Chapter 573 Counterattack!loser! (47)

"Mom, listen to me..."

Xu Yin persuaded her family, Ms. Xu, to allow her to apply for Yangcheng University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

What could Xu Wanping do if she disagreed?

This daughter has been particularly assertive since she became enlightened three years ago.

Having said that, if I didn't get the hang of it three years ago, I should be worrying about what job to find after graduating from vocational high school. If I can't find it, I will have to sell vegetables like myself.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't matter what university my daughter goes to and what major she chooses!It is a great blessing and honor to be admitted!The kind that smokes from the ancestral grave!
After figuring it out, Xu Wanping stopped being entangled. Afterwards, whoever tried to persuade her, she would just smile and say, "If the child likes it, let her do it! After all, she will walk the rest of her life on her own."

When a daughter is a tendon, when a mother chooses to lie flat, what else can others say?
In June, high school students ushered in the most important moment - the college entrance examination.

The college entrance examination classes that Dongming has recruited in the past two years have a good source of students, but the one that everyone is most looking forward to is Xu Yin's college entrance examination class this year.

This class went from being at the bottom of Yangcheng when it first came in, to defeating more than a dozen common high schools in the comprehensive test, and the excellent rate is second only to the top three high schools. Can it not be eye-catching?

Whether it is the parents of this class or not, whether it is Dongming's teachers and students or not, they are all paying attention to this class. They want to see whether the students in this class can perform as well as they have done in the past two years in the official college entrance examination battlefield. A beautiful battle.

And prestigious schools like Peking University and Huada University focused more on Xu Yin, wanting to see how well she could score in the exam.

In the sprint stage of the third year of senior high school students who are immersed in hard training, wishing to break 1 minute into 2 minutes, and hold books in their hands when going to the toilet, there is still such a person who spares an hour or two every day to grow vegetables happily and go home every week Help her mother sell vegetables happily.

In her eyes, the college entrance examination is as common as everyday food, as if it is not much different from any exams in the past.

Those who appreciate her wish her a triumphant return; those who don’t appreciate her approach and feel that she is a bit of a game, secretly pray that she will encounter a Waterloo, so as to warn future generations: Look!If you don't pay attention to the college entrance examination, no matter how good you are at ordinary times, you will eventually fail.

No matter how other people speculated, Xu Yin felt that she was okay, she packed her things and went home after the exam.

In the scorching summer, the watermelons in Xu Yin's vegetable garden are ripe, and the melons from the uncle's house next door are almost ready to go on the market.

In the past two years, the watermelons grown in my uncle's house were all melon seeds brought out by Xu Yin, and the ecological fertilizer that was applied was also Xu Yin's retting.The watermelons from the two families were sold together, and even Xu Yin couldn't pick out which melon belonged to her family.

That being the case, she didn't divide each other, the melons of the uncle's house were weighed by the catty and kept in an account, and they were sold for a lot of money, and they didn't make the difference, just helping out.

The uncle felt sorry, so he came to help the Xu family look after the stall when he was free, and he also helped stir-fry chestnuts and roast sweet potatoes in autumn and winter.

This is where the close relationship comes out.

After shading in the evening, Xu Yin opened the back door, took out a basket of watermelons, sat on the stone steps sprinkled with well water and did not burn her buttocks, with a steelyard at her feet and a popsicle in her hand, blowing the summer evening air. Wind, sell farm organic big watermelon.

In summer, besides melons and fruits, other businesses are not easy to do. Xu Wanping will still buy a cart of vegetables and sell them in the morning market and night market. Xu Yin will be responsible for selling watermelons at home.

Those who pass by Wolong Spring at this point are either office workers who are off work, or who come to Wolong Spring to get spring water. Anyone who has eaten watermelons from her family will pull over and bring a few watermelons when they see that Xu’s family has started selling watermelons again this year. go back.

In the two-acre vegetable garden of her own, one acre of watermelon is planted, and the two-acre melon field of the uncle next door, half of which is watermelon. Xu Yin also mixes a few 8424 from the system warehouse from time to time, so she sells a basket every day, and closes the stall when it is sold out.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the high school entrance examination.

The principal and teacher of Dongming Vocational High had been in front of the computer early on, holding a list of students who were expected to be admitted to the university, waiting for the time to check their scores.

Of course, students can check it at home.

Students and parents attach as much importance to score checking as teachers do, and they are nervously holding mobile phones or computers to open score checking channels.

Oh, there is an alternative, that is Xu Yin...

At five o'clock in the morning, she brought a cart of vegetables from the wholesale market to the morning market for sale.

Today, her mother was invited by the aunt next door to go to Pudu Temple, the most popular place to offer incense, so Xu Yin took the initiative to take over the task of selling vegetables.

She spread the plastic film, unloaded the vegetables, sprayed the vegetables with spiritual dew, and started selling them.

The food at her vegetable stall was fresh and fresh, and the appearance was very good. After a while, many regular and new customers gathered.



Lu Yunran and her mother squeezed into the crowd.

"Have you checked your score?"

"How many exams did you take?"

"Ah? Oh, not yet!" Xu Yin weighed a handful of water spinach for an old man, and gave change to an old lady, and took the time to answer them, "Aunt Lu, Ran Ran, wait until I'm done with this wave and I'll look it up again." what."

Mother Lu: "..."

This is your college entrance examination score, why do you say it as if you are perfunctory to us?
Fu Yanan also came with her daughter. She knew that Xu Wanping often went to the morning market in this area, so she came here to ask Xu Yin how much she had passed the exam. She didn't want to be a mother, and her daughter was selling vegetables.


Fu Yanan and Mother Lu looked at each other.Xin said that this mother and daughter are really big-hearted!

Lu Yunran and Liang Yuqing were already chatting:
"Qingqing, how many exams have you taken?"

"731, how about you?"

"712, almost fell out of the top 100."

After the two exchanged their respective results, Qi Qi looked at Xu Yin, his eyes seemed to say: I'll just wait for you!
Xu Yin was speechless: "I really haven't checked yet, it's not that I won't tell you."

"Xu Yin, Xu Yin!" Teacher Cai shouted excitedly, unable to squeeze in, she jumped up from the outside and said to her, "Xu Yin, you have a perfect score! 750 points! The ranking has not been announced yet, only the top [-]! But even if it is still If someone gets full marks, you are also number one, and being tied for first place is also number one!"

"Really?" Lu Yunran was more excited than Xu Yin herself, "Xu Yin really got a perfect score in the exam?"

"Really! Not only me, but the principal and Teacher Li have verified it. They have checked it several times, and it will never be wrong!"

Teacher Cai didn't sleep all night last night. She was nervous and expectant in the first half of the night, and excited and sleepless in the second half of the night, but her mental state was better than when she slept for eight hours.

It's hard to believe that she brought out a top scorer in the college entrance examination, woo woo excited!With this score, she can boast for three lifetimes!


Lu Yunran was really happy for Xu Yin, she turned around and hugged Xu Yin: "Xu Yin, Xu Yin, you are amazing!"

Liang Yuqing's mood was indescribably complicated.

During the summer vacation of the senior high school entrance examination year, she was a top student and Xu Yin was a scumbag. Her high school entrance examination score was more than twice that of Xu Yin's.

Today, three years later, she is still a top student, but Xu Yin has become a god of learning. The two have been pk for three years, and she has never defeated Xu Yin, not even once.

This made her both helpless and funny, she stepped forward and hugged Xu Yin tightly: "Congratulations! You have won! I am convinced that I lost!"

Fu Yanan and Lu's mother looked at Xu Yin and were also moved.

This kid is really fighting back!From a score of 250 in the high school entrance examination to a perfect score in the college entrance examination, it took her only three years to realize the gorgeous transformation from a scumbag to a learning god.


They are really convinced!

People passing by heard that the owner of this vegetable stall turned out to be the top scorer in the college entrance examination this year, and they rushed to buy her vegetables, saying they were happy.

For a while, Xu Yin's booth was full of people.

Lu Yunran and Liang Yuqing's family were squeezed out at some point, and Teacher Cai was scolded for being ignorant by an old lady: "Why are you blocking this place if you don't buy vegetables? We're delaying the joy of the stall owner."


What's even more exaggerated is that those residents who just arrived with vegetable baskets, obviously didn't know it, thought that this stall was selling some cheap and good things, and they tiptoed and scrambled to shout:
"Boss, leave me a copy!"

"Boss, I want one too!"

What a squeeze!What do you want!The stall owner sells ordinary vegetables, um, at most they taste better.

(End of this chapter)

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