Chapter 572 Counterattack!loser! (46) (Third watch, ask for a monthly pass!)
For the next three years, they followed Xu Yin closely, step by step, and verified what they said.

Three years and six semesters may seem like a long time at first glance, but it seems like a passing time.

At the end of the first semester, there were still 25 vocational school entrance examinations, and among the top [-], Dongming, who had been at the bottom, took up one-sixth of the seats.

During the second semester, Xu Yin led Dongming students to achieve the highest average scores in mathematics and English, and the highest rate of excellence in Chinese;
At the end of the third semester, in the city's overall survey, Xu Yin still firmly occupied the top spot. Among the top 20, Dongming grabbed [-] places, which is quite high;

Fourth term...

Fifth term...

Every time the joint entrance examination and the unified test are over, all schools, including Pugao, pay attention to Dongming's results.

Seeing that Xu Yin is at the top of the list again, it is likely that Dongming will fall to Dongming again this year.

The highest average score, the first excellent rate, the first pass rate... Dongming has more and more titles and honors.

Even sports, singing and dancing, photography and other competitions between high schools are actively attended by Dongming students.

Dongming's characteristic "Happy Farm" has been in the news and seen in newspapers more than once.

Now the education system across the country knows that there is a vocational high school in Yangcheng, and the students it teaches not only crush the ordinary high school students in cultural subjects, but also achieve the ultimate labor education of remembering bitterness and thinking sweetly.

It was this feature that made Dongming named and praised by the Ministry of Education, calling on primary and secondary schools across the country to follow Dongming.

In this way, is the source of students still a problem?
Take a look at Dongming's admission score in the past three years, from Xu Yin's 249 this year, it has soared all the way to 549...

Many gifted students skipped other general high schools after missing out on Shizhong and No. [-] Middle School, and resolutely chose the college entrance examination class of Dongming Vocational High School.

Dongming's students have already crushed many vocational high schools, and even surpassed some general high schools. They have become the leader in the vocational high school circles and feared opponents in the general high school circles. The smiles on the corners of the eyes are increasing year by year, which makes Principal Ge happy .

From the initial shock to the later lying down, the schools were completely numb.

Xu Yin has gained a lot in the past three years.

Her Happy Farm has become a favorite corner of the school for teachers and students to relax after class.

The two-acre small farm is crowded with vegetables of all kinds: as small as onions, ginger and garlic, as large as golden pumpkins like tires.

The annual harvest season is the most beautiful moment on this campus, and it is also the happiest time for all teachers and students in the school.

Xu Yin and her classmates will contribute some dishes to the cafeteria on this day, adding one or two free dishes to all the teachers and students in the school.

At this time of year, Dongming's leave rate is the lowest. Almost no one will ask for leave on the harvest day of Happy Farm. If you miss it, you will not be lucky.

When Xu Yin was in the third year of high school, Dongming held a cooking class. The students in this class heard that the food at Happy Farm was delicious, so they bought it from Xu Yin out of their own pockets, and bought it back for the cooking class.

Xu Yin confiscated their money and established a good relationship with the juniors in the cooking class, which is equivalent to having her own kitchen at school.What better deal than this!

The cooking class students tasted the dishes made by Xu Yin once, and were pleasantly surprised to find that this senior sister is very good at cooking!

Even the teacher who taught them couldn't help asking Xu Yin: "There is a cooking competition, and the first-year high school students are still too young. I think your cooking skills can participate."

After Teacher Cai heard about it, she hurriedly talked to Xu Yin: "You are now in the third year of high school, and you are in the critical period of sprinting for the college entrance examination. You can no longer relax as much as you did in the first year of high school. There will be opportunities in this kind of competition in the future, but the college entrance examination is just this one time. Don't you still Want to repeat it?"

Xu Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I know."

Her goal has always been clear: that is to go to a medical university and learn Chinese medicine!

In addition to Happy Farm, she has another harvest in the past few years, that is, the scholarship is soft.

In the last winter vacation of high school, she took her family Ms. Xu, her face was icy cold by the northwest wind, but her heart was extremely hot, and she went to several real estates to look at houses. Using the scholarship as a down payment, she bought a three-bedroom, one-living house. Two for bedrooms and one for study.

Xu Yin was in charge of the down payment, and Xu Wanping was in charge of the mortgage. The mother and daughter finally had a house that really belonged to them in Yangcheng.

But even if there is a new house, after discussion between the mother and daughter, they still rent here in Wolongquan, which is convenient for Xu Wanping to do business, unless Wolongquan is demolished one day.

"Xu Yin!"

Before the new year, Lu Yunran and Liang Yuqing came to Xu Yin's house together. Their school only gave the senior high school students a holiday yesterday, a whole week later than Dongming.

"I knew you were selling sweet potatoes for Aunt Xu. How is the business?"


Xu's snack shop has already become famous in the past few years. Many tourists drive a few kilometers on autumn and winter afternoons, even through a small half of the city, to come to her house to buy sugar-fried chestnuts and roasted sweet potatoes. Green organic greenhouse vegetables go back.

Xu Wanping has long stopped going to the morning market and night market to set up stalls, and opening the back door is business.

Xu Yin handed the two little friends a rouge sweet potato each, "It's just baked, be careful of being hot."

Lu Yunran exaggeratedly sniffed while peeling off the skin of the sweet potato: "It smells so good! I just love this smell!"

Liang Yuqing was not in a hurry to eat, and switched hands to use sweet potatoes as a hand warmer. Looking at Xu Yin, she asked, "At this time, you still fry chestnuts and sell sweet potatoes every day? Are you afraid of delaying your studies? Aunt Xu won't talk about you?"

Before Xu Yin said anything, Lu Yunran hurriedly said: "Aunt Xu is not like our mother. Aunt Xu is very strict with Xu Yin, and she won't say anything if she passes the exam. But then again, Xu Yin It seems like I haven’t failed the exam in three years? My mother said that if I have such a stable performance as Xu Yin, she will never stop me from playing around.”

Xu Yin defended herself: "Hey, I'm not playing around, I'm doing serious things."

"Yes, yes, you are serious about everything you do. By the way, how are your two senior sisters who started a business? Has the company started?"

Lu Yunran was talking about Xiao Chuyi and Feng Yinuo.

After they graduated two years ago, they rented a house in the old town to start a business. Xu Yin visited them a few times, sent them some vegetables from the farm, and gave them clever advice when they encountered bottlenecks. No, I finally waited until the two of them made the special mask.

Recently, I heard that we are looking for a cooperative factory for trial production.

For this reason, Xiao Chuyi shared [-]% of Xu Yin's bonus and thanked her for her generous help.

Don't look at how much the bonus is right now. After a few years, Yiquan's special skin care mask has made achievements and established a brand. Orders from home and abroad are overwhelming. The amount of this bonus is considerable. When Xu Wanping arrived, she was almost scared out of her wits, thinking that her daughter was doing something illegal, she was sitting at home, and the money came from the sky...

That's another story.

Right now, Xiao Chuyi and Feng Yinuo are still renting a house and doing debugging over and over again.

Xu Yin hadn't seen the two of them for a while.

"Xu Yin, have you decided which university to take? What major to choose? After the new year, we will soon be a model. Our class teacher asked us to compare our favorite wishes when we are in a model." Lu Yunran pulled Xu Yin back. The thought of running away.

Liang Yuqing said: "Xu Yin still need to ask, her grades must be in Huada."

Xu Yin囧: These sisters haven't given up yet!
What about your other half?Haven't shown up yet?Are you really slapped by me?This is a crime!
If the university was the same, wouldn't they stare at her all the way to take the postgraduate entrance examination and doctoral examination together?Wouldn't this make the heroine of the original text miss the rhythm of destined marriage and become a bachelor from now on?
Xu Yin clasped her claws: "I've made up my mind! If I don't want to go to Huada University, I will go to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and I'll be a local student in Yangcheng!"

After a pause, I found the most convincing reason: "If I go to a university in another place, my mother will be alone."


It's all about Aunt Xu, what else can they say?

After the two returned home, they told their parents that both felt sorry for Xu Yin.

With the current excellent grades in BGI, it is really a pity to only study in an ordinary university in Yangcheng, which is neither 985 nor 211.

Lu's mother has often come to Xu Yin's house to buy vegetables in the past few years, and chatted with Xu Wanping for a while.

Of course Xu Wanping didn't know, and was very surprised when she heard this: "She didn't tell me anything! This child! I'll ask her!"

Xu Yin had just delivered food to the uncle next door, and brought back a bowl of crispy tofu puffs fried by the uncle himself. It was still hot just out of the pan.

After washing her hands at home, she just stuffed one into her mouth when she saw Ms. Xu tugging her apron and rushing into the house in a hurry: "You want to stay in Yangcheng to study in university?"


The tofu puffs that Xu Yin had just chewed squirted out...

Which sisters cheated on me again!
(End of this chapter)

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