Chapter 563 Counterattack!loser! (37)

Before planting, you need to cut the germinated potatoes and sweet potatoes into several small pieces, make sure that each piece has two or three young sprouts, and bury it in the soil with the cut side facing down. Finally, pour some water and cover with a layer of nutrient soil.

Her own nine pieces of land can be completed in minutes, but it takes her a long time and a lot of effort to teach her classmates to plant a [-]-square-meter plot.I couldn't help but have the thought of "let it go! Sister!", I wish I could plant them for them.

But the words have been said, so it's not good to go back now, right?
I have to be patient and teach these girls and boys who have neither grown vegetables nor experienced harvesting fruits the first step of how to grow vegetables: sowing seeds.

Xu Yin taught them to plant half of the seeds, and they did the rest by themselves. When they heard the cheers of their successful sowing, Xu Yin wiped her face and showed a gratified smile.

It's not easy!

Xiao Chuyi and Feng Yinuo have been going to the library every day, as their class teacher said recently.

The two of them have been looking for books related to mask making, and when they find useful ones, they take a notebook and pick them up.

He vowed to make a whitening and moisturizing mask that was better than the one made by Devil Girl, and then threw a wad of it on Devil Girl's face to make her feel ashamed.

But after the school bell rang, he would still go to Happy Farm to tinker with his small vegetable patch.

Xiao Chuyi asked Xu Yin whether she received a pack of chili seeds, and it was also the fighter among chili peppers - Chaotian pepper.

It's not because I like spicy food, but because I want to use chili to make a mask.

Recently, she found a textbook on special facial masks in the library. It seems to be a few years old, and it should have been published when facial masks were just emerging.

One of the chapters is about the production method of chili mask.

Capsicum can stimulate blood circulation, therefore, capsicum mask has the effect of shrinking pores, tightening the skin, and cleaning the surface of the skin.

Xu Yin was stunned when Feng Yinuo suppressed a smile and said, "..."

There are dark dishes in the catering industry, but never thought that there are dark masks in the beauty industry?
real or fake?

She looked at Xiao Chuyi suspiciously for several times, and thought that these sisters would hold grudges against her, and she couldn't beat her in terms of force, so she wanted to use chili peppers to make a dark mask to deal with herself?

This reminded her of the anti-wolf spray pepper spray that was popular among women in the small world in the last small world... It's great against enemies, but is it okay against yourself?

Xu Yin shivered.

"Hey, if you want to make a mask, I think cucumber is better. Cucumber clears away heat and detoxifies, and many people slice it directly and apply it to the face. It must be very effective when made into a mask..."

She tried to lure Xiao Chuyi, who was full of dark masks, back on track.

Xiao Chu glanced at Xu Yin: "Didn't you say that? This season has already passed the best month for growing cucumbers."

Xu Yin: "..."

My sister is right, but at that time my sister didn't know that you wanted to grow chili peppers and use them to make facial masks!
It feels like it's my own pot again!

"Actually, it's not impossible to grow cucumbers. It's just this season. The temperature is a little low in the morning and evening, and the germination of cucumbers is slow, and the growth period is also long. It's almost late autumn when they are harvested. I worry that the ones that grow stiff and stiff will not taste good. But If you’re using it as a mask, then it’s okay to be stiff, right?”


In the end, under Xu Yin's argument, Xiao Chuyi replaced part of the cucumber seeds. As for the Chaotian pepper, she insisted on planting, and finally kept two plants.

Xu Yin: "..."

Wondering when to secretly replace these two chaotian peppers with non-spicy green peppers.Anyway, they are all peppers, and the seeds grow about the same.snort!


After school that day, Xu Yin went to Happy Farm as usual.

"Sister Yin, we'll go with you!"

Zhao Li and the others caught up and chattered to Xu Yin about their small vegetable garden:

"My cabbage has sprouted, so cute!"

"My potatoes have several leaves and the verdant vines are kind of starting to roll."

"My sweet potatoes are also starting to curl up."

"My radish has grown small leaves. I really want to get my phone on Friday, I must take a picture to show my parents!"

"That's right! I thought so too. My parents probably haven't grown vegetables by themselves!"

Xu Yin paused slightly when she heard this, and asked tentatively: "Do they think you are not doing your job properly? You obviously came to school, but you started planting..."

"How could it be! My mother knows that it's too late to be happy! She's afraid that I won't study hard at school and have nothing to do and cause trouble." Liu Chen hurriedly said, "I went home last week and told my mother that our class monitor I love to study, and even led our whole class to study. My mother was very happy, and let me invite you to my house as a guest. But I know you will go home on weekends, so will it be okay to come to my house to play when there is a long holiday? "

"My mother is too." Zhao Li nodded in agreement, "I heard that Sister Yin led us to study morning reading early and study homework at night. I really want to meet Sister Yin! Whose little fairy is this? It's so cute... Usually, if my mother praises people like this, I will definitely not be happy, but I am honored to praise my sister Yin, hehehe!"

Xu Yin was secretly relieved to hear what they said.

I think the parents have the same heart, as long as the grades don't drop, they generally don't interfere if they do something after school.Besides, growing vegetables is not a bad thing.

Grades, right?

Xu Yin thought for a while and asked them: "The last weekly test, how do you think you did?"

Zhao Li: "I've made great progress! If I had made such progress in junior high school, I might be able to go to general high school."

Liu Chen: "I have made such a big improvement in a week, my mother must be very happy knowing that, maybe she will take me to have a hot pot buffet."

Kong Danni: "Sister Yin, I admire you so much! You have improved our average score so much in just one week."

Chen Qianqian: "If we make such great progress every week, are we sure that we will be able to go to college after the college entrance examination?"

Xu Yin rubbed her chin and said, "It's not enough! If you want to be admitted to your favorite university in three years, the current efforts are just a drop in the bucket! Let you get used to it in the past two weeks. From next week, I will gradually increase the intensity."


What the hell!

The four looked at each other in horror:
"Yin, sister Yin, do you want to increase the intensity? I think it's enough."

"Yes, Sister Yin, I think the current intensity is just right. No matter how strong it is, I'm afraid everyone won't be able to absorb it or understand it."

"That's right." Xu Yin nodded thoughtfully.

Just when the four of them breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they could keep their current fulfilling, interesting and not tiring high school life, Xu Yin continued:
"Then give it another two weeks of transition. After the autumn sports meeting and before the midterm exam, let's add some learning content. It has always been this progress, and it is still quite difficult to get into a better university."


Thank goodness for going to college, we don't pick!real!So what kind of university is my favorite, I have never considered it at all!
(End of this chapter)

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