Chapter 553 Counterattack!loser! (27)

The students in the front row didn't know what happened, and they whispered to each other, "What's the matter? What's the matter? What happened just now?"

Teacher Cai also came down from the podium, and asked sullenly, "Xu Tianyi, are you making trouble?"

"Teacher, which eye of yours saw me making trouble? Do you have evidence? Without evidence, it is slander! I can sue you, teacher."

"You!" Teacher Cai pointed at him angrily.

Xu Yin looked up at the monitor in the classroom: "Teacher, the monitor is not broken."


Xu Tianyi was so angry that he turned his head to the side, snorted heavily, and defended himself: "I have long feet, so I'm used to sticking them out? It's so comfortable! You stepped on them after seeing it, what is it not on purpose?"

Xu Yin: "You have long feet, but I have fast feet."


"Pfft hahaha..."

The other students couldn't hold back any longer and slapped the table with laughter.

Seeing that Xu Yin offended the boy who looked the most stingy in the class on the first day of school, the other girls in the class felt extremely sympathetic to her.

"Xu Yin, you shouldn't be so impulsive. If Xu Tianyi follows you, you will be in trouble for the next three years. He will always try to tease you. He was like this in junior high school, and no one dared to provoke him."

A girl who was in the same school as Xu Tianyi's junior high school became Xu Yin's deskmate after reassigning her seat. She turned her head and reminded in a low voice:
"How should I put it, his family is very rich, and the teachers can't do anything about him."

Xu Yin smiled at her: "Thank you."

Zhao Li was dazzled by Xu Yin's brilliant smile: "No, you're welcome."

"Xu Yin, we are in the same dormitory." The two girls in the front row turned their heads, one named Liu Chen and the other named Kong Danni, "Are you going back to the dormitory now?"

At this moment, the registration is over, and they have just received their new books. The head teacher let them familiarize themselves with the campus environment, and they will come to the classroom for the class meeting at 01:30 in the afternoon.

Xu Yin nodded: "I'm going. But I need to get a campus card first and call my mother."

"You've finished using your mobile phone." Liu Chen said quickly, "Didn't the old class say that the mobile phone will be handed in after the class meeting? Now allow us to contact the family... Uh, Xu Yin, you don't have a mobile phone, do you?"

Xu Yin smiled calmly: "Yes."


The air suddenly froze, and everyone didn't know what to say.

Which of the boys and girls here doesn't have a mobile phone.

Not to mention high school students these days, junior high school students all have a mobile phone, but there are still people who don't have a mobile phone?
"Tsk tsk tsk!" Because of his height, Xu Tianyi was still in the last row after reassigning the seat, sitting obliquely behind Xu Yin, resting his cheek with one hand, and tsk a few times, "Is there anyone without a mobile phone these days? It's a local girl who got out of some corner, God is so pitiful! Would you like me to give you a favor and give you one?"

Xu Yin asked her deskmate, "Did you hear that?"

Zhao Li looked blank: "What?"

"The dog barks." Xu Yin leisurely turned the fountain pen and spit out two words.


"Crack!" Xu Tianyi stood up, "Xu Yin! Do you fucking dare to say it again in front of me?"

Xu Yin glanced back at him: "You are very brave, take the initiative to take your seat."


"Pfft hahaha..."

The others blushed from holding back their laughter, and finally couldn't hold back their laughter.


At this time, the classroom door was knocked open by a brute force.

"Is it here?"

A group of senior high school boys with the style of killing Matt poured in.Behind is Liu Wei and a group of people
Liu Wei saw Xu Yin who was sweeping her face in the morning, and pointed at her: "That's her!"

"You, come out!"

The senior high school boy in the lead had a fierce look in his eyes, and kicked Xu Yin: "If you hurt my girlfriend, you won't apologize or make compensation? Are the freshmen this year crazy?"

After all, the first-year high school students were immature, and they were frightened when they saw this. Some rushed to find the teacher, and some moved closer to Xu Yin.

"Xu Yin, don't go." Liu Chen reminded quickly, pressing his voice, "They are all in the third year of high school. I know a few of them. They are either from the employment class or the sports class. My sister said, these people can It's outrageous and doesn't make sense at all."

Xu Tianyi crossed her arms and sat in the back row to watch the show, thinking that the little local girl had bumped into an iron plate, she dared to provoke the thorns of the senior year, she was really a newborn calf.

Liu Wei looked at Xu Yin and smiled contemptuously: "What's the matter? Are you scared? How about your energy in the morning? You seem to be quite capable at that time."

Xu Yin stood up slowly, and looked at the other girls: "Aren't you all present for the morning incident? She found fault, I avoided, and then she fell to the ground by herself, can this be my fault? I haven't said anything yet She touches porcelain."


"Don't point at me!" Xu Yin pushed the other party's hand away, "Don't listen to reason, right? That's fine! Let's just talk about Wendou or Wudou, and I don't want to babble with you anymore."


Several people on the other side glanced at each other, and they were a little confused: "What do you mean?"

What kind of literary and martial arts.

Xu Yin nuzzled her chin and pointed to a stack of new books on the podium: "Wen Dou is a competition of subject knowledge, and martial arts is a competition of physical ability. Which one do you choose?"

Is there even a need to ask?
They are all herding sheep... Cough, they are either in the employment class or in the sports class, and they don't plan to take the college entrance examination. They have spent most of their time in the past two years. I don't know if they can fill an A4 paper with their accumulated subject knowledge. They must choose martial arts. .

Xu Yin was not surprised by their choice at all, and walked out of the seat with her wrists moving: "The light ratio is nothing, let's make a bet."

Lu Gang, who came out on behalf of his girlfriend: "..." You are a freshman with little meat, why do you have so many troubles!
Liu Wei snorted coldly: "We won. Not only do you have to apologize to Cancan, but you also have to help us here... eight people wash clothes for a month, and you automatically give up the school belle contest."

"Okay." Xu Yin nodded without any hesitation, "I won, eight of you will come to my farm as hired labor for a month."


What, what is it?
None of the people present understood what Xu Yin's bet meant.

Xu Yin didn't explain much, just said: "You will know in the future. Let's go!"

Since it's about physical fitness, it's natural to go to the playground.

Xu Yin took the lead, and a large group of people walked through the teaching building and came to the sports equipment room at the entrance of the playground.

She kindly asked the other party to choose first: "Sprint, long-distance running, long jump, high jump, shot put, dumbbell, horizontal bar, you can choose three. We will win two out of three games and make a quick decision."

Lu Gang: "..."

and many more!Didn't he come to stand up for his girlfriend and abuse this new student?How did it become a sports competition?
But with the opponent's small body, torturing her is like torturing a vegetable. Sports competitions are sports competitions, it doesn't matter.

Lu Gang glanced at Xu Yin's small body, and deliberately chose a few strength sports: "Shot put, dumbbell, horizontal bar."

Xu Yin made a victory "V" in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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