Chapter 561 Counterattack!loser! (35)

The biological corner of Dongming Vocational High School was originally used to provide flower materials for professional courses of flower arrangement, and it can also beautify the campus environment by the way.

Unexpectedly, when recruiting the first batch of freshmen, it was discovered that flower arrangement, a Dongming specialty major that had never been offered by other vocational schools and thought it would attract many students to sign up, was not interested.

What kind of craft do the parents of students think flower arranging is?If you really plan to graduate from a flower shop or go to work in a flower shop, isn't half a month of pre-job training enough?Is it necessary to study for three years?
Because no one signed up, this major had to be canceled in the end, and changed to the fashion design and tailoring major that are very popular in several other vocational high schools.

But the biological corner was taken into consideration during the design and construction of the campus, and a better plan could not be thought of for temporary changes, so it had to be left to develop freely.

The management teacher of the biological corner is also a teacher of the logistics office.

In the first year, everyone was interested in the biological corner, eager to take care of it; they would come to take care of it during the winter and summer vacations;
The enthusiasm faded in the second year;

This year is the third year. Looking at the status of the Bio Corner after the summer vacation, we can see that everyone has completely forgotten about it, and even lost interest.

Just as he was thinking about whether to draw lots to determine the division of labor, the principal called and said that this year's college entrance examination class, a gifted student with high strength came, and the only condition was that he wanted a piece of land to grow vegetables, so the school decided to , the biological corner should be taken care of by the student, and the logistics office can help appropriately, but don't interfere too much.

When the logistics office teacher heard it, he suppressed his joy and echoed in multiple voices: "Okay, okay, no problem! We will definitely cooperate with all our strength!"

After hanging up the phone, I was so happy that I was dancing, and I almost beat the gongs and drums and ran around to tell everyone.

Let alone three years, 30 years will do!Just take it and you're welcome!

Therefore, during the period after the start of school, the director of the logistics office would often visit the biological corner when he was free, asking Xu Yin if she needed help.I'm afraid that Xu Yin will feel that growing vegetables is too hard, and she will quit after her enthusiasm for growing vegetables is exhausted.

Seeing that Xu Yin wanted to use the withered branches and leaves to make ecological fertilizer, she also asked her if she needed other materials. The branches and leaves alone are not enough. There are a lot of leftovers in the cafeteria, so I can also supply them to her.

Xu Yin was quite flattered by this, and every time she met an enthusiastic logistics teacher who came to help her with work, she would always sigh: Dongming's teaching team is really good!Even the teachers in charge of logistics are so polite to the students.

The teacher of the logistics office also gave Xu Yin a lot of praise, thinking that this child is too honest and has a lot of work, even grown men like them can't do it, but she gritted her teeth and worked silently, she is too hardworking!It's a pity that there is no award for labor model now, otherwise she must be recommended!

Misunderstandings are generated in this way.


In the new week, Xu Yin is still very busy.

For the sake of fairness, she divided the small farm of two acres of land into four squares of 50 yuan land, each exactly [-] square meters.

There were a total of forty students in the first year of senior high school entrance examination class. Except for Xu Yin, the rest of the students were each given a piece of land, and Xu Yin was in charge of the remaining 11 yuan land.

The 11 yuan land is only about two hundred square meters in total, and it is not as big as her vegetable garden, so it is a piece of cake for her.

The teacher from Xu Yintuo's logistics office asked for a batch of wooden strips and boards, and borrowed a set of carpentry tools. With the students, he first cut the wooden strips into similar sizes, then smoothed the rough parts, and nailed them. A batch of signs came out.

Let the students take a wooden sign to beautify it by themselves: "What to name, you can think for yourself! It doesn't matter what font, as long as you can recognize it as your own land. Don't go to the wrong place when the time comes, and give other people voluntary labor throughout the whole process. But my own land is neglected, and I can pick it when it is ripe, other people's radishes are as thick as your arm, and your cabbage is so sparse that pigs don't want to pick it."

Everyone laughed out loud:
"Sister Yin, you don't need to worry too much. Are we such stupid people? Can we go to the wrong place when we work?"

"That's right, Sister Yin, I will remember my land now. I will remember it even if I don't put up a sign. How can I go wrong if I put up a sign? Are we so stupid!"

Xu Yinxin said that if you have the ability, don't put up wooden signs. I'll see how many people go to the wrong place in the end.

"Sister Yin, what do you think of the name I gave my vegetable field? Hahaha!"

"Sister Yin, come and see me!"

"I suddenly thought about it, and I thought of an excellent name!"


Xu Yin waited for them to set up the wooden signs, and glanced at each of them, speechless.

What are "Lao Tzu's Vegetable Field", "Second Senior Brother's Farm", "The Radish That Lets It Go", "The Blockbuster Cauliflower", "I have a showdown, in fact, sweet potatoes are not my food, potatoes are my favorite!", "When will my cabbage become a pig?"...

Xu Yin: "..."

Forget it, just be happy!
After all, "Happiness" is also one of the themes of Happy Farm!How about calling it "Happy Farm" instead of "Sad Farm"?

Xiao Chuyi and Feng Yinuo were on duty today, they were late, and before they got close, they heard laughter from the farm.

The two of them looked at each other wonderingly, and when they got closer, they knew why the bastards in Gao Yi laughed, twitched the corners of their mouths, and complained: "So childish!"

"Sisters, you are here!" Xu Yin waved to them cheerfully, "I got some inspiration from Xu Tianyi, re-planned our small farm, and set up an application system, each person is responsible for a piece of vegetables land, just like the dry land, and then receive the vegetable seeds you want to grow from me, and usually take care of weeding, pecking insects, and fertilizing, and when it’s time to harvest, you can take the fruits of your labor home. There is land, you two choose, which one do you like..."

Xu Yin was selling vegetable plots to Feng Yinuo and the other students, and the other students cast a meaningful look at Xu Tianyi in unison:

Hurrah!Let's just say, why did Sister Yin think of implementing the application system for no reason, and co-authored your idea?Although we are also happy to play farm games with Sister Yin, but we are not convinced that the hero is you!
"What? Don't you agree?" Xu Tianyi shook his legs and glanced at them sideways.

Everyone: "..."

Suddenly remembered: This guy slipped and knelt in front of Sister Yin's pomegranate skirt, he seemed to be the school (deleted) class bully... Was he the one they dared to coax into a sack?
Sorry to bother you!It's not that we want to see you, it's that our eyes have left home!
Xu Tianyi: "..."

The eyes of these people are convulsed!
Xu Yin brought Xiao Chuyi and the two to her 11-yuan land, stood on the ridge of the field, waved her hand heroically, and said, "Look! This is the country I built for you!"

Xiao Chuyi: "..."

Feng Yinuo: "..."

The devil girl is getting more and more out of touch.

(End of this chapter)

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