Chapter 575 Counterattack!loser! (Extra 1)

This year, the number one student in the college entrance examination in Province W entered Yangcheng University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in a low-key manner.

This made countless colleges and universities that coveted her regretful.

Xu Yin is like a fish in water.

She was finally able to systematically learn and fill in the gaps in the superficial Chinese medicine knowledge accumulated in several small worlds.

Because I learned Chinese medicine with the attitude of learning boundless and striving for perfection, five years of undergraduate course is not enough, I continued to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and three years of postgraduate graduation still felt that it was not enough, so I continued to study for a Ph.D.

Fortunately, in her spare time, she used the herbal medicine she cultivated to make medicinal oil, and applied for a patent. Later, she cooperated with Xiao Chuyi's Yiquan Company and launched several Chinese herbal facial masks with excellent effects. There are firming and anti-wrinkle products, so I made a lot of money, not only did not have to bear the burden of the family, but also helped the family to buy a lot of property.

Otherwise, it would take ten years to study, even if Xu Wanping's vegetable stall business is booming, it will be very difficult to take care of it.

With the extra money earned by her daughter's research and development of medicinal facial masks, not only is the family life relaxed, but Xu Wanping's vegetable stall has also been upgraded from a small street stall in the past to a community vegetable shop model.

After the couple worked together to pay off the mortgage, they used the money they had saved in the past few years to buy a shop in the community shop of the new house. .

They sell ecological vegetables grown in their own vegetable garden, organic melons and fruits, as well as some mountain products and agricultural products contacted by Xu Yin.

Xu Wanping's Xu's food stall has a good reputation in the morning market and night market. Now that she has her own facade and stopped setting up a stall in the morning market and night market, those old neighbors and old customers are thinking about the delicious, delicious food she sells. Eco-friendly dishes, when free, will come to the store to buy together by bus.

Especially before the Chinese New Year, there are two small machines at the door, one for roasting chestnuts, one for roasted sweet potatoes or baked pumpkin with butter.If you can’t wait, you can also buy raw chestnuts, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins and make them yourself.

Xu Yin didn't mean that she wanted her family, Ms. Chen, to make a career out of it, but that she didn't want her to work as hard as before and have a face so that she wouldn't have to ride an electric tricycle into the rain.

A few years ago, Xu Wanping was a divorced woman with a daughter to support, and she didn’t have her own house in Yangcheng, so she lived in rented houses everywhere. Even though she married and had children early, and she was young when she divorced, few bachelors wanted to develop with her. Order something, even if there is one, the conditions are worse than Xu Wanping's.In the past few years, Xu Wanping was too busy selling vegetables to make money for her daughter's education, so she couldn't think about a second marriage.

But it’s different now. She has a house and a shop. Not only does her daughter not need her to provide, but she earns extra money and scholarships, and in turn can support her family as a mother.

Seeing that her daughter is about to graduate with a Ph.D., all major hospitals in Yangcheng, regardless of whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine (doesn’t the western hospital also have an integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine consulting room?) are scrambling to get her.

Xu Wanping has a big heart and a fat body now, and she is often dragged by her daughter to apply a mask together. Although she has climbed ten years old, she looks younger and richer than ten years ago.

There was an endless stream of matchmakers coming to her door.

Xu Yin has become more and more busy after studying in graduate school. She has not lived at home for a long time. Occasionally, she comes back to help her mother buy some high-quality ecological agricultural products, and accompany her to go shopping for clothes and have a meal. Usually, she stays at home for one night. The next morning I rushed back to school.

This time I finished my doctoral dissertation. I had a few days off and went home for a short stay. Only then did I know that Ms. Xu, whose family is about to celebrate her [-]th birthday in two years, has such a market in a dating agency.

"Mom, if you really meet the right person, don't think about me, really!" She raised her hands and feet in favor of her mother looking for a second spring.

Xu Wanping slapped her with a smile and scolded: "I'm so old, what are you thinking about! It's you, after Chinese New Year's Eve, why don't you bring your boyfriend home to show mom."

"That has to be there." Xu Yin spread her hands.

"There are so many excellent boys in school, but none of them chased you? It shouldn't be!" Her mother didn't believe it.

Her daughter can't be said to be so beautiful that she is as beautiful as a fish and a wild goose, but she is not bad. What's more, she has such a good academic background and will not worry about work in the future. Why can't she find a partner?
Xu Yin pondered for a while, but it wasn't that no one was chasing her, but that she didn't call, probably because those boys were not "he".

"Mom, I'm still early. There are many classmates around me. Some of them are single like me. In our generation, 30 years old is the best time to start a career. It's not too late to consider the relationship between children and children after a successful career."

"..." Xu Wanping glanced at her helplessly, "Why don't you ask someone to hang up with you at a matchmaking agency?"

Xu Yin raised her hand in surrender: "Don't do it!"

Knowing that her mother was so famous in the dating agency, Xu Yin went to inquire about the men who asked the matchmaker to come to her door, for fear that those people would look at the house, shop, and money under her mother's name, rather than genuinely liking her mother. people.

It's really not in vain to ask, half of these people are vagrants, 50 to [-] years old, and don't even have a serious job. Is this kind of person worthy to pursue her family, Ms. Chen? KO!

The rest of the men are widowers and divorced, but they have children shortly after the divorce, and the children follow their ex-wife, and from time to time they argue to find their own father. Xu Yin also feels that it is unreliable. There were only two men left, one of whom Xu Yin actually knew.

"Lou Zhiming? Isn't that the manager of the original night market?" Xu Yin had an impression of him.

That year, her vegetable stall was maliciously slandered by Mrs. Liu from the stall next door. Some customers reported it to the market office. Lou Zhiming was one of the staff who came to deal with it.

Afterwards, he often visited her vegetable stall, saying that his father liked the tomatoes and cucumbers sold at her home, and he came to buy them almost every day.Xu Shi saw that people from the market all came to Xu's vegetable stall to buy vegetables. The business of her vegetable stall has improved, and there has been no more bullying.

"Could it be..."

Xu Yin stroked her chin, wondering how likely it was that Lou Zhiming had taken a fancy to her family, Ms. Chen.

Seeing her asking about Lou Zhiming, the aunt of the dating agency laughed mysteriously: "This little Lou is three years younger than your mother, and he was married once in the early years, because the other party disliked his work and was too useless, and he often had to leave early and return late. After less than two years of marriage, he fell in love with another man... After the divorce, he and his father depended on each other for life. In fact, there were many divorced women who fell in love with him, but he rejected them all. Your mother is here, but he The one who came to find me..."

After Xu Yin returned home, she truthfully mentioned Lou Zhiming's situation to her mother. She wanted to hear what her mother said, but she didn't expect her family's Ms. Chen to blush when she heard Lou Zhiming's name.


what's the situation?
"Hey, he actually expressed his opinion to me in the early years. At that time, we just moved to Wolongquan, and you just started high school... I was under a lot of pressure. I didn't have the mood to think about it. I refused without thinking."

When Xu Wanping mentioned this, she was obviously a little embarrassed, she said a few words awkwardly, and went to the kitchen to cook.

Xu Yin: "..."

From this point of view, Comrade Lou is not just a hothead for shaving his head!
(End of this chapter)

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