Chapter 578 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (2)

"I go!"

With her chest held high, Xu Yin pushed the door open and entered the room, expressing her attitude firmly in her tone.

A few people in the room who were complaining vigorously: "..."

"Cough, fourth, you just need to figure it out." Xu Mei cleared her throat, stood up and said, "We are also worried about you, this time we are just transferring you, thankfully we didn't fire you directly. What if... ...Are you right? The work on the farm is a bit tiring, but I heard from the workers at the main factory that the food on the farm is still very good, and lunch is included. Not much, but with the cost of the meal, the overall price is about the same..."

"Yeah, yeah, how many people out there are trying to get into the farm but they can't get in, just be content!" Xu Yao continued.

Xu Yin glanced at them with a half-smile: "It's so good? Then who should I trade with you?"

The four brothers and sisters were collectively silent.

The fifth child, Xu Rong, was silent because he was still in school and had no right to speak;
The other three, every time they mentioned their jobs in the past, they would say a few words in a sly way, saying, "You are so lucky, fourth child, all the advantages of your parents' appearance are concentrated in you, and the jobs in the factory are all based on a piece of paper." It’s because of your face”, “Since you are working in the factory, why do you have to be the secretary, otherwise you will lose your face”, “Since, the job in the factory is not suitable for you, I think You should get out of the workshop, or we can switch"...

In the past, he had been coveting to change positions with Yuan Shen, but now he has kept silent.

"Second Brother." Xu Yin looked at Xu Yao with a smile, "Didn't you always complain to me that the work in the workshop was boring and boring, and you always wanted to trade it with me? Are you still trading it now?"

"No, no, no!" Xu Yao subconsciously waved his hand to refuse, and was a little embarrassed to be stared at by his brothers and sisters, and explained with a dry smile, "Well, I finally got used to the work in the workshop, so I changed my position. Afraid...afraid of not getting used to it."

"Third sister,..."

"It's useless to call me sister, I won't change!" Xu Fang refused very quickly, "Now I like to manage the warehouse."

Xu Mei didn't wait for Xu Yin to look over, she turned her head to look at the sky outside the window: "Ah! Before I know it, the sun has gone down, I have to go back, Xiaojun is still at his grandma's house."

Xu Yin lowered her eyes and smiled.

These are the brothers and sisters of the original body!

Yuanshen was transferred to work in a bitter and tiring farm. They gathered together to discuss and worry, not because they cared about Yuanshen, whether she could adapt to the work on the farm or whether she could adapt to the life there, but because they were worried about Yuanshen. unwilling to go.

If you don't go, you have to squat at home.

Xu Rong didn't like Yuanshen, the fourth sister, and she was unhappy when she thought that she would stay at home every day in the future, her mouth was so pouted that it could hang on an oil bottle;

Xu Fang doesn't like this younger sister, they are only one year apart, and the original body seldom calls her elder sister, unless she asks her for help, usually the first and last name is the third.

The two sisters have been in the same situation since they were young, but because there are too many people in the family and there are few rooms, they have to sleep in the same room.

Xu Fang, who was sleeping on the lower bunk, felt that the original body on the upper bunk made too much movement and disturbed her sleep. slippery, causing her to fall several times.Both of them want to have a separate room.

What Xu Yao complained was that if this younger sister didn't change her temperament, she might implicate her family members, and blamed Yuan for not being rated as advanced.

Xu Mei, the married elder sister, looks like a peacemaker, but she is actually very good at planning and careful planning. She is the most thoughtful of the five brothers and sisters.

If the original body did not go to the farm, one less person in the natal family would go to work to earn wages.

Seeing that the second younger brother and third younger sister have reached the age of marriage, it is imperative for parents to ask her, the eldest, to borrow money.

So she didn't show it on the surface, but in fact, she was most looking forward to accepting the post transfer order and going to work in the farm.

Xu Yin: The plastic flower sisters outside can still maintain a face-saving friendship, but the brothers and sisters in this family are not even willing to do superficial efforts.

That's it!

Who made Yuanshen's mouth offend a lot of people, not to mention the betrayal of relatives, but it is true that no one really cares about and loves her.

Compared with Liu Xinxin's group favorite script and the future winner of life, the original body is a small cannon fodder to give someone's head.

Stay away from cannon fodder and cherish life!
Bazi Zhengyan sincerely do not deceive me!

Xu Yin decided to go!
Isn't it just a farm? The working environment is a bit harsh, but compared to textile workshops and factory offices where almost all the workers are female workers, she still prefers a farm with fewer people and fewer disputes.

Xu Yin poured herself a glass of water, and mixed it with a drop of Linglu to detoxify the body and enhance immunity. After drinking, she went back to her room to pack her luggage.

Xu Aiguo sent the secretary of the factory office all the way to the gate of the textile factory, but in fact he still wanted to fight for it.

But the Liu family has many sons, and all of them are the backbone of the big factory. They work together, and this matter must be explained to the Liu family.

"According to me, Uncle Xu, it's good to let Xu Yin go to the farm to stay for a while, firstly, to avoid the sharp edge this time, secondly, there are few people there, and one person manages several pigs by himself. The person she is talking to just precipitates her temperament of opening her mouth to offend others."

When the secretary of the factory office said this, Xu Aiguo knew that there was no room for change in the transfer of the fourth post.

He put his hands behind his back, sighed, and walked home with heavy steps.

If only the fourth child is willing to go to the farm!Isn't this why you don't want to seek life and death!

When I got home, it was dark and the stove was still cold. The second child and the third child were sitting in the dark main room with strange expressions.

"You mother? You haven't come back at this point?"

"Mother probably went to see my aunt to find a solution. But Dad, the fourth child just came back and said that she is willing to go to the farm."

"What? Really?" Xu Aiguo shook his hands, and the cigarette burnt him so much that he shivered, "She really said that?"

"That's what she said just now, if you don't believe me, you can ask Rong Rong." Xu Fang called out Xu Rong, "Did the fourth child say that she is willing to go to the farm?"

Xu Rong nodded like a pest: "The fourth sister said: Isn't it just a breeding farm, just go!"

When Xu Aiguo heard this, most of his heavy heart sank: "It's good that she figured it out. I asked the secretary of the factory office to keep an eye on it. I will be transferred back when I have a chance. I think it will only take a year or two at most. Going to the countryside to exercise."

At this time, Xu's mother also came back, her face was very long, and she couldn't find effective help from her elder sister.

However, after hearing from a few children that the fourth child has figured it out and is willing to go to the farm, Mother Xu's face looks much better: "Where is she?"

"I went back to the house and packed my luggage for a long time. I'm going to sleep now." Xu Fang said.

"I guess she's tired, let her sleep, and call her when the meal is done. Fangfang, come and help me light the fire."

Xu Fang curled her lips, thinking why the fourth child can sleep until dinner, but I have to light the fire.

Thinking about it, the fourth child went to the farm, and the room of the sisters will be hers alone. Thinking about it this way, I felt a little more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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