Chapter 402 70s Stirring House Spirit (33)

After the commendation meeting, it started to rain heavily outside.

When the rain stopped, Xu Yin went home with today's harvest - two souvenirs from the commendation meeting: an enamel mug and a face towel.

It seems like something makes Xu Laosan and his wife happy.

Xu Laosan made tea in an enamel cup with the seven words "Model Worker Commendation Memorial" printed on it, and then held it out to show off, boasting to everyone: "My daughter will get it for participating in the Model Worker Commendation."

The freshly brewed tea made his palms red, but his expression remained unchanged.

When Chen Huilan went to the ground, she hung the face towel around her neck, not for wiping sweat, but for everyone to see.

The seven words "Remembrance of the Model Worker Commendation Meeting" woven with a row of red threads on the towel were deliberately exposed.

Li Chunhua saw it: "Hey, Hui Lan, are you a new towel? Just bought it?"

Other women gathered around and looked at it: "Why is it so red, what kind of pattern is it? It's so beautiful."

Chen Huilan took advantage of the opportunity to show off: "What kind of eyes do you have! This is not a pattern, but a word! The souvenir issued by the Model Worker Commendation Conference, here, it says 'Labor-Model-Examination-Conference-'...Huh? Why are there so many of them? Did you say a word?"


Xu Yin pretended that she didn't know the couple, pretended not to hear them, and walked quickly.

Anyway, the place of work is not in the same place.

"Xu Yin!" Chen Lei chased after her out of breath, "You girl, it's okay to be good at farming, why are you walking so fast?"

Xu Yin: "..."

My sister is stepping on hot wheels, don't you believe it?

"What do you want from me?"

"I just passed by your private plot, and found that your pumpkin is surprisingly big, like a wheel. Can such a big pumpkin be eaten?"

Xu Yin glanced at him: "No matter what a pumpkin looks like, isn't it still a pumpkin? It's like a toad. It looks ugly, so isn't it a frog?"


Chen Lei was dazed by her, and scratched his head: "Then have you tried it? Is such a big pumpkin delicious?"

"Not yet. I'm going to pick one after work. Do you want to eat it? Then I'll give you half of it. Anyway, it's so big, my family can't finish it in one meal."

Don't talk about one meal, you can't finish it for a few days.

However, she thought that there are many foods that pumpkin can make. In addition to steaming it directly as a staple food, it can also be fried pumpkin pie and served with pumpkin porridge.It's not bad to buy a rib tomorrow and cook pumpkin soup.

Xu Yin thought about how to eat pumpkin all the way, and came to the mission field.

To tell the truth, she didn't expect that the Taoyuanxing brand "Xiyang" soil would be so powerful--to grow ordinary pumpkins into big wheels.

She had only seen such a big pumpkin before in the illustrations of fairy tales.

After work was over, Chen Lei followed her to the private plot to pick pumpkins.

Other young people heard that the pumpkins of Xu Yin's family were as big as wheels, and they followed in droves to see the strangeness.

Xu Yin's family's six-fen private plot is full of vegetables and fruits, but it can't hold so many people.

"Don't go in, I'll pick the pumpkin and show it to you."

So, a group of young juniors stood together around the Xu family's private plot.

"Third son, isn't that your private land? What are so many people doing? Competing to be your son-in-law?"

The man who spoke wanted to tease the youngest Xu at first, but after he finished speaking, he found that his own brat was also in the team, and instantly raised his face and shouted:
"Zhao Jianshe, what are you doing! Get the hell out of here!"

"Father? Why are you yelling! I just came to see Xu Yin's pumpkins."

pumpkin?What pumpkin?

Only then did everyone know that Xu Yin had grown a pumpkin that was bigger than a tractor wheel.


Xu Yin was once again on the headlines of Team Seven Stars.

"Oh! Yin girl, how did you grow this pumpkin? It's so big!"

"Hey! The pumpkins in my family have to grow for at least another month before they can be eaten. Are the pumpkins of the third family grown so big?"

"I have long said that the pumpkins of the third family grow well. At that time, the pumpkins of my family had just bloomed, and the pumpkins of his family had already produced fruit. Can they not grow so big now?"

"Third, have you ever eaten this pumpkin? How does it taste?"

How does Xu Laosan know how it tastes? It's the first time my daughter picked it today.

Having said that, don’t pumpkins all taste the same?

Xu Laosan curled his lips, thinking of the time when the rice noodles were broken at home at the beginning of the year, and the old pumpkin was eaten every day for nearly two months, which hurt his stomach.

"No matter how delicious the pumpkin is, I won't be interested in it."

However, less than two hours after he finished speaking, he was slapped in the face by himself.

"What are you talking about, girl? Is this a pumpkin?"

Seeing the golden and fragrant pumpkin pie that Xu Yin had just fried, Youngest Xu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Xu Lan had already tasted it: "Oh! What a great time! What a great time!"

Chen Huilan doesn't have a cold for pumpkins, and when she came back from work, she heard her little girl say that she would eat pumpkins for dinner tonight, and she couldn't even eat.

But at this moment, when he saw the pumpkin pie, he didn't say anything. He stretched out his hand obediently and took a piece. He put it in his mouth and took a bite suspiciously. His eyes burst into light instantly: "Delicious! Third, Yinyin didn't lie to us, the pumpkin she made is really delicious!"

"Really delicious?"

Xu Laosan looks good and smells good, but doesn't the taste just like pumpkin?Is it possible to still taste the meat?
"It's delicious! Try it!"

Chen Huilan clipped a piece for him.

When Xu Yin came out with a pot of sweet pumpkin and red date porridge filled with rock sugar, her father's face was almost buried in the pumpkin pie plate.


Dad, just ask if your face hurts?
Not only Xu Laosan, but also the family who was assigned to Xu Yin's big pumpkin today, there was a face-slapping scene on the dinner table that day.

The elder of the Xu family looked at a plate of steamed pumpkin and ate it with a smile on his face: "When girl Yin gave it to me, I muttered in my heart, what's so delicious about the pumpkin, it's worth her careful attention to plant it so big, haha! I didn't expect it to be so delicious, soft and sticky, suitable for those of us with bad teeth. I will ask her to ask for another one tomorrow, and let us eat slowly."

Chen Lei Niang: "This is the first time I have eaten pumpkin that is sweet without sugar. Eating it directly by steaming it is like eating sweet glutinous rice cakes. If pumpkin cakes are made with glutinous rice flour, the taste will be even better. What a pity! The three of you are determined to find a wife for Xu Yin, otherwise it would be great to be our Lei Zi's wife!"

Li Chunhua: "Yin girl from the third family is amazing! The pumpkins she grows are not only big, but also taste so good. Such delicious pumpkins make me happy to eat every day!"

Fang Meihong, who was also given a piece of pumpkin, scolded her daughter while eating: "You say you, why can't you learn from Xu Yin and earn full work points for my old lady to grow such a delicious big pumpkin! Read People from junior high school, no one who has not graduated from elementary school is capable, it's really embarrassing to my mother..."

So the next day, when she ran into Zhao Pingping on the way to work, Xu Yin was stared at again.

Xu Yin: "..."

It's very strange.

Did this girl recognize the wrong person?Mistaking my sister for her enemy?
(End of this chapter)

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