Chapter 552 Counterattack!loser! (26)

In a flash, it was the day to report to Dongming Vocational High School.

The day before leaving home, Xu Wanping carefully checked the suitcase she packed for her daughter and said:
"Yinyin, mom will take you to buy a mobile phone? I see that Ranran and Qingqing both have mobile phones. How about mom buying you a smart phone like them?"

She had been thinking about it for days.

She herself uses an old second-hand mobile phone. Because of the small memory, she seldom uses other functions except for making and receiving calls.

When my daughter was in junior high school, she begged to buy her a mobile phone, saying that her classmates had it, but she didn't.

Xu Wanping thought it was too expensive, so she was reluctant to buy it.

Now that my daughter is sensible, and the school is far away from home and has to live in school, it is really inconvenient not to have a mobile phone.

"No, I don't need it at school." Xu Yin said, "If you have anything to do at home, you can find me through Teacher Cai."

She has been in ancient times for a long time, and she has forgotten about mobile phones, so the need is really small.

Xu Wanping thought she was sensible, knowing the financial situation of the family, not only knowing how to earn money for the family, but also knowing how to save money.

With a sore heart, I secretly decided: After saving one year's rent and buying a battery car for my daughter, if I still have enough money, I will buy my daughter the latest smartphone!
Carrying an old-fashioned suitcase without steering wheels, Xu Yin took three buses and finally found the school after more than two hours. She was almost late.

A group of people entered the school gate with her.

"Hey! This one looks like a freshman? Which class is it? What a dirty suitcase, hahahaha!"

"Wow! She's still a beauty!" Someone whistled, "Liu Wei, your strong opponent is coming! It looks like you won't be able to win the school flower throne again, why don't you two break your heads!"

"Break your ass! Who dares to compete with my old lady for the school flower throne? Who?"

A slightly plump girl with bangs dyed in three colors and makeup on her face came out of the crowd.

Xiao Chuyi, who was behind her, recognized Xu Yin, paused in her footsteps, and her face froze.

Isn't this the guy who dislocated someone with a light grip that day, and then straightened it with a light grip?
The plump girl in the lead looked Xu Yin up and down several times: "Is this an obedient student from No. [-] Middle School or Real Middle School who went to the wrong place?"

"Hahahaha!" The others laughed.

Even Xiao Chuyi froze the corners of his mouth, and he didn't pull a smile out of it.

Xu Yin hurried to find her class and didn't have time to entangle with them, so she carried her suitcase and planned to take a detour.

"Eh? Just leave like this? Are you so rude?" A tall girl reached out to hold Xu Yin's suitcase, "My sister Wei is talking to you."

Xu Yin glanced at her, glanced at Xiao Chuyi behind him from the corner of her eye, and nodded thoughtfully: "I finally understand what the principal said."

"Old Man Ge? What did he say?"

"You don't want to know." Xu Yin smiled at them and picked up the suitcase to leave.

The girl refused to let her go, and rushed towards her: "Don't leave unless you make it clear!"

Xu Yin dodged, but the other party didn't stop the car, and fell into the lawn next to her. Her nose just hit the protruding grass, and the fine-tuned nose was crooked.


The scene was as quiet as a chicken.


After a while, the tall girl screamed, then ran away holding her nose.

Xu Yin spread her hands: "It's none of my business! I didn't do anything."

Really didn't do anything, and didn't even rub the corner of his clothes.

She pulled up the suitcase and waved her hand smartly:
"Nice to meet you! Dongming is such a warm and hospitable family. I am very happy to join this family. I wish us a happy relationship in the future!"


Who the hell is happy with you!

"Sister Wei, Cancan's nose was just made this summer..." someone said weakly.

"Go! Go find old man Ge!" Liu Wei narrowed his eyes, followed Xu Yin's slender back for a long time, and waved his hand, "Do you want to file a complaint against those obedient cards? We will file a complaint today too!"

"Yes! File a complaint!"

Everyone else is gone.

Xiao Chuyi was left to hold Feng Yinuo, and whispered, "It's just her, who dislocated my wrist that day and recovered it."

Feng Yinuo was startled: "Her? Can't tell, she looks so thin and small."

"That's what I thought that day too. Who can't judge by appearance."

"Then shall we still go?"

The two hesitated.

Finally decided to go and see.

If the strange girl can be taught a lesson, for example, if the school punishes her or something, they can also vent their anger.

Principal Ge is receiving two comrades from the police station, saying that they are here to present Xu Yin with a "Brave Action" certificate.

"Student Xu Yin is very humble. She left after saving someone. No school would say anything about it. The girl who was rescued told us. Although we don't encourage people to save others when they can't ensure their own safety, Xu Yin came forward to save others. The act of saving lives is worthy of praise."

Comrades from the police station sent certificates, bonuses and a full set of stationery prizes.

Principal Ge was surprised, and even more fortunate to keep Xu Yin.Such a child with excellent character and learning is Dongming's blessing.

"Okay, okay, at the opening ceremony tomorrow, I will focus on praising her."

Liu Wei and his group squatted outside the principal's office window, overheard these words, you look at me, I look at you, "Is that woman just now called Xu Yin?"

"Yes." Xiao Chuyi nodded affirmatively.

Liu Wei cursed.

"Old man Ge must be facing her!"

"Sister Wei, let her go like this?"

"Who said that! Go find Lu Gang!"


Xu Yin found her own class according to the list of new high school classes at the school gate.

Teacher Cai is already in the classroom, holding a roster and getting to know each student one by one.

She is the head teacher of this year's college entrance examination class, and she was the one who won it all the time, and she was also rewarded by the principal - to keep Xu Yin, a gifted student with great strength, for Dongming.

When Xu Yin's name was clicked, she froze for a moment: "Xu Yin hasn't arrived yet?"

"Report!" Xu Yin saluted at the door with her suitcase in hand.

Teacher Cai instantly smiled enthusiastically: "Here is Xu Yin? Come in quickly! See if there are any vacant seats, and sit down first. Let's rearrange the seats according to height later. Is the suitcase heavy? Or put it here on the podium to save carry around."

"Thank you teacher, I can move, then I will go back to my seat."

Xu Yin easily carried the suitcase and came to the farthest corner left, next to the trash can.

The boy next to the aisle in the last row suddenly stretched out his long legs and tried to trip her, whether it was out of bad humor or for some reason.

Xu Yin stepped on it without looking sideways.

"Hiss! You don't have fucking eyes? Didn't you see Lao Tzu's feet?"

The boy jumped up in pain.

Xu Yin: "Sorry, I didn't react fast enough. I should have quickly dodged the moment you stretched out your foot."


The students in the back row who witnessed this scene shook their shoulders and laughed sullenly.

(End of this chapter)

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