Chapter 551 Counterattack!loser! (25) (addition to Bing's jade children's shoes~)

However, Lu Yunran thought she had solved the case, and excitedly circled around Xu Yin: "I admire you so much, ladies! You have done something that our peers dare not do! Awesome!"


"Ran Ran is here? Who are you talking about?" Xu Wanping came back from the morning market. The business has been good recently. Half of the vegetables and half of the melons were sold out by eight o'clock, and the smile on her face was gone. Pass.

Lu Yunran winked at Xu Yin: Don't worry, ladies!I won't betray you!
"Auntie, I'm talking about Xu Yinniu. In two months, he has regained the knowledge of the three years of junior high school. He almost surpassed Liang Yuqing. My mother always praised Xu Yinniu for being smart, and my ears were ringing."

Xu Wanping laughed: "Yinyin probably got lucky. You and Qingqing are the real ones, and Yinyin wants to learn from you."

"No, no, Yinyin is already very good! My mother has always asked me to learn from her!"

Xu Yin listened to the two bragging to each other and helped her forehead.

"Mom, I think I still owe Aunt Lu a meal. It just so happens that we moved and didn't celebrate well. How about today? Let's go to a restaurant and have a meal?" Xu Yin suggested.

"Okay!" Xu Wanping thought that she should treat the Lu family to a meal.

Although his daughter saved their daughter, these days, the Lu family couple brought a lot of things home, and some of them were very expensive according to their daughter.

"Then I'll call my parents and ask them to bring the housewarming gifts!" Lu Yunran happily took out her phone.

"Xu Yin! Does Xu Yin live here?"

At this time, hearing someone shouting outside the house, Xu Wanping put down the things in her hands and went out to have a look.

"Who? Yeah! It's Teacher Cai!"

It turned out that Cai Mingzhu brought the principal of Dongming Vocational High School over.

"Is that Xu Yin's mother? Hello, hello!" Principal Ge warmly shook hands with Xu Wanping.

Lu Yunran accompanied Xu Yin out of the house, and bumped her elbow: "Xu Yin, are they worried about your transfer?"

"Isn't that right? When Teacher Cai called me to tell me about Xu Yin's situation, I was out of town. I just got home this morning and came over as soon as I arrived. Such a good seedling cannot be snatched away by No. [-] Middle School!"

Before Xu Yin could say anything, Principal Ge accepted the words with a smile.

He is not tall, with a little baldness on the top of his head, and he dresses very casually.Walking on the street, no one believed that he was the principal of a vocational high school, and thought he was a retired old man from some factory.

"Xu Yin, I welcome you on behalf of Dongming Vocational High! And I am willing to give you any convenience within the scope of my ability. You just stay in our school with peace of mind. You have good grades, and you will definitely take the college entrance examination in three years. Yes, of course, go to the college entrance examination class, and I will arrange for the teacher to open a small stove for you. I also heard from Teacher Cai that you like to grow vegetables, don’t you? There is a biological corner in our school. You can grow it, and grow whatever you like. The result belongs to you, if you don’t want it, then let the cafeteria take it for extra meals for the students.”

Xu Wanping: "..."

How could there be such a reasonable headmaster?
Lu Yunran: "..."

This principal is so cute, she even wants to transfer to Dongming.

Xu Yin shook hands with Principal Ge solemnly: "Thank you!"

"Hahaha! I should be the one to thank you! Thank you for your willingness to stay in Dongming! Although I admit that our school has been established for less than three years, and compared with those old schools, it is still very young. There is also room for improvement...”

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Teacher Cai clenched her fists to cover her lips, coughed a few times, and desperately hinted at the principal:
What did you say when you came?Don't say what you shouldn't say, lest you will lose if you talk too much!Look, let's say you slipped the tongue. When the parents hear it, what?The quality of the students in your school is not good?Forget it, don't go!Otherwise, what if my good daughter is scared away?
Principal Ge will immediately feel sorry: "Anyway, Dongming has been working hard. With you joining this year, I believe that Dongming's tomorrow will be even better, and one day the brother schools will be dumbfounded!"

Fortunately, Xu Wanping has always respected the teacher, and seeing that Principal Ge is so reasonable and amiable, listening with a smile on his face, he didn't hear anything wrong for a while.

Principal Ge and Teacher Cai looked at each other, and Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Yin couldn't help shaking hands with the principal: "Okay! I'm honored."

"Okay! On the day of registration on the 31st, we will be waiting for Xu Yin."

Principal Ge and Teacher Cai smiled happily.

After seeing them off, Lu Yunran turned to Xu Yin and asked, "Then shall we go out for dinner?"

"Go!" Xu Yin waved her hand, "Let's go!"


The seafood buffet at 268 yuan per person caused Xu Wanping to throb with pain. When Lu Yunran's family didn't say anything, after the two families separated, she immediately asked her daughter:

"How much did the meal cost tonight? I saw that the signboard says 268 per person. There are five of us. You and Ran Ran don't eat much. Does the restaurant give us any discount?"

Xu Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Mom, the buffet is based on the head, no matter how much you eat, the price is the same."

"It's too expensive! If I knew it would be so expensive, I might as well buy some fish, shrimp and crab, and treat them to a meal at home! That's how I see things."

"It's rare! Besides Aunt Lu, I also want to invite my mother to have a meal. It just so happens that I made some money selling melons and fruits." Xu Yin said, took out an envelope, put it in her mother's hand, and smiled He signaled her to open it and have a look.

Xu Wanping opened the envelope and looked, surprised: "You earned this all? You earned so much after selling melons for less than a month?"

When paying the bill before, Ran Ran’s mother rushed to pay, she stopped her, and when she turned around, she heard that her daughter had already paid the bill, saying that she made some money selling watermelons this month.

But she thought that after eating the buffet for five people, the watermelon money was almost spent, but she didn't expect...

With her sensitivity to banknotes, there are at least five or six thousand in this envelope.

Plus tonight's meal... Be good!Her girl earns six or seven thousand in less than a month?
"Not only watermelons, I also sold a few carts of Crown pears."

That's too bad!
Whose child is as capable as her girl?After a summer vacation, I earned enough room and board for one semester!

Even Qingqing from Teacher Fu's family doesn't have the ability!

I heard from Teacher Fu that her family, Qingqing, spent [-] yuan on cram school this summer vacation...

The more Xu Wanping thought about it, the happier she became. She waved her hand and said, "You can keep this money yourself! After you go to high school, you will eat at school. You can buy whatever you want. If you don't have enough, Mom will add it."

Xu Yin didn't refuse, but only wanted two thousand, leaving the remaining three thousand and six for Xu Wanping: "Don't try to save trouble when you're alone at home, eat three normal meals a day, don't make do with it."

There were tears in Xu Wanping's eyes.

Over the past decade or so, she has been exhausted and suffering, and she has suffered a dull pain in her chest from her daughter's impulsive words like a knife. She has asked herself more than once: Do you regret your decision to marry early and have children?

Now she has a clear answer: no regrets!

Compared with her daughter's ironing and sensibleness, all those hardships and tiredness are nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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