Chapter 579 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (3)

How could Xu Yin fall asleep? The system was already online. She lay on the bed with her eyes closed and rested her mind. By the way, she received the task reward from the last small world:
Energy point balance: 20000.

Task progress bar: 29%.

Maximum time ratio: 2900:1
Currently possessed random skills:
【Permanent divine power】

【Floating Light and Misty Rain】(Limited excitation)
【Universal voice actor】

[Concealment (non-permanent)]: There are 8 chances left, and each time is limited to 0.5 hours.

【Avoid water】

[Prosperous luck and disaster (non-permanent)]: 2 chance left.

Although no random skills were exposed in the last small world, 30000 energy points were rewarded. If used properly, a lot of special discounts and good things can be obtained from the system store.

Xu Yin is quite satisfied with this.

Seeing that [Prosperous Luck Disaster] still has two chances, considering that it is a relatively special 60s, in order to survive her life better, Xu Yin thought twice and decided to use [Prosperous Luck Disaster] on herself— —I hope that the farm I will go to soon will be full of good luck!

At dinner this day, the Xu family members were very accommodating to Xu Yin.

Some are sincerely accommodating her, such as Xu Aiguo, although this daughter usually has a provocative mouth, and when she is angry, she can't wait to sew her mouth with embroidery needles, but the palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh, no matter how you say it His child always hopes that his daughter will be well.

In Xu's mother's heart, there are two sons first, her husband second, and three daughters last.

But today, for the sake of her youngest daughter going to the farm, it is rare for her to take the initiative to put a piece of fish in the fourth bowl: "Eat it!"

The last meat dish ticket for this month, the fish ticket, was also spent. For the next half a month, the whole family will be vegetarian.

Regardless of the number of workers in their family, everyone can get fish and meat tickets every month.But you must know that their city is famous for its large population. There are only a few textile factories, as well as steel factories, coal factories, electrical machinery factories... there are countless workers, and fish and meat, which are not so easy to get, are all Divided according to length of service.

Except for Xu Aiguo and the married Xu Mei, the others in their family have very short working years. For example, Xu Yao became a full-time worker from an apprentice last year, and the fish and meat tickets he gets are only one tael a month, and Xu Fang and Xu Yin are not much less. , the three children take home fish tickets every month, barely half a catty.

Xu's mother is also a budget-conscious person, thinking that when the second son reaches the age of marriage, not this year, but next year, he will definitely decide on a lifelong event, so the gift of thanking the matchmaker must be saved up, and he cannot eat as much as he has. They made an appointment to eat meat twice a month, one meal of meat in the first ten days and one meal of fish in the second ten days.

Every household is like this these days, and they have to plan their meals.

Their family is fine, because Xu Aiguo's uncle is a veteran cadre who retired from the textile factory. With his relationship, several children in the family went to work in the factory smoothly, and they took home a lot of tickets every month.Unlike other families, they are reluctant to eat meat once a month.

It's a pity that the textile factory has changed its director this year, and it was airborne. The most annoying group of retired veteran cadres are still dictating and meddling in the factory's internal personnel transfers.

"Alas..." Thinking of this, Xu's mother sighed with tightness in her chest.

Xu Fang curled her lips, and said with something in her words: "Fourth, look at how kind your parents are to you. You go to work in the farm and even buy fish for your farewell party. You left after eating this meal. There are still four in our family. My mouth, in the next eighteen days, I will have to stir-fry pickles with cabbage, there is no hope..."

"What are you talking about, third child!" Xu Aiguo snorted, "I can't stop you from eating."

"The third child is telling the truth!" Xu Yao chimed in, "The fourth child was transferred, and she made it on her own. Why should our family disrupt the rhythm?"

Xu Yin ate her meal slowly, swallowed the fish in her mouth, and said, "Are you envious that I have fish to eat when I am transferred? Then someday you will be transferred and I will personally give you a fish."


Xu Yao angrily finished eating, threw the chair down and went back to his room.

Xu Fang glared at Xu Yin: "When you arrive at the farm, please keep your mouth shut. Don't be the same as when the factory was running, picking things up all day..."

Xu Yin nodded: "Okay."

Xu Fang choked: "..."

Before she finished speaking, the second half of the sentence was stuck in her throat, and she suddenly couldn't remember what to say.

What happened to this guy today?Taking the wrong medicine?

In normal times, she would either put down her job and jump up to argue: "I picked something? What did I pick? Xu Fang, don't think that you can teach me like a father and mother by being one year older than me. It's not our family's turn." You come to accuse me... and say that I am picking things up, I think you are the one picking things up, right? Even a meal is not good for people to eat, do you feel uncomfortable seeing me eating two extra pieces of fish? Jealousy ?”

Or, with tears in his eyes, he complained to his parents: "Dad, look, the third child is bullying me again! She didn't pay you the wages, and secretly went to buy cream. What's wrong with me eating an extra piece of fish?"

And so on.

Xu Fang was ready to reply.

Unexpectedly, this time the fourth child didn't play the cards according to the cards, as if what she punched was not bricks or boards, but cotton.

Xu Fang: "..."

I was very puzzled.

One night, she tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, but Xu Yin slept until dawn.

Woke up energetically, ate a bowl of water, soaked rice, and pickles, Xu Yin put the packed luggage—actually, it was just a rolled-up bedding, stuffed with her original change of clothes and personal belongings, and easily carried it on her shoulders : "Father, mother, everyone, I'm leaving!"

Everyone? ? ?

Xu Yao, Xu Fang, Xu Rong, and Xu Mei, who was worried that the fourth child would change his mind, rushed to the house early in the morning to check on the situation: "..."

Don't we even have a title?
I was so angry that I fell on my back.

"Dad, look!"

"Mom, why is she like this!"

"Okay, okay!" Xu Aiguo waved his hands with a headache, "You guys, what should you do! You should go to work, you should go to school, what are you doing here!"

"..." Aren't they just seeing off the fourth child?

Who knew that the fourth child was so twisted!A good farewell made them feel angry instead!
One by one, they went to work angrily.

Xu Mei was about to leave, when she suddenly remembered something, she grabbed Xu's mother and asked, "Mother, you didn't give the money ticket to the fourth child, did you?"

"What? Mother, did you give money to the fourth child?" Xu Fang, who forgot to bring her lunch box and brought it back, was shocked when she heard it, "Why should you give her money!"

Xu's mother hurriedly comforted her: "No, no! Originally, your father asked me to give my fourth brother some money and food stamps. After all, I don't know what's going on at the farm. What if I'm hungry, but your fourth sister didn't want."

"She doesn't want it? Impossible!" Xu Fang sneered, "Unless the sun comes out from the west!"

"I really don't want it. The money is still in my pocket, and I haven't had time to put it back."

Xu's mother took out a handkerchief from her trouser pocket, and inside it was the five yuan and two catties of food coupons that the child's father insisted she prepare for the fourth child.

Xu Fang just gave up, muttered a few words, took her lunch box and hurried to work.

Xu Mei's lips twitched, and she finally said, "Mother, if the second brother is fast, he will have to do something this year, and if he is slow, he will definitely have to do things next year. This is the family's big deal. Don't spend your money on other things."

"I know."

Xu's mother was thinking about the marriage of the second child, so she asked the fourth child a question, and seeing that the fourth child didn't want it, she really didn't give it.

(End of this chapter)

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