Chapter 564 Counterattack!loser! (38)

The four looked at each other crying.

End bird!

If the students in the class knew that Sister Yin's idea of ​​adding some learning tasks to the whole class was the result of the four of them rambling about, wouldn't they fight together?Whoooo!

Xu Tianyi was almost beaten last time, let alone them...

Look at each other: keep your mouth shut after returning to the classroom!Never say it!Don't even say it!

At the same time, I hope that the autumn sports meeting will come a little slower, and then a little slower...

Speaking of the sports meeting, Zhao Li asked Xu Yin if he would sign up, and his tone was a little excited: "Sister Yin, you will definitely win the championship in shot put, javelin and discus if you sign up!"

Xu Yin shook her head: "I won't participate."

"Ah? Why? You have so much strength, and these events are relatively easy, not as tiring as long-distance running and relay."

Xu Yinxin said that my sister is a strong man who cheated, and it would be a bit invincible to win the award by relying on this.

But I couldn't say it clearly, so I had to find an excuse: "I don't feel very comfortable with my wrist recently."

"Ah? Are you tired from too many vegetable fields? I'll give you a massage."

Liu Chen graciously massaged Xu Yin.

Her mother owns a beauty salon, and she went there whenever she had nothing to do, and she had learned professional massage techniques from professionals.

Xu Yin couldn't tell how painful she was pressing her. Are professional massage techniques so painful?Sister, can I not?
So much so that after school this Friday, she slipped faster than anyone else.

Everyone only had time to take a look at her handsome back, and they had already rushed out the back door and rode out of the school gate on a small pink electric donkey.

The students in the class were puzzled: "Sister Yin, what are you doing? Are you burning your ass?"

"Is it because Sister Yin didn't have a mobile phone, and seeing us queuing up to get the mobile phone, she felt unhappy and ran faster?"


"Then what should we do? Let's chip in and buy one for Sister Yin?"

"Do you think sister Yin will want it?"

"Then what do you say?"

"According to me, no one of us should bring a mobile phone with us next week." Zhao Li suggested, "Anyway, bring it and hand it in, and pick it up after school on Friday, and it won't take much time to get it home."

The girls had no objection, and scrambled to express their opinions:
"I agree!"

"I agree!"

The boys were a little hesitant. They wanted to make a game appointment when they got their mobile phones after school on Friday, and they could still play a game on the way home.

Qiqi looked at Xu Tianyi: "Brother Tian, ​​do you want to bring it or not? If you don't take it, we won't take it either!"

"Then don't bring it!" Xu Tianyi stretched lazily, "It's not fun anyway, I'm tired of playing these games."



The boy who went in and out with him slandered inwardly: Who made an appointment to play the king after school during lunch?Now I'm tired of playing, and I'm lying to ghosts!
Regardless of whether it was genuine or fake, at the end of the weekend, when returning to school, none of the students in the first year of senior high school entrance examination class brought a mobile phone.

The parents were surprised and asked in the parent group:
"Has the school introduced new measures against mobile phones? My children didn't bring mobile phones to school."

"It's the same at my house. I also said that the sun came out from the west today, so I took the initiative to leave my mobile phone at home."

"My family not only did not bring a mobile phone, but also carried a bag of junior high school textbooks back home, saying that they need to supplement the basics."

"Yes, yes, my family is also like this. After entering high school, he suddenly became enlightened, and his father and I were so happy. If this continues, there is hope for college!"


"So, the decision to choose Dongming was too correct!" Xu Tianyi's mother was overwhelmed by seeing it. The atmosphere in her son's class is so good?

She said excitedly: "The daughter of our downstairs neighbor's senior high school entrance examination was [-] points higher than our family's will, and she squeezed into Changshun, the most popular vocational high school. I met her in the elevator two days ago. She said that Changshun's discipline is not good. Great, the self-study class is as noisy as a vegetable market. There is still a gap between Pugaobi and Dongming. I asked if Dongming is similar. But how can I hear my children say that the class is very disciplined and the class is quiet In the self-study class, the class leader will lead the reading, give lectures, or do homework. My neighbors don't believe it, insisting that it is impossible, saying that it is impossible for Dongming to have such a good style of study and discipline, and that my children are lying to me..."

"Mother God, you only joined the group last week, so you missed some information. In fact, we discussed it in the group last week."

Liu Chen's mother and Liu Chen have a relatively good parent-child relationship, and they have more information than other parents.
"The learning atmosphere of the class is mainly related to their class monitor, Xu Yin. I heard that Xu Yin could have been admitted to a high school, but she failed in the high school entrance examination, so she came to Dongming. Under her management, the discipline of our class is very good. And I heard from Chenchen that Xu Yin also gave them free lectures, organized notes, and sorted out knowledge points. Not occasionally, but every day. Every day is fixed and fixed, which is equivalent to an extra review and consolidation class for the children. This time not They brought their cell phones because Xu Yin didn’t have a cell phone yet, and they learned from her. They don’t like to call the class monitor, they either call the boss or sister Yin, hahaha... Does it smell like a gang? But there is I am quite convinced of such a boss who is excellent in all aspects. Haha!"

"I see!"

Xu Tianyi's mother suddenly realized.

It's no wonder that his son never leaves Sister Yin's words when he comes home, and he's talking about their class monitor.At that time, she was still worried that he would mess up in school, so she followed a prick named Sister Yin.If it is the monitor, then no problem!
"I also heard from my children that their class leader is very kind. He not only took them to read early, gave them supplementary lessons, but also gave them weekly tests with their own test questions. They said that the biological corner of the school was transformed into a vegetable field by them. The squad leader took them to grow vegetables together. They studied hard during class, and went to work in the field after school. When I came back this week, I took a photo to show me, and said that when the radishes were ripe, I would bring them home for me and her dad to try! Dongming’s This learning and living atmosphere is much better than I imagined!"

"We also took photos and showed them to me. I didn't believe it at first, but I went to the class teacher to confirm it yesterday. This is true! Teacher Cai said that all the seeds were provided by the class leader himself. Watering and so on are all done by the class leader and the children themselves, and the school has not intervened at all. Even the ecological fertilizer applied is made by the class leader himself. It is said to be absolutely natural and organic, and it is more authentic than the organic vegetables sold in supermarkets. "

"Really? Then when the child comes back this week, I will praise him. Neither my father nor I know how to grow vegetables, but he learned it first. Very good, very good."


The parents were discussing enthusiastically in the group, and they were very curious about Xu Yin, the class monitor who only knew her name but never met her. They all said that they must get to know her when there is a parent-teacher meeting someday, such a sensible, studious, and independent child , even they admire.

(End of this chapter)

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