Chapter 401 70s Stirring House Spirit (32)

"So? On the first day of August, you can drink the wedding wine given by the big lady?"

One day, when Xu Lan came home from school, she heard Chen Huilan talking about Xu Yuanyuan's wedding date, and jumped up happily, "We can have wedding wine! Can we have wedding wine!"

Xu Yin: Are you hungry at home?Such a happy meal.

Turning around, I saw that my parents had the same look, and they even thought about what hard dishes the elders would serve on the day of my eldest niece's wedding.

"There must be a soup! Then scoop up a few meatballs and bring them back."

"There should also be chicken, duck and fish. The eldest daughter-in-law has a good face, and she likes to be generous in front of outsiders. Whole chicken and whole duck will definitely serve a dish. Fish has a good meaning, so it is necessary to hold a wedding. Let's bring two more Bowl, bring back some meat."

"It's just that I don't know where the boss will put the banquet. It would be great if we come back. Let's take a big basket and bring a few more bowls over there, and pack the dishes before eating."

"Pretend before eating? Will someone say that?"

"Do you still want to eat it before filling it? Is there any left? Eat empty farts!"

"That's right! Then pretend before eating. Then you will cover up, and Lan Lan and I will be in charge of pretending."

There are three black lines on Xu Yin's forehead: "..."

Are you serious?
The amount of help.

This family really doesn't know what to say.

"Father, mother, our family is not short of food now, why are you doing this? How bad will it be if people see it?"

"Oh, it's okay, everyone is like this."


"Xu Yin! Is Xu Yin at home?"

At this moment, the accountant from the brigade department came to the door and interrupted the family of four (deleted, three) plan to grab meat and vegetables for the wedding banquet.

"I'm at home Accountant Zhao, what's the matter?"

"I'll send you a message on the way. After lunch tomorrow, you will go to the commune hall with the branch secretary to participate in this year's May [-] Model Worker Commendation Conference. Wear new clothes as much as possible."

That's what happened.

Xu Yin heard the party secretary mention it in advance, and responded: "I see, thank you."

"You're welcome, by the way." Accountant Zhao hurried home to cook after delivering the message.

Youngest Xu happily took out the precious wine bottle: "My daughter is about to be commended, so I must drink tonight!"

Chen Huilan rolled his eyes at him: "Are you greedy yourself?"


"Second Sister, do you have any new clothes?" Xu Lan followed Xu Yin back to the room, "How about I borrow one for you? Our teacher Wang's partner has a small floral shirt, which is very beautiful gone."

Xu Yin twitched her mouth: "You even know this?"

Are you reading?

Xu Lan held her chin proudly and said, "Of course! I'm an inquirer from our school."


"Second sister, do you really need me to borrow clothes for you?"

"No. I have a little floral shirt."

Xu Yin took out a white floral shirt with three-quarter wide sleeves and a small round neck worn in the 80s. It was not very fashionable at the time, but now it is a fashion-leading existence.

Xu Lan's eyes were straightened: "Wow! It's so beautiful! This is even more beautiful than the one Mrs. Wang is interested in! Second sister, where did you come from? You made it with the money you saved from sticking matchboxes?"

"...Uh, yes!"

Xu Lan carefully touched two hands: "It's so beautiful!"

"The second sister has saved enough money later, and I will make one for you."


"Really!" Xu Yin scratched her little nose, "The premise is that the final exam is better!"

Hearing what she said, Xu Lan puffed out her small chest: "I must have done better in the exam than you. At that time, you only had a passing grade in Chinese and Mathematics, and I could pass in just one!"

Xu Yin: "..."

Knowing that the original body is a scumbag, but I didn't expect such a scumbag.

She—Xu Xueba Yin's famous name for several generations will be ruined in this life.


In the afternoon of the next day, Xu Yin followed the branch secretary to the commune hall on foot to participate in this year's Model Worker Commendation Conference.

She sat next to the branch secretary, sitting upright at first, after listening to this leader's speech, listening to that leader's speech... she couldn't help feeling a little drowsy while listening.

Suddenly, I heard the host say: "Next, we invite Comrade Xu Yin, the second production team of the Seven Star Brigade of our Hongqi Commune, to give a speech on stage!"

Xu Yin shuddered, and suddenly woke up from a doze: What?I want to give a speech?Speech what?The branch secretary didn't say anything.

She turned to look at the branch secretary, but saw him stroking his gray beard and smiling at her, as if to say: Is this a big surprise?
Only Xu Yin, who was surprised but not happy: "..."

There is a saying... Forget it!For the sake of his old age, I stopped complaining about him in my heart.

On the way to the stage, Xu Yin racked her brains and thought desperately, what should I say?
Got it!

"Hi everyone! My name is Xu Yin, and I am from the second production team of the Seven Star Brigade of Hongqi Commune. Today, I am honored to stand here and share with you the experience of double grabbing...

"Old Xu, here, here!"

Xu Chengjin was pulled in by the educated youth of the same period to watch the excitement.

The busy farming season is over, and it's rare to be free. The educated youths who haven't gone out for a long time plan to go to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Passing by the great hall of the commune, seeing the bustling inside, I thought it was a movie, and couldn't help but wonder why this year it was not an open-air movie, but was shown in the great hall?After inquiring, I found out that it was the Model Worker Commendation Conference.

"Go! Take a look!"

It can be seen that there is a lack of entertainment these days, and even the Model Worker Commendation Conference can attract young educated youths.

Xu Chengjin didn't go in when he reached the entrance, and leaned lazily on the door frame with his arms folded. On the stands, the young and beautiful girl who seemed to be shining was giving a speech with a full voice and a loud voice.

I have already talked about my personal feelings from the story of double grabbing, and I can really tell it!

"...The great man once said: Labor is the most glorious! Where does a happy life come from? Of course it is created by labor! I think that a model worker is not a person, but a group of people, that is, the lovely working people! Ordinary but great labor By!
During the double grabbing, everyone neglected to eat and worked hard, just to ensure that the collective property can be collected into the granary as quickly as possible.Everyone is racing against time and fighting against the bad weather...

It is a great honor for me to stand here today on behalf of them!I promise that in the future, I will continue to maintain this high-spirited momentum, pragmatic drive, and create a better life and a bright future with everyone..."

Not knowing which sentence to hear, Xu Chengjin lowered his eyes and chuckled.

Turn around, leave the auditorium with thunderous applause, and walk to the outside world where the sky is gloomy and seems to be about to rain heavily.

Good life, bright future...

These seemed far away from him.

In the auditorium, the participants clapped enthusiastically, regardless of whether they understood or not, and their hands were numb.

The commune cadres sitting in the front row unanimously praised Xu Yin for her speech, and said they would send her speech to the newspaper.

Xu Yinjiu: That's unnecessary!

She doesn't even remember what she said, so she plays it impromptu and forgets it after she finishes speaking.

The old secretary's face was flushed with excitement, and Xu Yin made him look good in front of the commune officials.

"Son, you are doing very well! Remember to copy the manuscript and hand it over to the leader later."

Xu Yin: "..."

The mouth is so dry that it hurts her hands?

It's a bit of a loss to participate in this commendation conference!

(End of this chapter)

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