Chapter 594 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (18)

Just when Sheng Yujin was dragged by the elders to find out about his relationship, Xu Yin returned to the farm.

As soon as I arrived, I went to the pig farm to visit the twenty little pigs I was in charge of.

The piggies seemed to know her, and when they saw her coming, they moaned and hooted over to beg for food.

Yuan Yafen said with a smile: "I just fed a meal half an hour ago, so I am definitely not hungry, just greedy."

Xu Yin smiled and grabbed melon seeds and gave them to her: "Thank you, Sister Yuan, for helping me take care of them."

"Just feed a few pig food, what's the hard work! But you, you only have a day off for half a month, why did you come back so early? Don't stay at home for a while? Are you worried about your pig?"

Xu Yin laughed: "It's fine at home anyway."

On the contrary, going back to help Xu Yao marry a wife, it is better to come back to accompany the pig.

When Xu Yin was cleaning the pigsty, she remembered the materials needed for the construction of the biogas digester, and asked Yuan Yafen: "Sister Yuan, did the director say when the cement and cement pipes will be delivered?"

"How can it be so fast? There are so many materials submitted, and it will take several days for approval. It depends on whether the brick factory and cement factory are busy, and whether there are other production plans ahead. I estimate that they can be shipped to us before the end of the year. That's not bad."


Is it so inefficient?
But it's useless to worry about it, you can only wait.

Fortunately, the sewer cover made of bamboo strips is still strong, and it can barely withstand it for a while.

Unexpectedly, the next day, Field Chief Qi came to tell her the good news:
"Xiao Xu, you have done us a great service! After the last report was published in the newspaper, deputy factory director Lin was commended by the superiors. No, factory director Zheng will be transferred to other places when his term of office is up. No accidents. The candidate for the director of the general factory is the deputy director Lin! Director Lin asked me to ask you, what kind of reward do you want?"

Xu Yin is happy: I'm really sleepy, someone gave me a pillow!
"Director, I don't want any other rewards. Can you ask Factory Manager Lin to give us priority in approving a batch of cement materials for the biogas digester, so we can build it as early as possible."

The head of the farm Qi gave her a thumbs up: "Comrade Xu Yin, you are the first grass-roots employee who I admire from the bottom of my heart! You are not seeking personal gain, and you are dedicated to the public. The farm has excellent employees like you. Good luck! You work hard, next year's advanced model worker, I recommend you!"

Director Qi still didn't say anything: He will retire in three years, and if the new director is not appointed by the superior at that time, but directly selected from the staff team in the factory, he will also decide to choose Xu Yin.

He had a premonition: Comrade Xu Yin would lead the farm to go higher and farther.

Thinking that the farm will become the center of attention one day, the head of the farm is full of excitement, and after returning home, he is still full of thoughts and can't calm down.

His daughter-in-law felt that this was not a good thing: "Old Yang, if she is really as capable as you say and makes the farm make great strides, what will others think of you? How can they compare you with her? How shameful!"

"Hey!" The head of the whole field waved his hands disapprovingly, "You have long hair and short knowledge! I will be retired by then, so what is the comparison? Chao, what kind of shame is it? You should be happy! And didn’t you notice? Xiao Xu has only been here for a few days, and our farm has been praised by the superiors many times. Not bad! There are a lot of praises. I have a bright face as the head of the field. Isn’t it my political achievements? Also, the higher authorities have been promoting biogas in various places. The reason why our field has been afraid to respond is because there is no money. Can't afford a technician? Now that there is a knowledgeable person in the field who can handle the biogas matter without additional expenses, how much face does it have to go to the city meeting? Isn't it just another political achievement?"

The daughter-in-law of the field chief thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the reason, so she didn't say anything more.

With the urgent approval from deputy factory manager Lin, cement, red bricks, cement pipes, cement concrete and metal pipes for discharging biogas were transported to the farm as quickly as possible.

Xu Yin led the pig farm workers to shake off their arms and start working.

Site selection, pond digging, line setting, formwork support...

It takes several days to build a biogas digester, not to mention connecting the sewage and sewer of the pig farm with the biogas digester, installing all cement pipes, and connecting the exhaust pipe of the biogas digester to the pig farm and the administrative office building. The scale is not small.

What should I do if there are not enough manpower?The head of the whole field called on all the employees to work together!Participate in the construction of biogas digesters together!
As a result, the workers sitting in the office can't bear it.

In addition to the fact that the logistics office has to take care of the swill buckets, issue bills of materials, and store materials in and out of the warehouse, etc., there is a lot of manual work. The staff in other departments should not take it too easy:

Sitting in the office with legs crossed, drinking tea and reading the newspaper, there is no sun in summer and cold wind in winter, and it is symbolic to go out for a walk when it is the turn of duty.

Although the salary is not as high as that of the office staff in the main factory and branch factories, the work is less and the work is very leisurely.

It's not like now, after finishing my own work, I have to assist my colleagues in the pig farm to cut pig grass.

Because the strong laborers on the pig farm took time out to do infrastructure construction, the unskilled work of cutting pigweed was assigned to the office.

On a hot day, after cutting the hogweed for half a day, my body was sweating profusely, tired and hot, and I couldn't help crying.

But it was useless to find the plant manager, because the plant manager said: "I am tired of cutting pigweed? Then I will give you another job? How about following Comrade Xu Yin to lay sewage pipes?"

That's even more tiring!
No way, I had no choice but to take a roundabout route and go to the chief wife to complain.

Before putting it aside, the field chief's daughter-in-law listened to the demands of the servants and decided to find a man to complain about.

Why does Xu Yin have to ask all the staff to cooperate with her if she says a word?How old is she!

But just two days ago, I heard a wave of analysis from the man, and felt that the well-run farm is related to the man's political achievements, so when the staff came to her to complain, she comforted her:

"Lao Yang can't help it. He can't help if he doesn't see Deputy Factory Manager Lin? Cement, bricks and other dead things, he can approve everything he can, but in terms of manpower, the main factory and the branch factory can't transfer more. Manpower, let our farm figure out how to do it ourselves. In fact, Lao Yang has already taken good care of you. You see, on the pig farm, no matter men, women, old or strong, they have to dig ponds and lay sewers. Not to mention tired, they are also terribly dirty. Maybe you’ll even cut your clothes… It’s just a moment of suffering, and when the biogas tank is built, the superiors will reward us, and at the end of the year, Lao Yang will definitely give you more benefits to make up for you.”

Seeing the field chief's daughter-in-law say so, everyone had no choice but to give up.

If you think about it, the workers in the pig farm work harder than them. They just cut the pig grass, and those people have to dig holes, pick mud, and lay pipes...

The most tiring thing is laying the pipes. The thick cement pipes need to be carried into the pit step by step and spliced ​​together tightly. It hurts the shoulders just looking at them.

There was no voice of opposition, and the construction of the biogas digester was proceeding steadily and orderly.

This morning, Xu Yin had just finished her work and was about to lay cement pipes. Sister Tian, ​​who went out to pick up the slop bucket, handed her a message: "Xiao Xu, someone is looking for you at the gate!"

After a pause, he added with a smile: "He's a handsome young man, he won't be your partner, right?"


(End of this chapter)

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