: physique, spirit, reaction, endurance, wisdom.

In addition to seeing your own basic values, you can also click on the reference template, which uses the balanced data of ordinary humans.

Physique 5
Spirit 5
React 5
Stamina 5
Wisdom 2
This is the normal value for a healthy adult human being.

Ji Xu asked Qin Zhengran to call out his personal information, and said with satisfaction: "Yes, your foundation is very good."

The data of Qin Zhengran are:
Physique 7
Spirit 8
React 7
Stamina 7
Wisdom 3
He looked a little disappointed, and said dissatisfiedly: "I thought my stats were even higher, but I didn't expect that each item was only one or two points higher than ordinary people."

Ji Xu smiled and patted him, "You may not understand the calculation of this value, it seems that it is only one or two points higher, but in fact, if your intelligence reaches 4, it is your intelligence, acceptance, cognition The sum of the planes, which is what people on Earth call IQ, will be twice that of a person with a value of 2. Do you know what the concept is? The smartest scientist in your group has an IQ of this level."

Qin Zhengran suddenly raised his head and looked at Ji Xu in disbelief.

So, he is actually very strong?
Seeing something flickering in Ji Xu's pupils, he guessed that she was using black light to check something, so he waited quietly.

"I just used the intelligence management center of the battle armor to conduct a conversion analysis and came to a conclusion." Ji Xu pointed to his panel and said, "When your first four items, physique, spirit, reaction, and endurance all reach 15 point, you can use the skills of "Third Density/Material Manipulation" normally. When these four items reach 30 points, you can drive the mech to fight without restriction. If you want to drive the mecha with low damage , I'm afraid it will be after 50."

Qin Zhengran was a little puzzled: "The effect of adding wisdom points seems to be more obvious, why not the other ones? If it is doubled, when I reach 10, it should also be doubled."

"The analysis of the black light is that wisdom involves a higher level, so if you exchange points for extra points, you may not be able to get +10 if you exchange 1 points, and for others, you will increase as much as you exchange."

Qin Zhengran asked curiously: "Then what is your numerical value?"

Ji Xu shook his head, feeling a little helpless, "Except for the 90 physical fitness, everything else is question marks."

Qin Zhengran laughed: "Could it be a mistake in the game?"

"What's wrong?"

"The game should have pulled you in as a BOSS, but it turned you into a player by mistake. Isn't your panel only available to the BOSS of the ultimate level?"

Even Ji Xu felt that what he said made sense.

(End of this chapter)

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