Chapter 574 Counterattack!loser! (End of this article)
The news that the students of Dongming Vocational High School won the No. 750 Scholar in Yangcheng City and the No. [-] Scholar in W Province with an excellent score of [-] points not only made local headlines, but also became a trending search.

The most elated ones are the vocational high school students.

"Did you see it? The top scorer out of the vocational high school!"

"Why are there no voices from No. [-] Middle School and Shizhong this year? Oh, it turns out that Yangcheng No. [-] has been replaced."

"Hey buddy, Dongming is my alma mater!"

"In the future, if anyone asks me which school I graduated from, I will pat my chest loudly and say: I graduated from a school at the same level as the provincial champion!"

The happiest and most excited ones are of course Dongming teachers and students.

Not only did Xu Yin bring them the highest honor, this year's college entrance examination class, the undergraduate admission rate is the highest in history, 80% of the data, not only the vocational high school has no rivals, but the general high school can squeeze into the top five, second only to No. [-] Middle School, Real Middle School and several other established high schools.

The parents of the students whose undergraduate courses were online were so happy that they kept thanking Xu Yin in the parent group, and they almost beat the gongs and drums to tell everyone.

There are forty students in the college entrance examination class, and there are as many as 32 undergraduates. Although several of them are just online and may not be able to enter undergraduate colleges, this also makes the parents happy enough.

Back then, when they sent their children to the Dongming College Entrance Examination Class, it was purely in the mood of trying, thinking that after three years they could be admitted to a college and continue their studies, and if they couldn't, they would look for a job.

As for undergraduate, I never thought about it.At that time, the disparity in scores was too great, and Meng didn't dare to do this.

Who would have imagined that three years later, this dream that he dared not dream would come true!

The remaining eight did not take the undergraduate course, and they all took the art test and passed the professional course by virtue of their respective strengths.

This is equivalent to saying that their college entrance examination class has a 100% enrollment rate.

"Wow! The moment I saw the result, I was so happy!"

"Who said it wasn't! I didn't sleep all night, so excited!"

Among them, Xu Tianyi's parents were particularly excited.

"Hurry up! Husband, pinch me, and my son has passed the undergraduate course? Not only the undergraduate course, but also the undergraduate college. Why do I feel so unreal!"

Xu's father pinched his wife's waist: "Is this true?"

"Hiss! You are going to die! Pinch so hard!"

"You asked me to pinch you..."


"Go! Tell Mom and Dad the good news!"

In the elevator downstairs, I met the neighbor's parents again.

"Mom Dandan..." Xu's mother greeted each other happily, "How did your family Dandan do in the exam?"

"..." It's true which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

Dandan's mother twitched the corner of her mouth: "I didn't pass the exam, and now I am worried about what major to fill in. How is your family's providence? He should be good, right?"

"It's not bad." Xu's mother smiled when she mentioned her son's grades, "26 points beyond the undergraduate threshold, I should be able to fill in several undergraduate schools. I just haven't decided whether to go out of the province or choose a school in the province..."

Dandan's mother was very upset when she heard it.

Back then, my daughter's high school entrance examination scores were much higher than Xu Tianyi's. Although she failed to enter the general high school, she also entered Changshun, the vocational high school with the highest score, and entered the college entrance examination class that Changshun valued the most. A dash for the college entrance examination.In the end, the three years of high school were in vain, and I didn't know if I had to study in junior college.

On the other hand, Xu Tianyi, who was so poor in the high school entrance examination, entered Dongming, who was at the bottom of the 25 vocational high schools at that time, thinking that it was purely to mix up his diploma. Dongming was thrown a few streets behind.

In Xu Tianyi's class, he even got a pass rate in some undergraduate courses that is hard to beat in ordinary high schools. Xu Tianyi, a brat who is not stingy, unexpectedly got admitted to the undergraduate course...

This made Dandan's mother, who had always believed that Xu Tianyi was not as good as her daughter, how could she accept it. As soon as she got out of the elevator, she found an excuse to leave in a hurry.

Xu's mother looked at her back as if she was running away, shook her head with a smile, and said to Xu's father:
"I've always known that she looked down on our Tianyi. When she was in junior high school, Tianyi sat at the same table with her daughter for a few days. She went to the class teacher every day and asked for a seat adjustment. She said that our Tianyi talked too much and worried that it would affect her daughter's study. .Every time we met before and after the high school entrance examination, I would ask me how I did in the Tianyi exam. Is it because her daughter did better in the exam than Tianyi, deliberately showing off, as if I couldn’t see it...Now look, where do you ask, It's too late to hide from me. However, it turns out that it's not the deskmate at all, but the monitor who can affect the grades."

"Pfft..." Xu's father said happily, "Yes, yes! Have you decided what gift to give Xu Yin?"

"Aren't you thinking about that? According to God's will, her ideal is to become a Chinese medicine doctor, and she plans to apply to the University of Chinese Medicine in Yangcheng. How about we give her a set of acupuncture and moxibustion necessary for Chinese medicine experts? Customize it better..."

"Ah? With such good grades, why don't you go to Huada University or Beijing University? Stay in Yangcheng to study Chinese medicine? Isn't this a waste?"

Not only Xu's father thought so, but also Principal Ge, Teacher Cai and all the teachers, students, relatives and friends who cared about Xu Yin thought so.

"Xu Yin, have you thought it through?"

Xu Yin nodded solemnly: "I have thought about it very clearly. I want to learn Chinese medicine and I want to accompany my mother."

"Then you can choose the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the capital, and bring your mother to live in the capital? That is the only Chinese medicine school in the country that has entered Project 211. Isn't that good?"

Xu Yin shook her head: "My mother has no education, and she enjoys her current life very much. She lives well, which is my greatest wish as a child."

For the same reason, everyone went to Xu Wanping again, wanting her to persuade Xu Yin, don't be so stubborn, the world is so big, with such a high score, you should go out, it's a pity to stay in Yangcheng.

Xu Wanping also said this: "The most important thing is for Yin Yin to be happy. No matter what she decides, I will support her!"

Everyone: "..."

These two women are definitely the wonders of the mother-daughter world.

Obviously possessing such a good deck of cards, he must be labeled as mediocre.

As soon as the results of the college entrance examination came out, various colleges and universities began to compete for candidates.

When they snatched Xu Yin, they were stunned: What's going on?The top scorer did not apply to Peking University or Huada, but to a local Chinese medicine university in Yangcheng?Is there anything special about this university?

Insider: Heh!Do not ask!Ask is close to home.


The top three prestigious schools in the country and 985/211 from all over the country cried.

Yangcheng University of Traditional Chinese Medicine laughed.

Their principal's surname is Wu, and like Principal Ge, he is also a very down-to-earth "Mediterranean" old man. When he heard that the provincial champion had applied for their school, he was so happy that he came to Xu Yin's house to express his opinion:
"Student Xu Yin, on behalf of our Yangcheng University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you! Your score is more than enough no matter which major you apply for, so you can apply with confidence. If you don't like it, you can change it when the time comes. In addition, I heard from Principal Ge that you like to grow crops in the field. It just so happens that our school has its own herbal medicine base, and I will allocate a piece for you when the time comes. ..."

Xu Yin: "..."

Although she was a little dumbfounded, she had to say that this gift from Principal Wu was sent to her heart.

Soon, all colleges and universities heard that the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine used a piece of leftover land from the herbal medicine base to deceive a provincial champion.

Everyone was puzzled: Are all the champions in the college entrance examination so unconventional these years?Don't want high scholarships, don't want the aura of prestigious schools, what is better than giving them a piece of land?
On the day of returning to school to hand in the volunteer form, Xu Yin was surrounded by a group of parents in the college entrance examination class, and was forced to accept a bunch of thank you gifts.

There are books related to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture silver needles, drawings of acupoints, etc., all of which she will need in the future.

Xu Yin had nothing to repay, so she took everyone to the happy farm that she had carefully built for three years.

In the last six months, she planted two acres of watermelon with her classmates without planting anything else.

The seedlings are a few days later than the melons in her vegetable garden, and they are in season right now.

Fertile and pollution-free soil, the watermelon grown has thin and juicy skin, red soil sunspots, sweet and refreshing.

"Come! Pick it yourself!" Xu Yin waved her hand cheerfully, "There are forty students in our class, each pick two to take home, and the rest will be donated in the name of our class to those who have worked so hard to teach us, accompany us, and Help our teachers. From now on, this farm will be returned to the school."

"No! Sister, can you leave it to us?" The juniors from the cooking class ran over, "We promise, we must manage and maintain it well, so that Happy Farm can be passed down forever. , and become the most iconic beautiful landscape in Dongming!"

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for turning the fate of cannon fodder in this world, the extra task is 100% complete, the task reward is being settled, and the new world channel has been opened...]

(End of this chapter)

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