Chapter 560 Counterattack!loser! (34)

When Teacher Cai left class, she heard from afar that the classrooms of the physical education class and the employment class were noisy like a party, but her own class was quiet, except for Xu Yin's sound of lecturing. You could hear a needle drop to the ground.

She tiptoed her head and glanced through the back door, with a gratified auntie smile on her face.

Then I walked briskly back to the office, and said to the class teachers of other classes: "Oh, I have Xu Yin in our class, I am so relaxed! Not only do I not have to worry about the discipline of evening self-study, she also sorted out the notes and gave them to the students. Sorting out knowledge, reviewing and consolidating it is more dedicated than my head teacher, how do you think I should reward her?"


The head teachers of other classes were numb.

Since the beginning of school, they are not used to hearing Teacher Cai show off her baby class monitor one day.

Look at other people's classes, then compare with your own class, eat lemons as a group, and squeeze her sourly:

"Other rewards are meaningless, why don't you share half of your homeroom allowance with her."

"Exactly! If Xu Yin is in our class, I'll give her half!"

"Come to our class, and I will give her all my head teacher's allowance!"

Teacher Cai: "..."

Is the head teacher's world like this now?
However, these words really inspired her.

The next day, after the principal went to work, she rushed to the principal's office excitedly:
"Principal, you can also see Xu Yin's performance in our class. If this year's college entrance examination class achieves good results that were not achieved in the previous two classes, should we reward her? For example, a pen bonus or something..."

Principal Ge had this in mind: "Actually, Xu Yin asked me about the scholarship on the first day of school, so I had this idea. So, if your class's midterm and final pass rates exceed the average level of the previous two classes, Just give her an extra bonus. The bonus amount depends on the passing rate, the more people who pass, the higher the bonus.”

Teacher Cai fought for his students: "If the excellent rate exceeds, there should be a bonus, and the two bonuses should be superimposed."

Principal Ge replied helplessly: "Yes, please."

If a few bonuses are given, the school's undergraduate enrollment rate can break through zero, or even reach a rate of 1, that is quite a bargain.It is more expensive to find an advertising company to place a small advertisement casually.

After all, Dongming's students are at the bottom of the entire vocational high school team, not to mention that there are non-key general high schools and heavy high schools on top.Principal Ge still has this self-knowledge.

Xu Yin didn't know about this, she just felt that it was a kind of fate that it was rare to get together and work hard for the college entrance examination.Three years passed in a flash, instead of wasting three years in a daze, it's better to cheer up and fight, what if you get admitted to the school you want?Who stipulates that vocational high school students are destined to enter the electronics factory?Better yet, you can only go to college?Who stipulates that vocational high school students cannot take the 985/211 test, wake up the sleeping lion, and realize their ideals?
She wants to lead the students in this class to fight for tomorrow together!

"Fate is in our own hands. What we lost in the past, we should chase now! If we catch up a little every day, then three years later, it will be more than 1000 points. Believe me, and believe in yourself!"

"I don't believe in myself, but I believe in my sister Yin!"

"I believe in Sister Yin too!"

"I can understand what sister Yin said, but I don't understand what the teacher said."

"Sister Yin YYDS!"

Xu Yin: "..."

Forget it, let’s talk about what needs to be said, and talk about what needs to be said. Whether they can digest and absorb it and transform it into their own things depends on their own good fortune. Sister, let’s focus on the construction of Happy Farm.

Before the weekend, Xu Yin had already cleaned up the land, plowed it deeply twice and dried it thoroughly. This week, the retting ecological fertilizer was buried and used as base fertilizer to improve soil fertility, and then the seeds could be sown.

She took advantage of the weekend to go home, and no one suspected that she took out a few packets of seeds.

But the weather is getting cooler after autumn, and there may be frost in a few months. There are not many kinds of vegetables that can be grown. In addition, this task is a happy farm, and the ultimate goal is to let the students have a sense of participation. Therefore, Xu Yin chose Several vegetables that are relatively easy to grow and live, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, radishes, cabbage, and cauliflower.

In the past two days, she also polished and made a log-colored sign with her own hands, engraved the words "Happy Farm", carved a bunch of radish flowers at the four corners, filled them with grass green paint, and stood in front of teachers and students. Canteens or crossings that can be passed.

As the number one younger brother, Xu Tianyi graciously came to help her erect the wooden sign, and asked casually, "Sister Yin, did you like playing games like 'Penguin Farm' and 'Tiantian Farm' very much?"

Xu Yin has never played it before, but she has heard of it: "Why before? Don't you like it now?"

"Huh? Still like it now? Isn't that all outdated?"

"What you like will never go out of style."

Xu Tianyi: "..." What you said made sense, but I was speechless.

"Have you ever played farm games?" Xu Yin asked him.

She suddenly thought of an idea—an idea that would make the students willing to work as part-time farmers.

"I played it a long time ago, but then I found it boring, so I changed to something else."

Xu Yin pondered and said: "If I divide Happy Farm into small pieces of land, interested students can apply for it with me. After the application, you can decide what to plant on this piece of land, and you can also cultivate it yourself. You can also choose a name you like, such as 'Xu Tianyi's Vegetable Field', come and see them every day, water them, catch insects, topdress them, and the harvest of this field will belong to you So, would you like to apply for it?"

Xu Tianyi scratched his head: "I am willing, but I don't know how to plant it! What should I do if I plant it dead?"

"As long as you want to! I can grow vegetables! I am the general manager and technician of this farm, and I won't watch you play it badly. Of course, there must be training in the early stage."

Xu Tianyi: "..."

If it wasn't for his sister Yin, he wouldn't have said "yes" even if he was killed.

The students in the class saw that Xu Tianyi, who was a part-time job in cleaning and cooking at home, had never washed dishes or washed clothes since he was a child, and the suitcases for high school started or his family helped to pack them all signed up to apply for vegetable plots. They also considered what?Thinking about it carefully, it was very interesting like playing a farm game, so they came to Xu Yin to sign up enthusiastically.

【Ding!Add a new part-time farmer and reward energy points 200]

【Ding!Add a new part-time farmer and reward energy points 200]

【Ding! ...]

A series of energy points to the account information made Xu Yin smile with joy.

She bowed her hands to the whole class: "Thank you for your support! As a thank you, I will give you a paper for today's evening self-study. Before the school arranges the test, let's do a weekly test by ourselves."

Everyone's signing hands trembled, and they said to Sister Yin!You are not thanking, but revenge!
(End of this chapter)

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