Chapter 576 Counterattack!loser! (Extra 2)

Lou Zhiming's official visit was during the summer vacation of Dr. Xu Yin's graduation.

The work unit has been implemented - it is her alma mater.

Yes, she stayed on to teach.

This made the leaders of the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and hospitals of Traditional Chinese Medicine at all levels surprised.

They are scrambling for people here, and they almost didn't expose the black information of their colleagues to increase their bargaining chips. Unexpectedly, they were quietly picked up by the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Maybe the University of Chinese Medicine saved the Milky Way in the last life, right?
Ten years ago, I recruited a provincial champion with full marks in the college entrance examination, and ten years later, I recruited a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who published SCI papers from time to time to stay in the school to teach...

Well, these two are actually the same person.

This is what confuses everyone: what is good about the University of Chinese Medicine?Let such an excellent Chinese medicine talent not hesitate to give up a prestigious school, and still linger so much?
Principal Wu was chased and questioned by his peers, and he smiled without saying a word.

joke!Dr. Xu likes to grow herbs himself, and has a small private herb garden in the herbal medicine base of the University of Chinese Medicine. Can you tell the outside world?It is said that all colleagues are going to contract the medicine garden to plant for Dr. Xu, so does your side still have an advantage?
Since Xu Yin came to her school ten years ago, the admission score for undergraduates has increased every year in the following few years. As she took the postgraduate entrance examination of this school, the source of graduate students has also increased by a certain amount.Now that she is staying at the school to teach, is she afraid that she will not be able to recruit excellent students?
So can not say!You can't even say it!
The University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a bit far away from home, and she lives on campus when she is studying, and it is even more impossible to go back and forth every day after work. It just so happens that the unit arranged a single dormitory for her, which is more luxurious and comfortable than the dormitory for doctoral students. After seeing it, Xu Yin was very happy. Satisfied, I'm packing my luggage these days.

While helping, Xu Wanping thoughtfully reminded her that when she meets a suitable partner, she should seize the opportunity and stop procrastinating. If she procrastinates, she will really become an old girl...

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Lou Zhiming dressed in formal clothes on a hot day, holding a bouquet of Xu Wanping's favorite perfume lily, stood awkwardly at the door.

Seeing that Ms. Chen's face turned red, Xu Yin knew it well.

Got it!
She will not stay in the eyes of the two of them.

"Mom, I'm too late, let Uncle Lou help you get the goods in the store! I'm leaving first!"


Just as he was carrying his luggage, he almost bumped into a strange old man and an old lady.

The other party saw Xu Yin, and grabbed her hand with tears in her eyes: "Wanping! You are Wanping's daughter, aren't you? It must be, how similar you look..."

"Dad? Mom?"

Xu Wanping, who hurried out with her daughter's left mobile phone, froze in place when she saw the other party.


Life is like the tide, ups and downs...

This year, Xu Wanping ended her single life after divorce, and had a twilight relationship with Lou Zhiming, who had been pursuing her for many years, and entered the palace of her second marriage at the end of the year.

This year, Xu Yin had an extra pair of grandparents who were relatives from different generations.

Back then, they were angry at their daughter for making her own claims, ran away with a man they didn't like, and threatened to break off the marriage with her.

After the daughter ran away from home, the old lady was so angry that she developed old illnesses. Xu Wanping's elder brother took the second elder to the city where he worked. It was not until the year before last that he was transferred that he sent the second elder back to his hometown.

This is also the reason why Xu Wanping's calls to her hometown in the early years were never answered. She thought her parents hadn't forgiven her and was unwilling to answer her calls, but her parents thought that this unfilial girl was doing well outside, and they couldn't think of her parents. .

It wasn't until I returned to my hometown that I learned that the man who coaxed their daughter into marrying him with all his rhetoric hadn't made a name for himself outside and had returned a long time ago, but the boy he was holding was not their grandson. The woman with the second child is not their daughter.

Xu Wanping's elder brother took someone to beat him up, and only then did he hear from the man that he and their daughter had divorced a long time ago, who knows where she is now.

The second elder only regretted it at this time. He shouldn't have vented his anger in a hurry and said those things that made her die outside, and don't come back in this life to embarrass their old Xu family.The kid took it seriously, and would rather suffer outside than go home.

Xu Wanping's eldest brother asked someone to look for her sister, and it took two years to find her.Afterwards, the second elder gave Xu Yin all his love...

"Isn't this great? Happy-ending rhythm!"

Lu Yunran heard from Xu Yin that she was 30 years old, but her grandpa and grandma treated her as if she was three years old and loved her so much. It was really distressed and sweet, and she couldn't be happier, "You don't seem to be complaining, you are clearly showing off!"

She had just returned to China, and came to Xu Yin as soon as she adjusted the time difference.

The two met in a cafe near the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"By the way, when will Qingqing come back? The three of us haven't met in the past few years."

"Qingqing..." Xu Yin rested her cheeks, fiddled with the coffee with a delicate coffee spoon, and smiled, "I heard from Teacher Fu that she will be pregnant at the end of the year."

In the original text, the hero and heroine finally did not collapse, and they were finally together in college.

After graduating from university, the two took the postgraduate entrance examination together. During the postgraduate period, they received their certificates and realized their sweet love journey from school uniforms to wedding dresses.

Xu Yin's aunt's smile aroused Lu Yunran's curiosity: "What? Could it be that Qingqing's husband was introduced by you? He looked like a matchmaker."


How did you speak!

She is the aunt's laugh, not the matchmaker's laugh!

"Hey, I see that you are very envious of Qingqing's happy marriage. Do you have the urge to find someone? Or did you tell us that you have been dating secretly?" Lu Yunran looked at Xu Yin carefully, "Look at your face, this look With a graceful figure, I can't believe that no one is chasing you."

Xu Yin rolled her eyes: "That's because you are superficial!"


Still wanting to chat again, Lu Yunran's cell phone rang, and her boyfriend called, saying that he was taking her to meet a friend tonight.

"Go, go!" Xu Yin waved to her.

The sisters are still leisurely alone.

After drinking coffee, just about to get up, the phone rang.

Xiao Chuyi's excited voice almost burst her eardrums:

"Yinyin, it's done! Several rounds of financing have been negotiated! Our Yiquan will be listed soon! Celebrate! This time we must celebrate! Tell me a place, and Nuonuo and I will come over!"

Xu Yin rubbed her ears and said with a smile, "Congratulations! All right! I happen to be at the cafe on the commercial street, and I'll wait for you."

"Alright, here we come!"

So happy!

Xiao Chuyi and Feng Yinuo high-fived each other, chattering all the way, excited like a little girl who just left society ten years ago.

"Thanks to Yin Yin this time, if she hadn't taught me a set of coping methods, I still don't know how to convince those bosses!"

"You have to thank Yinyin well!"

"That is required!"

The two put on sunglasses, stepped briskly into the sports car in the parking space outside the building, started it, and slowly drove away from the business building, heading towards the commercial street that Xu Yin said.

At the front desk of the building, Tang Cancan, who was receiving visitor registration, couldn't recover for a long time.

Did she read it right?Those two people who went out just now are Xiao Chuyi and Feng Yinuo?
how do they...

"Young and promising!" The colleague next to her held her chin in admiration, "You're only 30 years old, right? You already own a listed company."

"What?" Tang Cancan couldn't believe it, "Xiao Zhu, are you talking about those two people just now?"

"That's right! Director Xiao and Mr. Feng from Yiquan Mask! You didn't come on maternity leave a while ago, and I receive them every time!"

"What!" Tang Cancan was even more surprised, "They made the Yiquan mask?"

"Sister Tang, do you know? I heard that the two of them are classmates, and Yiquan started their business together when they graduated. It was very difficult at the beginning, and the brand was established thanks to a chili mask, but the successor was weak, and it was once in trouble. At a low point, I did not know where to find a high-achieving student in the field of Chinese medicine, and launched several medicinal facial masks. The effect is excellent and there are no side effects. Only then has it completely occupied the facial mask and cosmeceutical market. It has become highly respected and loved by three generations. The brand, no, it will be listed soon, which is really enviable! At a young age, it is sitting on hundreds of millions of assets."


Tang Cancan couldn't believe that Xiao Chuyi and Feng Yinuo became the bosses. Not only did they succeed in starting a business, but they were about to become the original shareholders of the listed company.

The bosses of listed companies are so far away for these migrant workers who earn a fixed salary of [-] to [-] a month.But that was her former classmate, who was once a good friend who skipped classes, fought together, went shopping together, and ate barbecue together.

When did they part ways and drift away?
It sounds like it happened ten years ago, and it has something to do with that weird guy named Xu Yin in the college entrance examination world...

If you want to say that this weird leg is really thick and big, anyone who hugs her tightly will either pass the college entrance examination or succeed in starting a business, only you, mediocre... Oh, and Sister Wei, Sister Wei's company was a few years ago It was seized for tax evasion...

Thinking of this, Tang Cancan was in a trance for a moment, with mixed feelings in his heart. The emotion called regret spread wildly at the moment, but he couldn't tell whether he regretted breaking up with Xiao Chuyi when he graduated from vocational high school, or regretting that he didn't Hold Xu Yin's thigh tightly...

"Sister Yin! Sister Yin!"

Xu Yin refilled a cup of coffee, and while she was drinking and waiting for Xiao Chuyi and the other two, Xu Tianyi accidentally saw her.

He accompanied a well-dressed man through the cafe, and waved to Xu Yin in surprise through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Xu Yin went to Lu Yunran's house with Liang Yuqing during the summer vacation when she graduated from vocational high school. When she met Xu Tianyi at the gate of the community, she realized that his grandfather also lived in that community. The enthusiastic uncle who called the police urgently when he couldn't drop it.

Xu Tianyi is the uncle's grandson, and the uncle also has a grandson who has very good grades. Since he was a child, he has always followed the path of competition.

This is probably because the nine sons of the dragon are different.

But Xu Tianyi is doing well now. After graduating from university, he didn't take over from his father's class. Instead, he started his own design company, which is considered outstanding among his peers.

Just as Xu Yin's thoughts were wandering, Xu Tianyi pushed the door open and came in.

"Sister Yin, I was just looking for you. Your published paper was seen by my cousin, and I insisted on introducing the two of you. Oh yes, this is my cousin. Sister Yin, don't look at other people like dogs. Sometimes the words are not very pleasant to listen to. This guy has been shrouded in the aura of a master of learning and a god of learning since he was a child. ..."

His cousin glanced at him quietly, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with Xu Yin: "Zhou Chenjin."

Xu Yin was stunned for a moment, and her reaction was a bit slow: "Hello, I'm Xu Yin."

The other party smiled: "I know, Dr. Xu, the most maverick in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, I have read all your papers. I wonder if I have this honor. Please treat Dr. Xu to a meal?"

Xu Tianyi turned to look at him in disbelief: "Didn't you say that you have something to do at noon and you don't have time to have dinner with me?"

Zhou Chenjin sorted out her shirt cuff buttons slowly: "Yeah, don't you have an appointment?"


Xu Yin couldn't hold back for a while, and smiled a little.

Inexplicably, a line flashed in my heart: Spring is here, everything is recovering, and it is the season for animals to mate...


Obviously, autumn is here, and the autumn sun outside the window is high, and it is the harvest season of the year with many fruits...

 Entering a new world tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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